abbreviation Slang. for fuck’s sake (a euphemistic initialism used to express exasperation, frustration, anger, etc., without explicit vulgarity).

What is FFS surgery?

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a procedure to make your face appear more feminine instead of masculine. FFS can change your hairline, forehead, nose, jaw and other parts of your face. You may consider this surgery if you’re a transgender woman (transitioning from male to female).

What does Fsfs mean?


Acronym Definition
FSFS Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems (conference)
FSFS Free Software, Free Society Conference (Society for Promotion of Alternative Computing and Employment; Kerala, India)
FSFS Fast Secure File System
FSFS First Security Financial Services, Inc. (various locations)

What does FFS smile mean?

abbreviation for. the taboo expression ‘for fuck’s sake’: used esp in social media, text messages, etc to indicate irritation.

Is FFS covered by insurance?

FFS is generally considered ‘cosmetic’ and not a medical necessity and, therefore, excluded from insurance coverage.

How long is FFS surgery?

How Safe Is a Long-Format FFS Surgery? A set of facial gender confirmation procedures most often takes anywhere from 6 to 10 hours depending on the exact set of plastic and craniofacial surgical procedures that are required.

What surgeries are included in FFS?

A variety of surgical procedures are used in FFS and are performed in combination to produce a powerful and elegant effect:

What AFK means in chat?

away from keyboard AFK means away from keyboard in typing shorthand. Its meaning can be literal or it can simply indicate that you aren’t online. AFK is a helpful phrase for communal online spaces, when you want a quick way to communicate that you’re stepping away.

What does SFS mean in texting?

snap for snap SFS stands for snap for snap, shoutout for shoutout or spam for spam.

What does I mean in Tik Tok?

The 1437 TikTok phrase actually means I love you forever. The phrase is all to do with the number of letters in each word. For example, I is a one letter word therefore the 1 in 1437 represents that.

What does ss on Snapchat mean?

What does ss mean on Snapchat? This one is actually very simple: ss stands for screenshot. … Since Snapchat also notifies users when someone has screenshotted their content, it’s also possible that someone is using ss when talking about those who have taken screenshots of their photos or videos.

How much does FFS usually cost?

Out-of-pocket costs for FFS commonly range from $20,000 to $50,000 and above, depending on the surgeon and the number of component procedures performed. Insurers often classify FFS as an elective cosmetic procedure.

How much does it cost to get bottom surgery?

Bottom surgery, or changing the genitalia, costs an estimated $25,600 for male-to-female patients and about $24,900 for female-to-male, according to The Philadelphia Center for Transgender Surgery.

What is the difference between an HMO and FFS?

An FFS plan usually contracts with a preferred provider organization (PPO) for network discounts. You may choose any doctor or hospital, but may have lower out-of-pocket expenses with PPO providers. An HMO plan provides care through a network of physicians, hospitals and other providers in a particular geographic area.

How can I feminize my face without surgery?

Before Taking the Leap, You May Also Want to Explore Facial Feminization Without Surgery

  1. Masseter (jaw) muscle reduction via Botox or Dysport …
  2. TCA Chemical Facial Peels. …
  3. Microneedling for smoothing imperfections and skin texture. …
  4. Kybella Double Chin reduction. …
  5. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) AKA the Vampire Facelift