If music be the food of love, play on’ is the famous opening line from Shakespeare’s comedy Twelfth Night. … He asks for more music because he muses that an excess of music might cure his obsession with love, in the way that eating too much removes one’s appetite for food. Who Quoted If music is the food of love play on?
Shakespeare Quote by Shakespeare: “If music is the food of love, play on.”

What is the significance of Duke Orsino’s speech at the beginning of the play?

This quote by Orsino, the wealthy duke of Illyria, reveals that he is overwhelmed with love for the countess Olivia. Even though the metaphor reveals that Orsino is in love, the opening speech displays a striking connection between romance and imagination. Why is music the food of love?
It was believed that music was a tangible force that had the power to magnify and enhance your emotions: it was quite literally “food for the soul”. Love was seen as the emotion most susceptible to this, making music the “food of love”.

What did Shakespeare say about music?

Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,The appetite may sicken, and so die.” What structure would a song in ternary form take?

Ternary form is a symmetrical structure in music most often represented by the letters ABA. The A represents a musical idea or ideas, the B represents new, contrasting material, and the final A represents a return to the familiar music heard in the opening of the piece.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

When did Orsino say if music be the food of love play on?

This lovely phrase comes from one of Shakespeare’s plays titled Twelfth Night. In this play, Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, is head over heels in love with the Countess Olivia.

What does Surfeiting mean in Twelfth Night?

The Anglo-French root of surfeit (surfaire) literally means to overdo, and in this context, surfeiting—which applies to the appetite of the following line, not music—is synonymous with overindulging. – / – / – / – – / / The appetite may sicken, and so die.

What is the ultimate title of the play Twelfth Night?

The style of Twelfth Night is festive, mischievous, and witty. The title of the play refers to the twelfth night after Christmas, which is the night before Epiphany. Epiphany is a religious celebration marking the time the three Magi brought gifts to the infant Jesus.

Why does Duke Orsino say if music be the food of love play on?

The play’s opening speech includes one of its most famous lines, as the unhappy, lovesick Orsino tells his servants and musicians, “If music be the food of love, play on.” In the speech that follows, Orsino asks for the musicians to give him so much musical love-food that he will overdose (“surfeit”) and cease to …

How does Duke Orsino’s opening speech set the tone of the play?

What does this scene demonstrate about the Duke’s view of love?

What does this scene demonstrate about the Duke’s view of love? He believes that love is very cruel, as shown by his comparison of love and the ocean, and he believes that love can be very fickle and constantly changing.

What is the role of music in Twelfth Night?

Shakespeare also uses the music and poetry in Twelfth Night to foreshadow what is going to happen for the rest of the performance and to reveal major themes in the play. Music and poetry become major characters in the play themselves. … At first, Orsino is using music as a metaphor that feeds the appetite of love.

What is Duke Orsino music?

Expert Answers In the very first line of the play Orsino famously says to the musicians, If music be the food of love, play on. What he means by this is that if music makes people fall in love, then he wants to hear as much of it as possible. Hence this…

What does Orsino hope that music can do for him?

Duke Orsino is suffering, and he is hoping that the music will end his suffering. … This is why he tells the musician to play on, because music is the “food of love,” as they say, and if you eat too much, you will no longer have an appetite for it.

Who said music is food for the soul quote?

Composer Carl Nielsen’s personal motto: “Music is life, and, like life, inextinguishable.” Dorothy FennMUSIC IS FOOD FOR THE SOUL…..

Is music food for the soul?

It is a mix of vibrations and sounds which come together to create rhythm and hence an eclectic mix of energy. Just like our bodies need food and energy to thrive in this world, music acts as food for the soul rejuvenating it, filling it with energy and vitality. Music is fun, relaxing, motivating and energizing.

What is the best quote ever?

Best Quotes of All Time

What is ternary form in music?

ternary form, in music, a form consisting of three sections, the third section normally either a literal or a varied repeat of the first.

What is binary and ternary in music?

Binary form: the music falls into two large sections (usually both sections are repeated) Subcategories of binary form: … Ternary form: the music falls into three large sections, the last of which is identical (or nearly identical) to the first, resulting in an overall ABA or ABA’ form.

What is Rondo music form?

rondo, in music, an instrumental form characterized by the initial statement and subsequent restatement of a particular melody or section, the various statements of which are separated by contrasting material.

What is the food of love in the play Twelfth Night According to Orsino and most likely Feste?

Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, is consumed by his passion for the melancholy Countess Olivia. His ostentatious musings on the nature of love begin with what has become one of Shakespeare’s most famous lines: If music be the food of love, play on. It is apparent that Orsino’s love is hollow.

Did Shakespeare invent the word bedazzle?

Shakespeare invented the word bedazzled. We’re pretty sure he also invented the BeDazzler, but for some reason, no one wants to give him any credit. P.S. The word means exactly what you’d expect: shiny and bright.

What point does Orsino make about the relationship between love and imagination?

Orsino’s trick proves too simple, however; while it makes him tire of the music, it fails to stop him from thinking about love. Orsino also makes a pertinent comment about the relationship between romance and imagination: “So full of shapes is fancy / That it alone is high fantastical” (I.i.14–15).

What does eye offending mean?

which hurts the eyes eye-offending (adj.) which hurts the eyes.

What a plague means my niece?

What a plague means my niece, to take the death of her brother thus? I am sure care’s an enemy to life. … Your niece, my lady, strongly disapproves of the late hours you keep.

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