Listen to pronunciation. (HEH-puh-TEK-toh-mee) Surgery to remove all or part of the liver.

What is a Gastrorrhaphy?

[ g-strr-f ] n. Suture of a perforation of the stomach.

What does Adenodynia mean?

Pain in a gland Adenodynia meaning (pathology) Pain in a gland; adenalgia.

What does Proctorrhaphy mean?

[ prk-tr-f ] n. Surgical suturing of a lacerated rectum or anus.

Why is hepatectomy done?

Hepatectomy is the surgical resection (removal of all or part) of the liver. While the term is often employed for the removal of the liver from a liver transplant donor, this article will focus on partial resections of hepatic tissue and hepatoportoenterostomy. …

MeSH D006498

Does blood sugar level falls rapidly after hepatectomy?

the liver is the sole source of blood sugar. (MANN in 1927, SOSKIN in 1927, 1941). After hepatectomy the blood sugar falls abruptly and the test animal dies of hypoglycaemic convulsions. Naturally there is still glycogen in the muscles also after the removal of the liver, but it cannot be converted into glucose.

What is Gastrotoxic?

adjective Having or referring to a toxic effect in the stomach.

What is Gastromegaly?

Gastromegaly is a convenient term for the enlarged and hypertrophied. stomach which is the most striking clinical feature of such cases as these. Such a condition implies obstruction to the evacuation of the stomach and may. be due to various causes; and as the site and nature of the obstruction, and.

What is Esophagalgia?

[ -sf-glj ] n. Pain in the esophagus.

What are the agents that promote secretion of urine called?

Diuretics. The diuretic drugs are agents designed to increase the rate of urine formation.

Can liver grow back after surgery?

The liver is the only organ in the body that can replace lost or injured tissue (regenerate). The donor’s liver will soon grow back to normal size after surgery. The part that you receive as a new liver will also grow to normal size in a few weeks.

Does liver grow back after resection?

Liver resection is the removal of part of the liver during an operation. The body can cope with removal of up to two-thirds of the liver. The liver also has the ability to grow back. Within 3 months of your operation, the remainder of your liver will have grown back to near normal size.

Where do they cut you for liver surgery?

Your Recovery Up to one-half of your liver can be removed if the rest of it is healthy. The doctor made a cut, called an incision, in your belly to take out part of the liver.

How is blood sugar level regulated?

Regulation of blood glucose is largely done through the endocrine hormones of the pancreas, a beautiful balance of hormones achieved through a negative feedback loop. The main hormones of the pancreas that affect blood glucose include insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and amylin.

What does Gastrolithiasis mean?

[ gstr-l-th-ss ] n. The presence of one or more gastroliths in the stomach.

What causes Gastromegaly?

The most frequent causes appear to be disease of neighbouring organs which cause secondary stenosis of the descending part of the duodenum or the duodeno-jejunal flexure.

What’s the meaning of Megaly?

irregular enlargement The combining form -megaly is used like a suffix meaning irregular enlargement of an organ or part of the body. It is used in many medical terms, especially in pathology. The form -megaly ultimately comes from the Greek mgas, meaning great, large.

What is esophageal contraction disorders?

Esophageal spasms are painful contractions within the muscular tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus). Esophageal spasms can feel like sudden, severe chest pain that lasts from a few minutes to hours. Some people may mistake it for heart pain (angina).