What is the function of the inferior nasal concha?

Inferior nasal conchae function in olfaction and in humidifying inhaled air. a. The maxillary process of the inferior nasal concha is the delicate hook of bone extending towards the medial surface of the maxilla.

What is inferior nasal turbinate?

Inferior nasal turbinates are located inside your nose on either side of your nasal septum. They are bone covered with erectile soft tissue that helps create turbulence inside the nose to warm, purify and humidify the air that we breathe.

What bone is the inferior nasal concha part of?

It extends horizontally along the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and consists of a lamina of spongy bone, curled upon itself like a scroll, (turbinate meaning inverted cone). The inferior nasal conchae are considered a pair of facial bones. …

Inferior nasal concha
FMA 54736
Anatomical terms of bone

Is the inferior nasal concha a facial bone?

The inferior nasal conchae are considered a pair of facial bones since they articulate with their respective maxillae bones and project horizontally into the nasal cavity.

Is inferior nasal concha part of ethmoid?

They are often described as being spongy bones. While the superior and middle nasal conchae are technically part of the ethmoid bone, the inferior nasal concha forms a completely separate bone.

How do turbinates work?

The turbinates have three main functions. They warm the air we breathe, humidify this air as it passes through the nose, and the mucous layer of the turbinates assist in filtering particles such as dust and pollen. The turbinates, particularly the inferior, can block breathing when they are enlarged.

How are inferior turbinates treated?

Depending on the specific cause of the turbinate hypertrophy, possible medications include:

  1. Nasal saline sprays or rinses.
  2. Nasal antihistamine sprays.
  3. Nasal steroid sprays.
  4. Allergy immunotherapy.

Why are my turbinates always swollen?

Enlarged (Hypertrophied) Turbinates In some cases, the turbinates enlarge as a reaction to seasonal allergens. Sometimes, enlargement is caused by environmental irritants. Chronic sinusitis, which causes persistent inflammation in the nasal passages, may also trigger chronic swelling of the turbinates.

How do you fix swollen turbinates?

If your turbinates are swollen, your doctor may prescribe medication (e.g., nasal corticosteroid and nasal antihistamine sprays) to reduce the swelling. If enlarged inferior turbinates are causing your nasal obstruction, surgery may be the recommended treatment.

Where is the inferior turbinate located?

nose The nose has three pairs of turbinates: superior, middle and inferior. They are located along the sides of both nasal cavities. The inferior nasal turbinates are the largest and located lowest in the nose.

What is the nasal conchae?

The nasal conchae or turbinates are long, narrow curled shelves of bone that protrude into the nasal cavity. The superior, middle and inferior conchae divide the nasal cavity into four groove-like air passages.

Where are the inferior and middle nasal concha located?

While the superior and middle nasal conchae form part of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, the inferior nasal concha is a bony structure by itself. It sits on the vertical bony plate known as the nasal septum, separating the nasal cavity into two bilateral and symmetrical anatomical caves.

What are the 8 facial bones?

Facial Bones

What is the function of the superior and middle nasal Conchae?

Each pair is composed of one concha in either side of the nasal cavity, divided by the septum. The superior conchae are smaller structures, connected to the middle conchae by nerve-endings, and serve to protect the olfactory bulb. The openings to the posterior ethmoidal sinuses exist under the superior meatus.

Which nasal Conchae has sensory cells of smell?

superior nasal concha The olfactory nerves terminate in the nasal mucosa, which occupies a small surface on the roof of the nasal cavity. The lateral olfactory nerves (1220) are found in the superior nasal concha.

What is the nasal meatus between the inferior nasal concha and hard palate?

The are three conchae inferior, middle and superior. They project into the nasal cavity, creating four pathways for the air to flow. … Inferior meatus between the inferior concha and floor of the nasal cavity. Middle meatus between the inferior and middle concha.

Which cranial bone forms the inferior part of the nasal septum?

vomer bone The unpaired vomer bone, often referred to simply as the vomer, is triangular-shaped and forms the posterior-inferior part of the nasal septum (see Figure 9).

What is the function of the nasal Conchae quizlet?

What is the function of the nasal conchae? The nasal cavity is divided in two by a bone and a cartilage mucous-lined septum. The nasal conchae increases the cavity’s surface area and creates air turbulence to filter, warm or cool, and humidify the air.

How long do turbinates take to heal?

For less invasive turbinate reductions, recovery is usually quick and not very painful. In about three weeks, the new scar tissue in your nose should be completely healed. For the more invasive type of turbinate reduction surgery, recovery takes three to six months.

How do you get rid of swollen turbinates naturally?

How can you care for yourself at home?

  1. Take your medicines or use nasal sprays exactly as prescribed. …
  2. Ask your doctor about cough medicines and decongestants, including nasal sprays. …
  3. Use a vaporizer or humidifier to add moisture to your bedroom. …
  4. Use saline (saltwater) nasal washes to help keep your nasal passages open.

How painful is turbinate reduction?

Recovering From Turbinate Reduction There never really is any pain or problems with your sense of smell when this procedure is performed by Dr. Cohen. Most patients resume normal activity the next day after the procedure, however blowing your nose and exercise are to be avoided for 3 days following the procedure.

Can swollen turbinates cause fatigue?

Common symptoms associated with turbinate dysfunction include: Blocked nasal airway (nasal obstruction) Feeling of pressure in nose or face. Tiredness / fatigue.

Can enlarged turbinates cause bad breath?

Deviated Septum and Turbinate Hypertrophy As the nasal septum deviates to one side of the nose, it can reduce airflow, create more difficulty breathing, leave you susceptible to chronic sinus infections, chronic post nasal drip, headaches, and can cause snoring, sleep apnea, bad breath, and tooth decay.

What happens if turbinates can not be shrunk with medications?

Untreated turbinate hypertrophy can cause symptoms to get worse. A person can develop severe difficulty breathing through their nose. This makes it hard to get restful sleep. A person may also experience frequent sinus infections, which can make it difficult to be productive in school or work.

What do swollen turbinates feel like?

Someone who has turbinate hypertrophy can feel like they have a stuffy nose or trouble breathing all the time. A nasal steroid may decrease inflammation (and therefore, the swelling) of the turbinates, or surgery can be performed to decrease their size.

Can turbinates cause headaches?

Sinus headaches are caused when turbinates are swollen. The swelling of the turbinates creates excess mucous, often filling and blocking the sinuses. This swelling causes the facial pressure.

How can I reduce turbinates without surgery?

These are the non-surgical treatments we use:

  1. Nasal or oral steroid sprays.
  2. Nasal or oral antihistamines.
  3. Nasal saline sprays or high volume irrigations.
  4. Oral decongestants (not nasal decongestants, as these, can often allow relapse as soon as the medication is stopped)