conductress (plural conductresses, masculine conductor) (dated) a female conductor.

What does instructress mean?

instructor : a woman who is an instructor.

What is a Sunker?

1 : submerged especially : lying at the bottom of a body of water. 2a : hollow, recessed sunken cheeks. b : lying in a depression a sunken garden.

What does the word conductor mean in science?

d(1) : a material or object that permits an electric current to flow easily Copper wire is a good conductor. compare insulator, semiconductor. (2) : a material capable of transmitting another form of energy (such as heat or sound) Aluminum is a conductor of heat.

What is the gender of sir?

Answer: Madam ,it is the feminine gender of sir.

What is the female gender of Fox?

vixen The masculine gender form of a fox is a dog, Reynard, or a tod, whereas the feminine gender form of the fox is a vixen.

Is there a word instructress?

a woman who instructs; teacher.

What is a sinker in English?

1 : one that sinks specifically : a weight for sinking a fishing line, seine, or sounding line. 2 : doughnut. 3 : a fastball that sinks as it reaches the plate.

What is hollow?

having a space or cavity inside; not solid; empty: a hollow sphere. having a depression or concavity: a hollow surface. sunken, as the cheeks or eyes. (of sound) not resonant; dull, muffled, or deep: a hollow voice. without real or significant worth; meaningless: a hollow victory.

How do you spell sunken ship?

the destruction or loss of a ship, as by sinking.

What is conductor short answer?

In physics and electrical engineering, a conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of charge (electrical current) in one or more directions. Materials made of metal are common electrical conductors.

What does conductor mean in physics?

Conductors are materials that permit electrons to flow freely from particle to particle. An object made of a conducting material will permit charge to be transferred across the entire surface of the object. … Conductors allow for charge transfer through the free movement of electrons.

What do conductors do?

The conductor’s job is to fight the group’s influence and keep the music moving at a steady pace. Using patterns like the one below, conductors draw shapes in the air, guiding the musicians through the music, bouncing on each beat to keep everyone moving at the same time.

Can we call a lady sir?

Sir is for men. Most women would be offended if you called them sir (with the possible exception of some supreme feminists). Like John M. Landsberg commented, Ma’am is what you want to use unless you’re asking for trouble.

How do you pronounce MX?

What is opposite of Sir?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for OPPOSITE OF SIR [madam]

What is masculine fox?

Foxes are members of the dog family. A female fox is called a vixen, a male fox is called a dog fox or a tod and baby foxes are called pups, kits or cubs.

What is female ram called?

Ewe What’s good for the goose is good for the gander

Animal Male Female
Sheep Ram Ewe
Swan Cob Pen
Swine Boar Sow
Tiger Tiger Tigress

What is the opposite of fox gender?

A fox is a male carnivorous animal belonging to the dog family and is known for its cunning nature. A vixen is the feminine (female) gender of the fox.

What is the feminine of mayor?

mayoress A woman who holds the office of mayor is sometimes referred to as a mayoress. A mayoress is the wife of a mayor.

What is the feminine word for priest?

priestess The word priestess is a feminine version of priest, which stems from the Old English prost and its Greek root, presbyteros, an elder. While hundreds of years ago a priestess was simply a female priest, today’s Christians use priest whether they’re talking about a man or a woman.

What is the feminine gender of manager?

The manageress of a shop, restaurant, or other small business is the woman who is responsible for running it. Some people dislike this word and prefer the word ‘ manager’.

What is a sinker in Australia?

sinker. A fruit square, otherwise known as a Chester Square.

What does hook and line mean?

Hook-and-line means a fishing line to which one or more hooks or other tackle are attached. … Hook-and-line means a type of fishing gear consisting of a length of fishing line, to which is attached one or more hooks or other device for capturing marine life.

What is the meaning of Freud?

: relating to or coming from very deeply hidden desires or feelings. See the full definition for Freudian in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Freudian. adjective. Freudian frid–n

What is a holler in the woods?

Hollow, A Hollow often pronounced Holler, a small valley, most commonly between mountains as commonly pronounced in Appalachia (Appalachian Mountain Regions)

What is a hollow friend?

Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as, a hollow heart; a hollow friend.

What are the hollers of Kentucky?

Holler is the regional dialect pronunciation of hollow, referring to a broad natural hollow, as of one a creek has carved, i.e. a small valley. …

Butcher Hollow, Kentucky
Country United States
State Kentucky
County Johnson
Elevation 709 ft (216 m)