The New Academic Word List (NAWL) is a list of 963 words that appear very frequently in academic texts and lectures. Together with the NGSL, it gives you about 92% coverage of situations in colleges or universities.

How many words are in the academic word list?

570 words The Academic Word List is a list of 570 words that appear frequently in all academic texts. This means that they are very general academic words. They are not specially connected with any particular subject and so they are very useful for all students.

Where is the academic word list from?

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts.

What are examples of academic words?

Selecting vocabulary: Academic word list

Headwords Other words in the family. Definition*
adapt adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts adapt
adequate adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately adequate
adjacent adjacent

What is academic vocabulary?

Academic Vocabulary is defined as words that are traditionally used in academic dialogue and text. Specifically, it refers to words that are not necessarily common or frequently encountered in informal conversation. More about CCSS Academic Vocabulary.

What is academic collocation?

Academic collocations are collocations that are useful for your academic studies. It is exactly the same idea we explained earlier, but the focus is on academic vocabulary. Learning how academic words collocate will help you make your academic writing and speaking more accurate and natural.

What is the full form of awl in academic writing?

The Academic Word List (AWL) is a list of 570 of the most commonly found vocabulary words in academic texts (Coxhead, 2000). When English language learners in academic settings focus attention on wordlists such as AWL, they have an opportunity to expand the vocabulary necessary to communicate in academia.

What is equivalent academic words?


What is the first word on sublist one?

The list is rather static. … The Academic Word List.

Headword Sublist Related word forms
assume 1 assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions
authority 1 authoritative, authorities
available 1 availability, unavailable
benefit 1 beneficial, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefited, benefiting, benefits

Can you use because in academic writing?

Providing explanations is an essential part of writing. That is why authors commonly use the conjunctions “because” and “because of” to make relationships clear. These are basically used to present reasons or arguments.

How do you use an academic word list?

Learning the words in the academic word list

  1. Start with Sublist 1. …
  2. Don’t start with the headwords starting with the letter ‘A’ and work down the list, but choose words that do not look like each other and are not related in meaning.
  3. Check the list for words you find in texts.

Is create an academic word?

The AWL excludes words from the General Service List (the 2000 highest-frequency words in general texts); however, many words in the AWL are general vocabulary rather than restricted to an academic domain, such as area, approach, create, similar, and occur in Sublist One.

What are the two types of academic vocabulary?

Two types of academic vocabulary have been described: general and domain-specific.

What are three examples of academic vocabulary?

In general, academic vocabulary can be considered to consist of three types of vocabulary:

What is an academic structure?

The academic structure and its elements are the building blocks for an academic institution, from the institution itself down to degrees. Components of the structure include such things as academic careers, academic departments, plans and subplans, subjects, etc.

What is the importance of academic vocabulary?

Importance of Improving Vocabulary Skills in a Student’s Academic Achievement. Vocabulary skills are foundational requirements for students to reach high academic achievement. A strong vocabulary allows students to accurately express themselves and better understand concepts across all subject matters.

What is the difference between academic language and academic vocabulary?

When academic language is intentionally taught or monitored in schools, the term academic-language development, or ALD, may be used. … While there is no official, formal definition, academic language refers to more than just vocabulary and grammar in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

What are the main elements of academic writing?

Organization of Academic Writing In English academic writing, there are 3 main parts to academic essays and research papers: The introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The Introduction—includes important background information about the topic or issue. The introduction ends with a thesis statement.

What are the 7 types of collocation?

Below you can see seven main types of collocation in sample sentences.

What is the academic Collocation list?

The Academic Collocation List (ACL) is a list containing 2,469 of the most frequent and useful collocations which occur in written academic English. It can be seen as a collocational companion to the Academic Word List (AWL), consisting of collocations (or word combinations) rather than single words.

What is collocation give 5 examples?

Collocation Examples

to make the bed I need to make the bed every day.
to do homework My son does his homework after dinner.
to take a risk Some people don’t take enough risks in life.
to give someone advice The teacher gave us some advice on taking tests.

Who uses awl?

It looks kind of like an ice pick, but an awl is a tool used by shoemakers, carpenters and other craftsmen who need to punch small holes through leather or wood. If your shoes were made by hand, chances are all those little holes where the laces go through were made with the use of an awl.

How do you explain academic integrity?

Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behavior in an academic setting. This is most relevant at the university level as it relates to providing credit to other people when using their ideas. In simplest terms, it requires acknowledging the contributions of other people.

What is an argument in academic writing?

Definition of Academic Arguments An academic argument is your stance, your claim, or your take on your topic. This stance, claim, or take is your contribution to the current conversation on your topic and provides your readers with a position, perspective, and/or point of view on your topic.

What is the best academic thesaurus?

The Best Thesaurus for Writers: 9 Excellent Print or Kindle Options

  1. Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus. …
  2. The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression. …
  3. Roget’s Thesaurus of Words for Writers. …
  4. The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Psychological Trauma.

What is equivalent in math?

The term equivalent in math refers to two meanings, numbers, or quantities that are the same. … It also means a logical equivalence between two values or a set of quantities. Equivalence is similar but more universal than equality.

What does antonym mean in English?

: a word of opposite meaning The usual antonym of good is bad. Other Words from antonym Some Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About antonym.

What does AWL stand for?

: a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes (as in leather or wood)

What is academic and domain specific vocabulary?

Academic vocabulary is language that is aimed at an intelligent audience. … Domain-specific vocabulary is language or word choice that is directly related to the class for which you are writing.