In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for fearsome, like: frightening, appalling, redoubtable, dire, direful, dreadful, fearful, formidable, frightful, ghastly and monstrous. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

What does it mean to be a fearsome man?

Fearful; timid. … Causing fear; dreadful; horrible.

What does fearsome mean in the dictionary?

adjective. causing fear: a fearsome noise. causing awe or respect: a fearsome self-confidence. afraid; timid.

How do you use fearsome in a sentence?

causing fear or dread or terror.

  1. Its fearsome appearance struck terror into their hearts.
  2. He has a fearsome reputation as a fighter.
  3. He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.
  4. The battlefield was a fearsome sight.
  5. He ran away from the fearsome ruffian.

What is the opposite of fearsome?

Opposite of frightening, especially in appearance. calming. comforting. ineffective. nice.

What is another word for powerful?

What is another word for powerful?

forceful violent
strong vigorous
almighty hard
mighty ferocious
explosive fierce

What is a fearsome enemy?

1. Causing or capable of causing fear: The Devil is a fearsome enemy (Jimmy Breslin). 2. Fearful; timid.

What is a fearsome person?

1a : causing fear a fearsome monster. b : intense, extreme fearsome determination. 2 : timid, timorous.

What does it mean if someone is frosty?

You can describe the weather as frosty when there’s a sharp chill in the air, or you can use the word more literally, to mean covered in frost, like your frosty front lawn. When a person is frosty, however, she’s emotionally cold haughty, aloof, or even unfriendly.

Is Fearsomeness a word?

The state or condition of being fearsome.

What is being domesticated mean?

Domesticated means trained to live or work for humans, i.e. pets and farm animals. … Thus domesticated means an animal tamed to live in your home or, as some women like to joke, a man.

Which part of speech is fearsome?

frightening, especially in appearance.

What was the fearsome sight?

The molars at the very back are easily the worst. He opened wide his massive jaws. It was a fearsome sight At least three hundred pointed teeth, all sharp and shining white.

Is awe inspiring meaning?

If you describe someone or something as awe-inspiring, you are emphasizing that you think that they are remarkable and amazing, although sometimes rather frightening. …a museum with an awe-inspiring display of jewellery.

How do you use massive in a sentence?

Massive sentence example

  1. Massive maple trees shaded back and front. …
  2. He leaned his whole massive body across the table. …
  3. She looked around at the quiet foyer of a massive house. …
  4. He was like a massive shadow among the sunny forest, dressed all in black and armed as if for battle, even when coming to see her.

What is the synonym of intimidating?

Some common synonyms of intimidate are browbeat, bulldoze, bully, and cow. While all these words mean to frighten into submission, intimidate implies inducing fear or a sense of inferiority into another.

What is the word for putting up with something?

What is another word for put up with?

tolerate endure
support swallow
abide stick
submit shoulder
submit to stand for

What’s the meaning of spine chilling?

: alarmingly or eerily frightening.

What are the 12 powerful words?

What are the twelve powerful words? Trace, Analyze, Infer, Evaluate, Formulate, Describe, Support, Explain, Summarize, Compare, Contrast, Predict. Why use the twelve powerful words? These are the words that always give students more trouble than others on standardized tests.

What is a word for strong emotion?

While the synonyms passion and emotion are close in meaning, passion suggests a very powerful or controlling emotion.

What is a stronger word than powerful?

dominant, impressive, capable, influential, forceful, persuasive, dynamic, potent, authoritative, mighty, compelling, vigorous, robust, energetic, all-powerful, able, almighty, authoritarian, cogent, commanding.

What makes someone fearsome?

Fearsome is used to describe things that are frightening, for example because of their large size or extreme nature. He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.

What is the definition of the word disquieting?

: to take away the peace or tranquility of : disturb, alarm were disquieted by recent events. disquiet. noun.

What do you mean by threatening?

: to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want. : to be something that is likely to cause harm to (someone or something) : to be a threat to (someone or something)

What’s frigid mean?

intensely cold 1a : intensely cold frigid water. b : lacking warmth or ardor : indifferent had an emotionally frigid father. 2 : lacking imaginative qualities : insipid writing precise and frigid poetry. 3a : abnormally averse to sexual intercourse used especially of women.

What’s Baltic mean?

1 : of or relating to the Baltic Sea or to the states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. 2 : of or relating to a branch of the Indo-European language family containing Latvian, Lithuanian, and Old Prussian see Indo-European Languages Table.

What is the definition of stony?

1 : abounding in or having the nature of stone : rocky. 2a : insensitive to pity or human feeling : obdurate. b : manifesting no movement or reaction : dumb, expressionless. c : fearfully gripping : petrifying.