(k-l-m-kss) [ + Gr. mykes, fungus, + osis, condition] Any disease of the eye or its parts caused by fungus.

What does the word Urethrocystitis mean in medical terms?

Inflammation of the urethra n. Inflammation of the urethra and the bladder.

What does Dacryorrhea mean?

excessive flow of tears excessive flow of tears.

What is a Optomyometer?

[ pt-m-m-tr ] n. An instrument for determining the relative power of the extrinsic muscles of the eye.

What is Ophthalmorrhexis?

(f-thlm-rkss) [ + rhexis, rupture]Rupture of an eye, usually traumatic.

What does Urethrospasm mean?

spasm of the urethra [u-rethro-spazm] spasm of the urethra.

What does Pneumonomelanosis mean?

(n’m-mel’-n’sis), Blackening of the lung tissue from the inhalation of coal dust or other black particles. See also: anthracosis.

When a Cystorrhaphy is performed the bladder is?

Suturing of a wound or defect in the urinary bladder.

What does the term xanth o mean?

yellow Xantho- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning yellow. It is used in many medical and scientific terms. … Xantho- comes from the Greek xanths, meaning yellow. Xanthan gum is a substance with a variety of applications, including as a food additive.

What causes Dacryorrhea?

The trichiasis (a condition in which the eyelashes are inwards and cause irritation to the cornea), foreign bodies, traumatic apoptosis of corneal epithelium, the conjunctivitis, various rare diseases of the cornea and glaucoma (serious condition, discussed in another chapter) show dacryorrhea.

How do you say Dacryorrhea?

dacryorrhea (dakr r), n.

What is the medical term for abnormal hardening of the lens?

Presbyopia is caused by a hardening of the lens of your eye, which occurs with aging. As your lens becomes less flexible, it can no longer change shape to focus on close-up images. As a result, these images appear out of focus.

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myelodysplasia?

[mi-lo-dis-plazhah] 1. a neural tube defect consisting of defective development of part of the spinal cord. See also spina bifida.

What is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term Optomyometer?

(op’t-m-om’-tr), An instrument for determining the relative power of the extrinsic muscles of the eye. [opto- + G. mys, muscle, + metron, measure]

Which term means suture of a blood vessel?

In surgery or medical procedure, a ligature consists of a piece of thread (suture) tied around an anatomical structure, usually a blood vessel or another hollow structure (e.g. urethra) to shut it off.

Which of the following terms means absence of smell or odor?

The absence of the sense of smell from birth is known as congenital anosmia. …

Other names Loss of smell, smell blindness, odor blindness
Inflamed nasal mucosa causing anosmia
Pronunciation /nzmi/
Specialty Otorhinolaryngology

What is Urethralgia?

[ yur-thrlj ] n. Pain in the urethra. urethrodynia.

Is urethritis curable?

Urethritis is commonly due to infection by bacteria. It can typically be cured with antibiotics.

What does the prefix retro mean in medical terminology?

backward or behind Prefix denoting backward or behind.

What is salpingo Oophorocele?

Hernia of an ovary and its fallopian tube. …

What is Phlebosclerosis?

Phlebosclerosis refers to the thickening and hardening of the venous wall. Despite its morphological similarities with arteriosclerosis and potential morbid consequences phlebosclerosis has gained only little attention.

What is Pneumonomycosis?

pneumomycosis (n’m-m-k’sis), Obsolete term denoting any disease of the lungs caused by the presence of fungi.

What is the meaning of Cystorrhaphy?

Medical Definition of cystorrhaphy : suture of a wound, injury, or rupture in the urinary bladder.

What does the combining form cyst o mean?

The combining form cysto- is used like a suffix meaning cyst, which is a scientific term for a bladder, sac, or vesicle. … The form cysto- comes from Greek kstis, meaning bag, pouch, or bladder.

What is surgical crushing?

Lithotripsy tripsy is surgical crushing, lith/o is stone; so lithotripsy is surgical crushing of a stone. Meatotomy tomy means to cut into or incision, meat/o means of the meatus; so a meatotomy is a incision into the meatus.

What does GLUC Glyc mean in medical terms?

Glyc/o, Gluc/o = Sweet, Sugar.

What color is Leuk?

Leukemia. Leukemia is also represented by the color orange. It accounts for 35 percent of all blood cancer diagnoses in the United States.

What is Cirrh?

cirrh/o. Yellow, tawny. cirrhosis (chronic degenerative disease of the liver with resultant yellowness of the liver and of the skin)