The medial temporal lobe (MTL) includes the hippocampus, amygdala and parahippocampal regions, and is crucial for episodic and spatial memory. MTL memory function consists of distinct processes such as encoding, consolidation and retrieval.

What does the anterior temporal lobe control?

The anterior temporal lobes (ATLs) have been consistently associated with semantic processing which, in turn, has a key role in reading aloud single words. … Our results suggest that the left ATL might play a role in the reading of exception words, in accordance with its role in semantic processing.

What happens when the medial temporal lobe is damaged?

Medial temporal lobe (MTL) damage in humans is typically thought to produce a circumscribed impairment in the acquisition of new enduring memories, but recent reports have documented deficits even in short-term maintenance.

What happens when anterior temporal lobe is damaged?

Damage to the temporal lobes can result in: Difficulty in understanding spoken words (Receptive Aphasia)Disturbance with selective attention to what we see and hear. Difficulty with identification and categorisation of objects.

Where is the anterior temporal lobe?

The anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is the most anterior tip of the temporal lobe, and is located rostral to the perirhinal cortex (Insausti et al., 1998, Nakamura and Kubota, 1996).

What is in medial temporal lobe?

The medial temporal lobe comprises the hippocampus, FORNIX and amygdala, and the surrounding entorhinal, perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices (Fig. 1).

What is in the anterior temporal lobe?

The temporal lobe is involved in primary auditory perception, such as hearing, and holds the primary auditory cortex. … Anterior parts of this ventral stream for visual processing are involved in object perception and recognition.

What is anterior in the brain?

What does the anterior part of the brain do?

The frontal lobe is the most anterior (front) part of the brain. It extends from the area behind the forehead back to the precentral gyrus. As a whole, the frontal lobe is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving, social interaction, and motor function.

What causes TLE?

Causes. The causes of TLE include mesial temporal sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, brain infections, such as encephalitis and meningitis, hypoxic brain injury, stroke, cerebral tumours, and genetic syndromes. Temporal lobe epilepsy is not the result of psychiatric illness or fragility of the personality.

How do you treat temporal lobe damage?

Treatments for temporal lobe epilepsy includes medications, diet, surgery, laser, and electrical brain stimulator devices.

  1. Medications. Many medications are available to treat people who have temporal lobe seizures. …
  2. Diet. …
  3. Surgery. …
  4. Laser ablation. …
  5. Electrical brain stimulators.

Can damage to the temporal lobe cause memory loss?

Memory Loss The hippocampus is a structure in the temporal lobe that is responsible for forming emotional, long-term memories. As a result, memory problems are a very common effect of temporal lobe damage. The most common memory problem after a temporal lobe injury is difficulty forming new long-term memories.

Which senses are affected by damage to the temporal lobes?

damage to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum would interfere with the processing of olfactory(smell) and auditory(sound) impulses.

What can happen if the thalamus is damaged?

While thalamus damage primarily causes sensory problems, it can also lead to behavioral and cognitive changes. For example, many patients with a thalamus injury have incorrect speech patterns and can struggle to find the right words. Others display apathy and memory problems.

What happens if the midbrain is damaged?

Damage to the midbrain can result in a wide variety of movement disorders, difficulty with vision and hearing, and trouble with memory. Because the midbrain houses the hypothalamus, it also plays a major role in automatic body functions.

What is the anterior temporal lobe important for?

The anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is thought to be critical for semantic memory– our knowledge of objects, people, words, and facts.

Which is part of the temporal lobe of the human brain?

The auditory cortex, the main area responsible for processing auditory information, is located within the temporal lobe. The auditory cortex is a part of the superior temporal gyrus which essentially receives input from the ears and analyses it.

Is the frontal lobe anterior?

The frontal lobe resides largely in the anterior cranial fossa, lying on the orbital plate of the frontal bone. Its most anterior part is known as the frontal pole and extends posteriorly to the central sulcus which separates it from the parietal lobe.

What would happen if you had a large lesion in your medial temporal lobe?

A lesion in the temporal lobe may cause various symptoms which may not be noticed by other people. These symptoms may include forgetfulness, problems with speech and language (especially understanding what is being said by others) and problems with vision. Temporal lobe lesions may also cause fits (seizures).

What are temporal lobe seizures?

Temporal lobe seizures begin in the temporal lobes of your brain, which process emotions and are important for short-term memory. Some symptoms of a temporal lobe seizure may be related to these functions, including having odd feelings — such as euphoria, deja vu or fear.

What part of the brain controls memory?

hippocampus The main parts of the brain involved with memory are the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the prefrontal cortex ([link]). The amygdala is involved in fear and fear memories. The hippocampus is associated with declarative and episodic memory as well as recognition memory.

What does medial mean in the brain?

Relating to the region or parts of the body that are furthest from the medial plane. In the “sagittal plane. ( OxfordMed) Surfaces of the brain (especially of the cerebrum”) seen from above and from the side. ( Fisch, 273) Medial: relating to or situated in the central region of an organ, tissue, or the body.

What is medial to the brain?

Lateral is from the side; medial is towards the midline (often from a sagittal section); dorsal is looking from above; and ventral is looking from below.

What is medial anatomy?

Medial means toward the middle or center. It is the opposite of lateral. The term is used to describe general positions of body parts. For example, the chest is medial to the arm.

What causes prefrontal cortex damage?

The cause of frontal lobe disorders includes an array of diseases ranging from closed head trauma (that may cause orbitofrontal cortex damage) to cerebrovascular disease, tumors compressing the frontal lobe, and neurodegenerative disease.