A polynucleotide chain has no branches. Each strand of a polynucleotide is made up of an alternate sugar and phosphate group. The purine or pyrimidine bases join to a repeating sugar-phosphate group in the polynucleotide backbone by N-glycosidic bonds10 (Fig. 4.8).

Which of the following make up the backbone of a polynucleotide strand?

This polynucleotide backbone is madeof the sugar and phosphate parts of nucleotides, so we call it a sugar-phosphate backbone. … In DNA, the bases are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.

Which polymer has a sugar-phosphate backbone quizlet?

Polynucleotide= a nucleic acid polymer that’s built from its monomers by dehydration reactions. Sugar-phosphate backbone= The sugar of 1 nucleotide bonds to the phosphate group of the next nucleotide.

What provides direction for its own replication?

A polynucleotide has a repeating provides directions for its own replication. It also directs cell activities by providing the genetic instructions it backbone. 6. The structure of DNA isa cytosine with guanine, and adenine with thymine 7.

What are polynucleotide strands?

A polynucleotide strand is made of a sugar-phosphate backbone (like the string in a strand of flags) and a variety of bases (like the flags), one per nucleotide. A polynucleotide is made when a polymerase enzyme joins nucleotides together. The strand has two different ends, which we call 3′ and 5′.

How many polynucleotide strands are found in a DNA molecule?

A DNA molecule consists of two long polynucleotide chains composed of four types of nucleotide subunits.

How are the consecutive nucleotides linked together in a polynucleotide strands?

Nucleotides are joined together by covalent bonds between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the third carbon atom of the pentose sugar in the next nucleotide. This produces an alternating backbone of sugar – phosphate – sugar – phosphate all along the polynucleotide chain.

What forms the backbone of a polynucleotide strand of a nucleic acid?

The sugar and phosphate molecule forms the backbone of the nucleic acid in which the phosphodiester bond is formed in between the sugar base of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the other.

How are polynucleotide chains held together?

The two polynucleotide chains in DNA double helix are held together by hydrogen bonds between their nitrogenous bases. … There are two hydrogen bonds between Alanine and Thymine, while there are three hydrogen bonds between Guanine and Cytosine.

Which macromolecule has A sugar-phosphate backbone?

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a long macromolecule built from nucleotides strung together along a sugar-phosphate backbone.

Has A sugar backbone made up of ribose sugar?

Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids. Deoxyribose is the sugar molecules found in DNA. They have one less oxygen atom than ribose sugar which is found in RNA. The backbone of the DNA is made up of phosphate and deoxyribose.

Is dipeptide A polymer?

A molecule formed from two amino acids, joined together by a peptide bond, is known as a dipeptide. … Because of this fact, polypeptides are unbranched, linear polymers. This process of amino acid addition can continue, theoretically without limit.

What are the 4 steps of replication?

What are the 4 steps of DNA replication?

Where does replication occur?

nucleus In humans, DNA is found in the nucleus of cell. The process of replication (which copies DNA) must take place in the nucleus since this is where the DNA is found.

What is a specific stretch of DNA that programs the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide?

A gene is a specific stretch of DNA that programs the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

What is polynucleotide backbone?

A polynucleotide contains an alternating sugar phosphate backbone. The sugar is bonded to the phospate by a phosphodiester bond. A polynucleotide contains an alternating sugar phosphate backbone. The sugar is bonded to the phospate by a phosphodiester bond.

What does a polynucleotide contain?

A polynucleotide molecule is a biopolymer composed of 13 or more nucleotide monomers covalently bonded in a chain. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are examples of polynucleotides with distinct biological function.

What is a polynucleotide is made up of?

nucleotide monomers A polynucleotide is a combination of nucleotide monomers which are connected to each other through covalent bonds. A single polynucleotide molecule consists of 14 or more monomers of nucleotide in a chain structure. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are examples of polynucleotides.

What is the backbone of DNA?

The sugar-phosphate backbone forms the structural framework of nucleic acids, including DNA and RNA. This backbone is composed of alternating sugar and phosphate groups, and defines directionality of the molecule.

What bond links two polynucleotide chains to each other in a double helix of DNA?

Figure 4: Double-stranded DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains whose nitrogenous bases are connected by hydrogen bonds.

Which of these is a pyrimidine?

Adenine (A) and guanine (G) are purines, and cytosine (C), thymine (T), and uracil (U) are pyrimidines. These are the most important parts in the nucleic acid, and genetic information is stored in the sequence of these molecules.

Which chemical groups are at the ends of a single polynucleotide strand?

Adjacent nucleotides in a polynucleotide are linked by phosphodiester bonds. The entire strand has a chemical directionality: the 5′ end with a free hydroxyl or phosphate group on the 5′ carbon of the sugar, and the 3′ end with a free hydroxyl group on the 3′ carbon of the sugar (see Figure 4-3).

Which nucleotides pair together?

Under normal circumstances, the nitrogen-containing bases adenine (A) and thymine (T) pair together, and cytosine (C) and guanine (G) pair together. The binding of these base pairs forms the structure of DNA .

What do we call nucleotides that pair up together?

The nucleotides in a base pair are complementary which means their shape allows them to bond together with hydrogen bonds. The A-T pair forms two hydrogen bonds. The C-G pair forms three.

Which two groups form the backbone of a polynucleotide?

Sugars and phosphate groups form the backbone of a polynucleotide chain. Hydrogen bonds between complementary bases hold two polynucleotide chains together.

What is polynucleotide backbone projected?

The double helix of DNA is made of polynucleotide chains where in backbone constituted by sugar phosphate and the bases are projected.

Why is the distance between two polynucleotide chains in DNA remains almost constant?

The bases in two strands of DNA are paired through hydrogen bond (H-bonds) and form base pairs . … Similarly, Guanine and Cytosine are bonded with three H-bonds. As a result of these bonds, the distance between two polynucleotide chains in DNA remains almost constant.

What are the two polynucleotide strands in DNA?

The two polynucleotide strands of DNA are run antiparallel and complementary to each other.

Why is DNA called polynucleotide?

Answer: DNA is called a polynucleotide as it consists of long chain of many nucleotides(a combination of De-oxy Ribose sugar + a Nitrogenous base- Adenine/Thymine/Cytocine/Guanine+ a phosphate group).

What does the word polynucleotide mean?

: a polymeric chain of nucleotides.