The articular processes or zygapophyses (Greek ζυγον = yoke (because it links two vertebrae) + απο = away + φυσις = process) of a vertebra are projections of the vertebra that serve the purpose of fitting with an adjacent vertebra. The actual region of contact is called the articular facet.

What is the function of articular processes of the vertebrae?

The functional significance of the articular processes is obviously to limit rotation, which can take place in the lumbar segment of the vertebral column during any asymmetrical movement of the body.

What do articular processes do?

Normal Joint Biomechanics Articular processes support both vertebral stability and mobility due to the interlocking articular surfaces. The cervical vertebrae have relatively large articular facets compared to the vertebrae in other vertebral regions.

How many articular processes does the vertebrae have?

seven processes A typical vertebra will consist of a body, a vertebral arch, and seven processes (Figure 6.32). The body is the anterior portion of each vertebra and is the part that supports the body weight.

What are the four articular processes?

Articular Processes

What joint is between articular processes?

facet joints The facet joints, (or zygapophysial joints, zygapophyseal, apophyseal, or Z-joints) are a set of synovial, plane joints between the articular processes of two adjacent vertebrae. There are two facet joints in each spinal motion segment and each facet joint is innervated by the recurrent meningeal nerves.

What is the purpose of the articular processes of the vertebrae quizlet?

The inferior articular processes of the superior vertebra articulate with the superior articular processes of the inferior vertebra. Spinal joints allow flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, and gliding transitional movements. The large opening in the body of a vertebra allowing for passage of the spinal cord.

What do Zygapophyses do?

Zygapophyseal joints are paired synovial joints with a capsule, which resist vertebral rotation and thus limit torsional stress on the lumbar disks.

What is the type of connection between the articular processes of the vertebrae?

The joints between the articular facets, called facet joints, allow for some gliding motions between the vertebrae. They are strengthened by several ligaments: Ligamentum flavum – extends between lamina of adjacent vertebrae. Interspinous and supraspinous – join the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.

What is a articular?

articular. / (ɑːˈtɪkjʊlə) / adjective. of or relating to joints or to the structural components in a joint.

What are the functions of the vertebral and intervertebral foramina?

The vertebral foramen provides for passage of the spinal cord. Each spinal nerve exits through an intervertebral foramen, located between adjacent vertebrae. Intervertebral discs unite the bodies of adjacent vertebrae.

What do the superior articular processes of vertebrae articulate with?

The superior articular process of this vertebra articulates with the inferior process, articular process of the vertebra above. … The head articulates, the head of the rib articulates with the superior and inferior demifacets and there’s a facet on the transverse process which articulates with the tubercle of the rib.

What is an articular process?

Medical Definition of articular process : either of two processes on each side of a vertebra that articulate with adjoining vertebrae: a : superior articular process. b : inferior articular process.

What is an inferior articular process?

: a process of a vertebra that lies on each side of the neural arch and projects downward and articulates with a superior articular process of the next more caudal vertebra The inferior articular processes have vertical convex articular facets which face anterolaterally. — Gray’s Anatomy, 39th edition, 2005.

What are the 3 types of vertebrae and how are they different?

The vertebral column can be divided into three segments: Cervical. … Each of the three segments of the spine has a curve. The cervical spine and the lumbar curve both are convex anteriorly, while the thoracic spine curves the opposite way, convex posteriorly.

What are the 7 process of vertebrae?

There are thirty-three vertebrae in the human vertebral column—seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, five fused sacral vertebrae forming the sacrum and three to five coccygeal vertebrae, forming the coccyx.

What are the 7 processes in typical vertebrae?

A typical vertebral arch has seven bony processes: one spinous process, two transverse processes, and four articular processes. Spinous and transverse processes: These processes work as levers and serve as attachment sites for back muscles.

What are vertebral processes?

Spine Anatomy Overview Video. Spinous process is a bony projection off the posterior (back) of each vertebra. The spinous process protrudes where the laminae of the vertebral arch join and provides the point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the spine.

What is an articular facet?

A facet is a flat or nearly flat surface on a bone. The vertebral articular facets are where two vertebrae articulate. There will be one pair of facets on the superior side of the vertebrae and one pair on the inferior side of the vertebrae.

What is the difference between a facet and a process?

On each side of the vertebral arch of each lumbar vertebra there is an inferior and a superior articular process. The inferior (lower) articular processes of one vertebra form a zygapophyseal joint (facet joint) with the superior (upper) articular processes of the vertebra below it to connect the two vertebrae.

Why do cervical vertebrae have bifid spinous processes?

The spinous process of a typical cervical vertebra is short and bifid posteriorly. It is bifid because it develops from two separate secondary centers of ossification.

What structure does the inferior articulating process articulate with?

axis vertebra Inferior articular facet (Facies articularis inferior) is a flattened surface on the inferior lateral mass tht articulates with the superior articular facet on the axis vertebra (C2).

What is the function of the body of a vertebra quizlet?

Provide internal support for the body and protection from the spinal cord.

What is the function of the spinous process of each vertebra quizlet?

Spinous process is a bony projection off the posterior (back) of each vertebra. The spinous process protrudes where the laminae of the vertebral arch join and provides the point of attachment for muscles and ligaments of the spine.

What is the meaning of Zygapophyses?

Medical Definition of zygapophysis : any of the articular processes of the neural arch of a vertebra of which there are usually two anterior and two posterior.

What is Prezygapophysis and Postzygapophysis?

noun In anatomy and zoology, an inferior or posterior zygapophysis; in man, an inferior oblique or articular process of a vertebra: opposed to prezygapophysis.

What structure is responsible for articulating with the vertebral column?

Facet joints are paired (left, right sides) at the back of each vertebral body (C3-L5). Sometimes these joints are called zygapophyseal or apophyseal joints. These joints help stabilize the spine while allowing flexion (bending forward), extension (bending backward) and twisting movement (called articulation).

What plane are the articular processes of the lumbar vertebrae located in?

The facet joints in the lumbar region lie in the sagittal plane; the articulating facets are at right angles to the transverse plane and 45° to the frontal plane. The superior facets face medially, and the inferior facets face laterally.