: a lover or connoisseur of wine.

What is a xenophile person?

: one attracted to foreign things (such as styles or people)

How do you pronounce Enophile?

What does the word Mephitic mean?

Medical Definition of mephitic : having a foul odor.

When an alkene is reacted with Enophile then reaction is termed as?

The ene reaction (also known as the Alder-ene reaction by its discoverer Kurt Alder in 1943) is a chemical reaction between an alkene with an allylic hydrogen (the ene) and a compound containing a multiple bond (the enophile), in order to form a new -bond with migration of the ene double bond and 1,5 hydrogen shift.

How do you say Pluviophile?

How do you pronounce Thalassophile?

How do you pronounce wine sommelier?

Can a person be specious?

apparently good or right though lacking real merit; superficially pleasing or plausible: specious arguments. pleasing to the eye but deceptive.

Is putrefaction a word?

1. The act or result of decomposing; disintegration.

What is malodorous smell?

malodorous, stinking, fetid, noisome, putrid, rank, fusty, musty mean bad-smelling. malodorous may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive. malodorous fertilizers stinking and fetid suggest the foul or disgusting.

What are characteristics of pericyclic reactions?

In organic chemistry, a pericyclic reaction is the type of organic reaction wherein the transition state of the molecule has a cyclic geometry, the reaction progresses in a concerted fashion, and the bond orbitals involved in the reaction overlap in a continuous cycle at the transition state.

What are types of pericyclic reactions?

The four principle classes of pericyclic reactions are termed: Cycloaddition, Electrocyclic, Sigmatropic, and Ene Reactions.

Which is more reactive alkane alkene or alkyne?

Alkenes and alkynes are generally more reactive than alkanes due to the electron density available in their pi bonds. In particular, these molecules can participate in a variety of addition reactions and can be used in polymer formation.

How do you spell Melophile?

One who loves music.

What is the opposite of a Pluviophile?

pluviophile > antonyms ombrophobe n. hater of rain exp. rain hater exp. one who feels fear of rain exp.

What is etymology of Pluviophile?

The most common definition is a lover of rain, or someone that finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. … The word pluviophile comes from the Latin word for rain pluvial, and phile, which denotes a person who has a fondness for a thing.

What is Thalassophilia?

a lover of the sea. The amount of time he spent on a boat, he considered himself a thalassophile.

What language is Thalassophile?

[/THlasfl/] Origin: Greek. One who loves the sea.

What word is Thalassophile?

What is a thalassophile? A person who loves and is magnetically attracted to the ocean and the sea. … The word thalassophile derives from the Greek terms thalassa, meaning sea, and phile or philos, a person or thing having a fondness for a specified thing.

What is a sommelier salary?

If you’re a level 1 sommelier, you’ll make a salary of around $4050k. If you’re a Certified Sommelier, or a level 2 sommelier, you’ll make a salary of around $6070k. An Advanced Sommelier, or level 3 sommelier, will pull in a salary of about $7080k.

Are sommeliers fake?

As you might have gathered from this, all sommeliers are not created equal. Some may be immensely knowledgeable and skilled at judging various wines, while others might be littler better than your wine enthusiast cousin Jill. … In this, they are given six random wines chosen from the thousands produced around world.

Is there a whiskey sommelier?

The Council of Whiskey Masters: Scotch and Bourbon Certification & Education Program, Home of the Whiskey Sommelier.

What is a specious person?

adj. 1 apparently correct or true, but actually wrong or false. 2 deceptively attractive in appearance.

What is an example of specious?

Specious is defined as something that looks right, or that looks attractive, but is not as it seems. An argument that seems correct only if you do not think about it very carefully is an example of a specious argument. Deceptively appealing.

What is another word for specious?

What is another word for specious?

deceptive fallacious
false sophistic
unsound beguiling
deceitful deceiving
deluding delusive