The arcuate line of the ilium is a smooth rounded border on the internal surface of the ilium. It is immediately inferior to the iliac fossa and Iliacus muscle. It forms part of the border of the pelvic inlet. In combination with the pectineal line, it comprises the iliopectineal line.

What is an arcuate line?

The arcuate line is an area of demarcation visible from the peritoneal surface of the abdominal wall, residing one-third the distance between the umbilicus and the pubis. The arcuate line can be a sharp demarcation, or it can be a gradual transition zone where the fibers of the posterior sheath gradually disappear.[1]

Where is arcuate line located?

The arcuate line or semicircular line of Douglas is located at roughly one-third of the distance from the pubic crest to the umbilicus.

Is the arcuate line same as the pectineal line?

The medial surface of the ilium is divided into superior and inferior parts by a ridge – the anterior part of this ridge is known as the arcuate line and forms part of the border of the pelvic inlet. … The pectineal line and arcuate line collectively form the iliopectineal line.

What is the linea alba and tendinous intersections?

The linea alba is a band of connective tissue that divides the two halves of the muscle vertically. The linea semilunaris is the tendinous intersection that separates the lateral edge of the muscle from the external oblique and internal oblique muscles that lie on the lateral surface of the anterior abdominal wall.

What are the linea alba and linea semilunaris?

The linea alba separates the right and left rectus abdominis muscles. Linea semilunaris forms the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscles bilaterally. … In contrast, the posterior layer forms from aponeuroses of the transversus abdominis and the other half of the internal oblique muscles.

Why do we have an arcuate line?

It is roughly positioned half way between the umbilicus and the pubic crest. Clinically, the arcuate line is important as the: site of entry of the inferior epigastric artery into the rectus sheath. site of weakness: site of Spigelian hernia.

Is arcuate line below umbilicus?

The arcuate line or semicircular line of Douglas is located at roughly one-third of the distance from the pubic crest to the umbilicus.

What is the linea alba?

The linea alba (Latin for white line) is a single midline fibrous line in the anterior abdominal wall formed by the median fusion of the layers of the rectus sheath medial to the bilateral rectus abdominis muscles. It attaches to the xiphoid process of the sternum and the pubic symphysis.

How is linea alba formed?

The Linea Alba. —The linea alba is a tendinous raphé in the middle line of the abdomen, stretching between the xiphoid process and the symphysis pubis. It is placed between the medial borders of the Recti, and is formed by the blending of the aponeuroses of the Obliqui and Transversi.

What are Tendinous intersections?

The tendinous intersections define the anatomy of the rectus abdominis and assist with physiological movement. … The forward flexion provided by tendinous intersections makes daily activities like stretching or bending over to pick up an object possible.

What are the borders of Hesselbach’s triangle?

The Hesselbach triangle is located in the anterior abdominal wall bilaterally (on both the right and left sides) and has three major boundaries: the medial boundary consisting of the rectus abdominis muscle; the lateral boundary consisting of the inferior epigastric vessels, which supply the anterior abdominal wall …

What level is the arcuate line?

The arcuate line was found to lie at 74.6% of the distance from the pubic symphysis to the umbilicus, and 32.7% of the distance from the pubic symphysis to the xiphoid. This location was 1.8 +/- 1.7 cm superior to the level of the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS).

What is Ilio pubic eminence?

Description. The superior surface of superior ramus of pubis is bounded, laterally, by a rough eminence, the iliopubic eminence (iliopectineal eminence), which serves to indicate the point of junction of the ilium and pubis, and below by a prominent ridge which extends from the acetabular notch to the pubic tubercle.

What structure is superior to the arcuate line of hip bone?

The human ilium is divisible into the body and the ala, or wing. These two parts are separated on the superior surface by a curved line known as the arcuate line, and on the inferior surface by the margin of the acetabulum.

What is the function of the linea alba?

The function of the linea alba is to maintain the abdominal muscles at a certain proximity to each other. In the case of long-lasting increased intra-abdominal pressure, the linea alba widens.

Where does the linea alba start and end?

In humans, the linea alba runs from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis down the midline of the abdomen.

What are Tendinous intersections quizlet?

The rectus abdominis has small connective tissue bands called tendinous intersections, located horizontally across the muscle dividing it into small segments, and the muscle is enclosed by the rectus sheath.

What is linea semilunaris?

Medical Definition of linea semilunaris : a curved line on the ventral abdominal wall parallel to the midline and halfway between it and the side of the body that marks the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle. — called also semilunar line.

What is abdominus rectus?

rectus abdominis – slung between the ribs and the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. When contracting, this muscle has the characteristic bumps or bulges that are commonly called ‘the six pack’. The main function of the rectus abdominis is to move the body between the ribcage and the pelvis.

What is the fascia Transversalis?

The transversalis fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue lining most of the abdominal cavity between the posterior surface of the transversus abdominis and superficial to the extraperitoneal fat and peritoneum.

What is fold of Douglas?

a fold of peritoneum, containing the rectouterine muscle, passing from the sacrum to the base of the broad ligament on either side, forming the lateral boundary of the rectouterine (Douglas) pouch.

What is the umbilical fold?

The umbilical folds are a series of 5 folds of parietal peritoneum on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall and consist of: a single midline median umbilical fold, bilateral medial umbilical folds, and. bilateral lateral umbilical folds.

What is the purpose of the rectus sheath?

The function of the rectus sheath is to protect the muscles and vessels which it encloses. In addition, keeping the rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscle together helps in providing maximal compression of and support to abdominal viscera.

What is above and below arcuate line?

Above the arcuate line, the rectus abdominis is surrounded by an anterior layer of the rectus sheath and a posterior layer. The anterior layer is derived from the external oblique aponeurosis and the anterior laminina of the internal oblique aponeurosis.

What is the anterior abdomen?

The anterior abdominal wall forms the anterior limit of the abdominal viscera and is defined superiorly by the xiphoid process of the sternum and costal cartilages and inferiorly by the iliac crest and pubic bones of the pelvis.

What is a rectus sheath catheter?

Introduction. Rectus sheath catheters (RSCs) are increasingly being used to provide postoperative analgesia following laparotomy for colorectal surgery. Little is known about their efficacy in comparison with epidural infusion analgesia (EIA).

Does linea alba go away?

This a condition known as linea alba. It’s typically harmless and doesn’t require treatment. But it may be worth getting checked out. There are other more serious conditions that can look like it, and they do need treatment.

What is linea albicans?

linea al´ba white line; the tendinous median line on the anterior abdominal wall between the two rectus muscles. li´neae albican´tes white or colorless lines on the abdomen, breasts, or thighs caused by mechanical stretching of the skin, with weakening of the elastic tissue; see also atrophic striae.

Does everyone have linea alba?

Friction causes an excess of keratin deposits, a protein found in hair and skin. You can compare linea alba to a callus on the inside of your cheek. According to the Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, adults experience linea alba more than children, and women are more likely to develop the condition than men.