couter in British English (kut) noun. a piece of armour designed to protect the elbow.

Is couter a word?

noun Armor. a piece of plate armor for the elbow.

What does it mean to get countered?

1 : to say in response to something said I could say the same about you, he countered. 2 : to act in opposition to : oppose She countered with a move that ended the game.

How do you conjugate Coute?

To put coter in the past tense, you’ll use the pass compos. You can form it using the auxiliary verb avoir and the past participle cot. For example: Le dner a cot plus de cent euros !

What is another word for countered?

What is another word for countered?

said replied
responded answered
retorted rejoined
returned riposted
flung back hurled back

What does counterargument mean?

A counterargument is an argument that is issued in response to someone else’s argument to show that the original claim is somehow incorrect. … A counterargument is always a responseits point is to refute (prove wrong) the original argument.

What is rebuff?

transitive verb. : to reject or criticize sharply : snub.

How do you conjugate vendre in French?

Conjugate the verb vendre:

  1. je vends. tu vends.
  2. il vendait. nous avons vendu.
  3. vous vendrez.
  4. ils vendraient.

Is Apporter irregular verb?

The French verb apporter means to bring. It’s a regular -er verb, which means conjugating it is pretty straightforward.

How do you conjugate marcher?

Conjugate the verb marcher:

  1. je marche. tu marches.
  2. il marchait. nous avons march
  3. vous marcherez.
  4. ils marcheraient.