Overall, it is an important part of the continence organ. Anatomically it is subdivided into three zones: Columnar – The anal valves together form the dentate (or pectinate) line, influencing the blood supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage to/from the anal canal.

How many anal valves are there?

in width and are composed of the circular muscle coat of the rectum. They are usually three in number; sometimes a fourth is found, and occasionally only two are present. One is situated near the commencement of the rectum, on the right side.

Where does anal canal begin?

The anal canal starts at the pelvic floor where the rectum enters the puborectalis muscle at the superior most aspect of the sphincter complex and ends where the stratified squamous epithelium becomes continuous with the perianal skin (Fig. 173.1).

Can you feel the pectinate line?

Internal hemorrhoids are the hemorrhoids in the anal canal above the “pectinate line”, also known as the “pain line” because below this area you feel pain. Thus, you do not normally see or feel these hemorrhoids until they become swollen and start to bleed.

Does rectum have valves?

The anal valves are small valve-like folds at the lower ends of the anal sinuses in the rectum. The anal valves join the lower ends of the anal columns. The anal sinuses are located between them.

How is Proctoscopy done?

The doctor will insert a gloved finger into your anus to check for tenderness or blockage. The doctor will then insert a lubricated proctoscope into your rectum and pump air in to expand the rectum. You may feel some fullness, like you need to pass a stool.

What is below the pectinate line?

Below the Pectinate Line The middle rectal artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery, while the inferior rectal artery is a branch of the internal pudendal artery. The lymphatic drainage below the pectinate line is to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

Can your sphincter muscle stop working?

If the internal sphincter muscle is not working then you may leak without warning. If the external sphincter is weak you may not be able to hang on to get to the toilet and may leak gas, liquid or solid stool.

Is there a valve between the colon and rectum?

Benefits. The ileocaecal valve is found in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. It forms the junction between the ileum of the small intestine, and the caecum of the large bowel.