The cephalic vein drains the lateral side of the superficial venous network of the dorsum, which in turn drains blood from the palm of the hand 2. As it ascends, the cephalic vein drains blood from the lateral aspect of the upper limbs via small superficial veins 1.

Is the cephalic vein in both arms?

The cephalic vein, along with the basilic vein, is one of the primary superficial veins that drain the upper limb 1. It courses through both the forearm and arm and terminates by draining into the axillary vein.

What does the cephalic vein connected to?

In human anatomy, the cephalic vein is a superficial vein in the arm. It communicates with the basilic vein via the median cubital vein at the elbow and is located in the superficial fascia along the anterolateral surface of the biceps.

What is Antecubital?

The median cubital vein (antecubital vein) is a prominent superficial upper limb vessel. … This region of the upper limb is sometimes referred to as the antecubital area. The median cubital vein connects the cephalic and basilic veins, which are the two major superficial veins of the upper limb.

Is cephalic vein deep or superficial?

The basilic and cephalic veins, which are superficial veins, contribute to the axillary vein, though many anatomic variations occur.

Why is cephalic vein called?

Its name derives from ‘cephalic’ meaning head, as the vein runs up to the shoulder. … The cephalic vein drains the radial part of the hand, forearm and arm and communicates along its course with the basilic vein, which drains the ulnar part. The cephalic vein empties directly into the axillary vein.

Where is accessory cephalic?

The accessory cephalic vein is a variable vein that passes along the radial border of the forearm to join the cephalic vein near the elbow. In some cases the accessory cephalic springs from the cephalic above the wrist and joins it again higher up.

Is cephalic vein a DVT?

DVT-UE must be distinguished from thrombosis of the superficial veins, i.e., the cephalic and basilic veins (1). Idiopathic DVT-UE and cases due to anatomical variants are known as primary DVT-UE.

Is cephalic vein paired?

The cephalic and basilic veins directly joined together in the middle of the cubital fossa. The brachial vein began from this point and, unlike the normal anatomy location, there was no paired brachial vein; rather, it was one unpaired brachial vein.

Does cephalic vein drain into subclavian vein?

The cephalic vein courses out of the arm on the radial or lateral aspect and then courses between the deltoid and the pectoralis major to ultimately join the subclavian vein.

What is cephalic anatomy?

Cephalic: Relating to the head or the head end of the body. Situated on, in, or near the head. Cephalic is synonymous with cranial, relating to the cranium or head. The word cephalic came from the Middle French cephalique, from the Latin cephalicus, from the Greek kephalikos meaning head.

Is cephalic vein central or peripheral?

In general, the veins preferred for placement of central and peripheral venous access catheters are the internal jugular veins in the neck, the axillary and subclavian veins in the chest, the cephalic and basilic veins in the upper extremities, and the superficial femoral and common femoral veins in the lower …

What is a Olecranal?

(ō-lĕk′rə-nŏn′) The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow.

What is Forarm?

Introduction. The forearm of the upper extremity runs from the elbow to the wrist. Two bones, the radius laterally and the ulna medially, form the forearm. It has two compartments, the anterior (flexor) and posterior (extensor). The two compartments together have twenty muscles.

What is an Antebrachium?

Medical Definition of antebrachium : the part of the arm or forelimb between the brachium and the carpus : forearm.

What happens if the cephalic vein is cut?

A powerful cut to the outer side of the Pectoral muscle can potentially sever the cephalic vein, which will bleed profusely. A powerful cut across the front of the Deltoid muscle may sever the cephalic vein. A slashing cut across the biceps can disable any motion of the arm and can cause rapid blood loss.

What veins are considered DVT?

Proximal DVT is one that is located in the popliteal, femoral, or iliac veins. Isolated distal DVT has no proximal component, is located below the knee, and is confined to the calf veins (peroneal, posterior, anterior tibial, and muscular veins) (table 1).

What is axillary vein thrombosis?

Definition. Acute swelling and pain in the upper limb due to occlusion of the axillary and/or subclavian veins by thrombus. This may occur as a primary phenomenon or as a result of secondary factors such as the placement of an indwelling venous catheter, thrombophilia or thoracic outlet syndrome.

What is cephalic vein?

Medical Definition of cephalic vein : any of various superficial veins of the arm specifically : a large vein of the upper arm lying along the outer edge of the biceps muscle and emptying into the axillary vein.

What are the 3 main veins to draw blood?

The antecubital area of the arm is usually the first choice for routine venipuncture. This area contains the three vessels primarily used by the phlebotomist to obtain venous blood specimens: the median cubital, the cephalic and the basilic veins.

What is the longest vein in the body?

Great Saphenous Vein Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) – The GSV is the large superficial vein of the leg and the longest vein in the entire body. It can be found along the length of the lower limb, returning blood from the thigh, calf, and foot to the deep femoral vein at the femoral triangle. The femoral triangle is located in the upper thigh.

How do you get your cephalic vein to show?

What is a radial vein?

The radial vein is one of the two major deep veins of the forearm, along with the ulnar vein. As is usual in the upper and lower limbs, there are often two veins (venae comitantes) that run on either side of the radial artery and anastomose freely with each other. It forms in the hand from the deep palmar venous arch.

How is cephalic vein thrombosis treated?

Treatment of Superficial Venous Thrombosis Treatment traditionally involves warm compresses and NSAIDs. In patients with extensive superficial venous thrombosis, anticoagulation (eg, with low molecular weight heparin, fondaparinux) is often beneficial.

What is phlebitis look like?

Superficial phlebitis There is usually a slow onset of a tender red area along the superficial veins on the skin. A long, thin red area may be seen as the inflammation follows a superficial vein. This area may feel hard, warm, and tender. The skin around the vein may be itchy and swollen.

What does a DVT in the arm feel like?

When they occur, the symptoms of a blood clot in the arm may include: skin that is warm to the touch. pain that feels like cramping. swelling in the arm where the clot is.

Which vein is best for drawing blood?

The median cubital vein is the first choice for blood draws because it has a decreased proximity to arteries and nerves in the arm. The more lateral cephalic vein is the second choice and the basilic vein in the medial arm is the last choice.

What is meant by Venae Comitantes?

Medical Definition of vena comitans : a vein accompanying an artery The accompaniment is so complete, in fact, that for much of the route up the arm, the vein network forms true venae comitantes, or parallel paired veins on either side of the artery.—

Are there 2 brachial veins?

The brachial veins are usually 2 in number and they are located on either side of the brachial artery. … Eventually, the brachial vein joins with the basilic vein to form the axillary vein at the distal border of the teres major muscle. We observed variations in the basilic vein and in the brachial vein.