The pattern of variation of plant and animal species relative to elevation, in response to vertical differences in climate (particularly temperature and precipitation). From: altitudinal zonation in A Dictionary of Environment and Conservation »

What is altitudinal zonation and why is it significant in Latin America?

So, for many Latin Americans, altitude has just as much influence on local temperature as latitude. Altitudinal zonation is the examination of how geographic traits change from lower elevations to higher elevations. … Hot-weather crops, like bananas and sugar cane, thrive at these elevations in the tropics.

What are the main altitudinal zones?

At least four major zones are commonly recognized in Latin America: the tierra caliente (hot country), the tierra templada (cool country), the tierra fría (cold country), and the tierra helada (frost country).

How vegetation zonation is related to altitude?

With increased altitude conditions usually become cooler and damper, so that the vegetation of mountains of considerable elevation shows a corresponding zonation. In the tropics the zonation may extend from rain forest on the lower slopes, to alpine communities at heights above about 3500 m.

What is Equatorial zonation?

Altitudinal zonation (or elevational zonation) in mountainous regions describes the natural layering of ecosystems that occurs at distinct elevations due to varying environmental conditions. … Today, altitudinal zonation represents a core concept in mountain research.

What is vegetation zonation?

Vegetation zonation in mountains. Vegetation zonation along the slopes of a mountain, from low to high altitude: deciduous tree forest, needle trees forest, (dwarf) bushes, Alm meadows, open grassland, cushion plants, mosses and lichens, Barren rocks.

What are the 3 climate zones of Latin America?

∎ Five climate zones: Caliente (hot), Templada (warm), Fria (cold), Helada (frozen), and Paramos. formed by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath South America. Argentina – South of Santiago the mountains are lower.

How does altitudinal zonation influence human activity What are the main altitudinal zones?

Human activity varies with elevation, and the activities can be categorized into zones according to altitudinal zonationVertical environmental zones that change with altitude in mountainous regions.. Each zone has its own type of vegetation and agricultural activity suited to the climate found at that elevation.

Why do people live in the Tierra Templada?

People in the Tierra Caliente live in houses that easily catch the breeze and are on stilts to prevent flooding. In Tierra Templada people live in adobe brick houses and haciendas. People in the Tierra Fria live in adobe brick houses to keep the warm air in and cold air out.

What do you mean by altitude of a place?

Altitude, like elevation, is the distance above sea level. Areas are often considered high-altitude if they reach at least 2,400 meters (8,000 feet) into the atmosphere. … As altitude rises, air pressure drops. In other words, if the indicated altitude is high, the air pressure is low.

What is the altitude of alpine zone?

(e) Alpine (4,000 to 5,000 m altitude)

What does altitudinal mean?

relating to altitude or height.

What is mountain soil varies with altitude?

Features of mountain soil The property of soil varies with mountainous climate and altitude. The soils comprises of high amount of humus, but are deficient in potash, phosphorus and lime. The soils are adequate and suitable for plantation of tea, coffee, spices and tropical fruits.

Why does mountain vegetation change with altitude?

Why does mountain vegetation change with altitude ? … The natural vezetation in the mountains is influenced more by temperature than by precipitation In the mountainous areas, the temperature of the air decreases with increase in altitude, above the mean sea level.

Where does vertical zonation occur?

intertidal zone Vertical zonation, the occurrence of dominant species in distinct horizontal bands, is a nearly universal feature of the intertidal zone, but many localities do not obey the rules. Different assemblages occur in protected and waveswept waters in the same area.

What is zonation geography?

(geographic), the pattern of differentiation of the geographic sphere (landscape) of the earth, manifest in the sequential and definite change of geographic belts and zones and resulting primarily from differences in the amount of solar energy reaching particular latitudes on the earth’s surface.

What is the alpine level?

The Alpine life zone’s elevation is from about 11,500 feet above sea level and higher. It is so cold and windy that it is above tree line (above where trees no longer grow). Even with its harsh, cold, windy weather and steep rocky slopes, plants and animals find a way to live there, click on extreme weather.

What is altitudinal zonation quizlet?

Altitudinal Zonation. vertical regions with physical environmental zones various elevations. tierra caliente.

What is zonation in ecology?

Definition. (ecology) The categorization of biomes into zones based on their distribution or arrangement in a habitat as determined by environmental factors, e.g. altitude, latitude, temperature, other biotic factors, etc.

What is mountain vegetation?

Mountain vegetation is found on the mountains at higher altitudes (heights). … As the height increases, the temperature decreases. Thus, trees at a higher altitude are conical and form the coniferous forests. Some main species of trees are chir, deodar and pine.

Is zonation a word?

the state or condition of being zonate. arrangement or distribution in zones.

What are the five altitude zones in Latin America?

What are the 5 altitude zones common in Latin America? Why? Tierra Caliente, Tierra Templata, Tierra Fria, Tierra Helada, and Paramo.

What are the 5 vertical climate zones?

The five vertical climate zones found in the highlands of Middle America and western South America are the:

What are the 5 vertical climate zones in Latin America?

Terms in this set (6)

Which temperature altitude zone is the highest in elevation?

The lowest zone is called tierra caliente. Above that, tierra templada. Next comes tierra fria. The highest zone is called tierra helada.

Which of the following elevation zones contains everything above 12000?

La Paz, Bolivia, is the highest big city in the world, sitting at 12,000 feet above sea level in the central Andes Mountains of South America.

Which altitude zone experiences or has the most rainfall?

The regions of highest rainfall are found in the equatorial zone and the monsoon area of Southeast Asia. Middle latitudes receive moderate amounts of precipitation, but little falls in the desert regions of the subtropics and around the poles. Global distribution of mean annual rainfall (in centimetres).

What is the difference between the Tierra Caliente and the tierra templada?

Know the difference between tierra caliente and tierra templada. Tierra caliente is the name for the regions of low elevation (0-3,000 feet)- hot lands. Tierra templada is the name for the regions of high elevation (greater than 3,000 feet)- cool lands.

Where is tierra fría?

Tierra Fria the upper forest zone in the mountains of low-latitude Central and South America. The tierra fria has elevations from 1,700–2,000 m to 3,200–3,500 m (below the equator).

What crops are grown in Tierra Nevada?

Common crops grown in the tierra fría are potatoes, wheat, barley, oats, corn, and rye.