1 : including a multitude of individuals : populous the multitudinous city. 2 : existing in a great multitude multitudinous opportunities.

What is Achromic?

adjective. colorless; without coloring matter.

What is the meaning of Tyied?

1 : found good, faithful, or trustworthy through experience or testing a tried recipe. 2 : subjected to trials or distress a kind but much-tried father. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About tried.

How do you use multitudinous?

Multitudinous in a Sentence

  1. Because Teresa is a very attractive woman, she receives multitudinous messages through the dating website.
  2. Multitudinous blogs have appeared online because of the profitability of the Internet.
  3. When Mark opened the computer, he was stunned by the multitudinous components in the small case.

What does multitudinous mean in Lord of the Flies?

Narrow-mindedness; Near-sightedness. multitudinous. Existing in great numbers.

What is Achromic point in biology?

Quick Reference The point in time during the action of amylase on starch at which the reaction mixture no longer gives a colour with iodine, i.e. the reaction has proceeded to the … From: achromic point in Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Is it tried or trialed?

The past tense of trial is trialledUK or trialedUS. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of trial is trials. The present participle of trial is triallingUK or trialingUS. The past participle of trial is trialledUK or trialedUS.

Is tied a correct word?

verb (used with object), tied [tahyd], tying [tahy-ing]. to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted: to tie a tin can on a dog’s tail. to draw together the parts of with a knotted string or the like: to tie a bundle tight.

How do you use multitudinous in a sentence?

Multitudinous sentence example

  1. There was a moment of sinister silence, then a multitudinous stirring of the leaves. …
  2. They may represent the gigantic forces of nature which appear in earthquakes and other convulsions, or the multitudinous motion of the sea waves (Mayer, Die Giganten and Titanen, 1887).

Is Multichotomous a word?

Dividing into three or more alternative pieces.

What is a ululation used for?

It’s a common cultural reaction to a death, as well as a highly expressive way of grieving. In some cases, ululation can be celebratory or joyful rather than sad. It’s been used to mean wailing since the 16th century, and its origin traces back to the Latin word with that same meaning, ululationem.

What does dun and unvisited mean in?

HIDDEN; SECRET. If you could forget how dun unvisited the ferny coverts on either side,… You just studied 19 terms! 1/19.

What is Achromic point & chromic period?

Achromic point is that point at which no colour is obtained with iodine. Chromic period is that time period which is required to obtain achromic point when enzymatic hydrolysis is being performed.

What is Achromic point in salivary amylase?

Note: If we add saliva on starch, the salivary amylase present in saliva gradually acts on starch and converts it into maltose. Starch keeps on giving blue colour with iodine till it is completely digested into maltose. At this point, no blue colour is formed. This is the end point or achromic point.

Where do you find Achromic points?

The achromatic point is the central point at x = 1/3, y = 1/3 (shown as W in the figure), where visually perceived white is located (as well as the pure grays and black, which vary only in the magnitude of the luminance Y).

What is the past tense of trialed?

trialled trial Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
he/she/it trials
present participle trialling
past tense trialled
past participle trialled

What is past tense of tried?

The past tense of try is tried. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of try is tries. The present participle of try is trying. The past participle of try is tried.

What is the meaning of Gaceta?

gaceta paper, diary, newspaper, daily paper, journal, daily newspaper, gazette, magazine, periodical.

Is it tie or tie?

Tieing, commonly spelled as tying, is defined as forming a knot or a connection between two or more people. An example of tieing is to form a bow in a scarf. Present participle of tie; alternative spelling of tying.

Is there a word tidied?

v.tr. To clean or put in order: tidied up the house. To make things clean or orderly: tidied up after dinner.

How do you pronounce tie?