Garcinia kola Garcinia kola (bitter kola (a name sometimes also used for G. afzelii) is a species of flowering plant belonging to the Mangosteen genus Garcinia of the family Clusiaceae (a.k.a. Guttiferae). …

Garcinia kola
Genus: Garcinia
Species: G. kola
Binomial name
Garcinia kola Heckel

Can a woman eat bitter kola?

Bitter kola contains nutrients and vitamins good for pregnancy. For Africans, bitter kola is the best supplement for pregnant women. Health benefits of bitter kola include treating nausea and vomiting, making uterus healthier, strengthening pregnant women and normalizing blood circulation in pregnant women.

What is the benefit of bitter kola for woman?

Helps pregnancy: Bitter kola contrary to what some may believe, actually has been said to be helpful and useful in and for pregnant women, as it helps in combating nausea and vomiting, making the uterus healthier, supplies strength to the expectant mother and normalizes circulation of blood also.

What does bitter kola do to the brain?

Increase in circulation: The caffeine and theobromine in the kola nut may speed up the heart rate, which increases circulation. Boost to energy levels: The kola nut naturally stimulates the central nervous system, which may increase alertness and boost energy levels.

Can I eat bitter kola everyday?

It is recommended that a person takes two bitter kola nuts every day. This bitter kola dose is enough to replenish your energy and improve your health. Should you want to maintain a healthy life naturally, try eating two bitter kola nuts a day. Your medical visits will definitely decrease.

What are the disadvantages of bitter kola?

Disadvantages of bitter kola

Is bitter kola good for the lungs?

It helps us to breath. The considerate amount of regular consumption of the seed helps in strengthening the fibers and the lung tissue, stabilising any counter effects. It further assists in maintaining a good respiratory track and treats chest colds.

What is the work of bitter kola and honey?

Honey and bitter kola are used both for the treatment of a sore throat and coarse voice, stimulating mucus, they soften the dry throat. The mixture of these two useful products is also used for the treatment of acne due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Is bitter kola good for the liver?

Bitter kola can detoxify and protect the liver from any alcohol and food poisoning effects. How? Scientists have identified bitter kola as a potential antimicrobial and detoxifier.

Can kola nut cure fibroids?

It has been found that bitter kola seeds and nuts are great for reducing the painful symptoms of fibroids. Not only does it reduce the pains, but bitter kola has been known to shrink the benign tumor on its own without needing surgery to remove it.

Can bitter kola help in weight loss?

Some of the known health benefits of kola nuts and bitter kola include the following: increases the nervous system activity and alertness, improves the immune system, reduce constipation, helps in weight loss, prevent bacterial diseases, use as flavouring agent in drinks, cancer treatment, used as a natural remedy for …

What is the best way to eat bitter kola?

Although traditional African medicine uses all parts of the Bitter Kola plant, the seeds are mostly commonly eaten. Bitter kola seeds have a sharp, bitter flavor that eases into a slight sweetness as you chew, and they’re typically eaten raw.

Is Bitter Kola good for high blood pressure?

This study shows that Garcinia kola contains in its alcohol extract, a vasoactive substance that has a blood pressure reducing effect.

What is the best time to eat bitter kola?

Bitter Kola does not only increase sex drive, it also improves the sexual performance of men who consume it. In other to be effective, it is advisable to chew the kola for at least two minutes before intercourse.

Does bitter kola make sperm watery?

Scientists believe that bitter kola may cause watery sperm. … However, bitter kola is not really good for boosting sperm count, motility and quality… Bitter kola actually decreases sperm productin. It may be a source of infertility in men.

Can bitter kola reduce sugar level?

Seeds of Garcinia kola. Traditionally, it is believed that regular consumption of G. kola seeds lowers blood glucose levels and improves the complications of diabetes mellitus.

What does bitter kola and Ginger do?

The combo of bitter kola, ginger, garlic and honey treats premature ejaculation and weak erection. 11. Researchers have concluded that a mixture made from bitter kola, honey, ginger and garlic has a potent antimicrobial property and can be used against pathogens that cause upper respiratory tract infections and asthma.