What is morphometry in biology?

Morphometrics (or morphometry)1 refers to the study of shape variation of organs and organisms and its covariation with other variables [1]: Defined as the fusion of geometry and biology, morphometrics deals with the study of form in two or threedimensional space [2].

What is morphometric trait?

Morphometrics can be used to quantify a trait of evolutionary significance, and by detecting changes in the shape, deduce something of their ontogeny, function or evolutionary relationships. A major objective of morphometrics is to statistically test hypotheses about the factors that affect shape.

What are morphometric measurements?

Morphometrics (from Greek morph, meaning ‘shape’ or ‘form’, and metra, meaning ‘measurement’) refers to the quantitative analysis of form. Morphometrics analyzes lengths, widths, masses, angles, ratios and areas. Morphometric data is a measurement of size.

Why is morphometry important?

Morphometry plays an important role in basin-level construction and flood control planning. The present study tries to unearth the morphological and hydrological characteristics from different morphometric parameters as well as changes of morphometric parameters in different morpho-climatic settings.

What is morphometric analysis in geography?

Morphometric analysis, quantitative description and analysis of landforms as practiced in geomorphology that may be applied to a particular kind of landform or to drainage basins and large regions generally.

What is lake morphometry?

1. 1. Morphometry of lakes, ponds and streams. Morphometry is the measurement of external form or shape of a selected water body. It is that branch of limnology which deals with the measurement of significant morphological features of any basin and its included water mass is known as morphometry.

What are Semilandmarks?

Semilandmark analysis – semilandmarks are the points along a curve. If strategically spaced, they can be submitted to Procrustes analysis and analyzed just like ordinary landmarks.

What is geometric morphometric approach?

Geometric morphometrics is an approach that studies shape using Cartesian landmark and semilandmark coordinates that are capable of capturing morphologically distinct shape variables. … Geometric morphometrics is part of a larger subfield in anthropology, which has more recently been named virtual anthropology.

What is 3d morphometric analysis?

The geometric morphometric method conceives the shapes of different items as sets of points in a common Cartesian space, in contrast to traditional quantitative shape analysis methods, which only measure distances between points on the items themselves without referring to a common set of axes.

What are meristic traits?

A meristic (countable trait) can be used to describe a particular species of fish, or used to identify an unknown species. Meristic traits are often described in a shorthand notation called a meristic formula. … These characters are among the characters most commonly used for differentiation of species and populations.

Which method is carried out in morphometric study?

Abstract. The study of morphology is a common means of biological grouping and classification. In recent years, morphometric studies have been dominated by quantitative geometric-morphometric methods of data extraction such as outline or landmark-based analysis.

What is morphometric analysis of watershed?

Morphometric analysis of watershed is the best method to identify the relationship of various aspects in the area. It is a comparative evaluation of different watersheds in various geomorphological and topographical conditions [2].

What is the importance of morphometric analysis in geomorphic studies?

Drainage morphometric parameters are important indicator to understand the hydrological and morphological characteristics of any region. Present study aims to understand the hydrological and morphological characteristics in two different morpho-climatic settings from drainage basin morphometric parameters.

What is true of voxel based morphometry?

Voxel-based morphometry is a computational approach to neuroanatomy that measures differences in local concentrations of brain tissue, through a voxel-wise comparison of multiple brain images. … Then the brain images are smoothed so that each voxel represents the average of itself and its neighbors.

How do you do morphometric analysis?

What is basin circulatory ratio?

Rf=A/(Lb)2; where, A=Area of basin; Lb=Basin length Circulatory ratio (Rc) (Miller, 1953) The circulatory ratio is originally defined by Miller (1953), as the ratio of the area of the basin to the area of the circle having same circumference as the basin perimeter.

What is ruggedness number?

The ruggedness number combines the slope steepness and length indicating the extent of the instability of land surface (Strahler, 1957). In the case of the study basin, the ruggedness number is 3.1 which is considered high showing the area has a rugged topography, susceptible to soil erosion and structurally complex.

Why is Lake morphometry important?

This work demonstrates quantitatively and in a comprehensive way that the size and form of lakes regulate many general transport processes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, diffusion, mixing, burial and outflow, which in turn regulate many abiotic state variables, such as concentrations of phosphorus, suspended …

What is Limnology The study of?

Limnology is the study of the structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as they are affected by their dynamic physical, chemical, and biotic environments.

How do you measure the area of a lake?

shape area is estimated by simply measuring the length and width of the pond sides in feet. Multiply the length times the width to get the square feet of surface area. This value can be converted to acres by dividing by 43,560 ft2/acre.

What is geometric morphometrics and its importance?

Geometric morphometrics (GM) has become a standard in biological research because it combines statistical rigour and ease of interpretation. Through geometric morphometrics, biological form is quantified, analysed and the results are expressed as easily interpretable and visually impactful shape changes.

What are the importance of measuring the morphometric characters in fish?

Morphometric differences among stocks of a species are recognized as important for evaluating the population structure and as a basis for identifying stocks [2,3]. Morphometric measurements are widely used to identify differences between fish populations [4-6].

What is centroid size?

Centroid size is the measure of size used almost universally in geometric morphometrics: it is the square root of the sum of squared distances of all the landmarks of an object from their centroid (center of gravity, whose location is obtained by averaging the x and y coordinates of all landmarks).

What are homologous landmarks?

Landmarks are homologous points that must be found on each specimen and at the same time be relevant for the study. Recently, major breakthroughs in imaging and computing technologies have deeply impacted our approaches and conceptions in both the neontological and paleontological areas of biology.