1 : capable of being understood or comprehended jargon intelligible only to the initiated. 2 : apprehensible by the intellect only.

What are the examples of Creolization?

Examples of creolization in languages are the varieties of French that emerged such as Haitian Creole, Mauritian Creole, and Louisiana Creole. The English language evolved into Gullah, Guyanese Creole, Jamaican Creole, and Hawaiian Creole.

Is Inteligible a word?

intelligible adj. 1. Capable of being understood: an intelligible set of directions.

What is the difference between intelligibility and comprehensibility?

Intelligibility is the recognition of a word and/or grammatical structure of an utterance. Comprehensibility is the recognition of a meaning attached to a word or utterance, i.e. an understanding of a possible meaning.

What does it mean to Creolize?

transitive verb. : to cause (a pidginized language) to become a creole in a speech community.

What is creolization and how does it work?

Creolization is a term referring to the process by which elements of different cultures are blended together to create a new culture. … Since that time creolization has emerged as an important paradigm throughout the social sciences.

What is a Creolized society?

Creolization was first used by linguists to explain how contact languages become creole languages, but now scholars in other social sciences use the term to describe new cultural expressions brought about by contact between societies and relocated peoples. …

What is perspicuous mean?

: plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation a perspicuous argument.

What is the meaning of Aposite?

apposite AP-uh-zit adjective. : highly pertinent or appropriate : apt.

How do you use intelligible in a sentence?

Intelligible sentence example

  1. Their action is intelligible enough. …
  2. Another friend, who is as familiar with French as with English, finds her French much more intelligible than her English. …
  3. Why not interpret at once and render intelligible the common conception originating in natural science, viz.

How is speech intelligibility measured?

Speech intelligibility is measured by reproducing a known signal (the STIPA test signal) and measuring the quality of that signal as it reaches each of the measurement positions. … Measurement units are STI (Speech Transmission Index) or CIS (Common Intelligibility Scale).

How do you use comprehensible in a sentence?

Comprehensible sentence example

  1. Her words were barely comprehensible through chattering teeth as she leaned over the stove. …
  2. In everything near and comprehensible he had only what was limited, petty, commonplace, and senseless.

How can intelligibility impact your communication?

Speech intelligibility can be defined as how clearly a person speaks so that his or her speech is comprehensible to a listener [2]. Reduced speech intelligibility leads to misunderstanding, frustration, and loss of interest by communication partners. As a result, communication decreases or remains at a low level.

Is pidgin a language?

The Oxford English Dictionary definition of Pidgin is: A language containing lexical and other features from two or more languages, characteristically with simplified grammar and a smaller vocabulary than the languages from which it is derived, used for communication between people not having a common language; a …

What is a Creole woman?

The term Creole can have many meanings, but during the early days of Louisiana, it meant that a person was born in the colony and was the descendant of French or Spanish parents. … In present Louisiana, Creole generally means a person or people of mixed colonial French, African American and Native American ancestry.

What is the process of Pidginization?

Pidginization is a linguistic process that occurs when people who do not speak the same language come into contact. It involves the simplification of the contacting language and the exploitation of linguistic common denominators. It is essentially an oral process and limited communication.

What best describes the process of creolization?

The term creolization describes the process of acculturation in which Amerindian, European, and African traditions and customs have blended with each other over a prolonged period to create new cultures in the New World. … Since the colonial period, the term has been applied to many aspects of culture.

Who made the term creolization?

The idea of creolisation gained prominence during the Second World War, when scholars, such as the Martinique poet and politician Aim Csaire wrote about the ambiguities of Caribbean life and the cultural identity of black Africans in a colonial setting. In this respect, creolisation can be related to Ngritude.

How has creolization affected the Caribbean?

In the Caribbean, creolization contributed to the creation of a wide array of musical forms, ranging from those closely resembling the European patterns, to neo-African forms. Each colony created its own music within this Euro-African array.

What is Decreolization linguistics?

(Decreolization, or debasilectalization, is the process by which a vernacular loses its basilectal, or creole, features under the influence of the language from which it inherited most of its vocabulary. The basilect is the variety that is the most divergent from the local standard speech.)

Is Creole A ethnicity?

Creole people are ethnic groups which originated during the colonial era from racial mixing mainly involving West Africans as well as some other people born in colonies, such as French, Spanish, and Indigenous American peoples; this process is known as creolization.

What language do Haitians speak?

Haitian Creole French Haiti / Official languages Haitian Creole, a French-based vernacular language that developed in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. It developed primarily on the sugarcane plantations of Haiti from contacts between French colonists and African slaves.