The purpose of the Molasses Act was to protect British West Indies exports to the American colonies from the more fertile French and Spanish islands of Martinique and Santo Domingo. It was not designed to raise revenue but it was used as a trade barrier.

What was the Molasses Act of 1764?

On April 5, 1764, Parliament passed a modified version of the Sugar and Molasses Act (1733), which was about to expire. Under the Molasses Act colonial merchants had been required to pay a tax of six pence per gallon on the importation of foreign molasses.

What was the main after effect of the Molasses Act?

What was the main after-effect of the Molasses Act? … British response to the American colonies importing cheaper molasses from France. This act caused smuggling to boom in the colonies.

What did the Molasses Act forbid?

Parliament passed laws which forbade the shipping of woolens, hats, and iron products out of the colony in which they were manufactured. The purpose of these laws was to prevent the development of manufacturing in the colonies.

Why is the Molasses Act significant?

The Molasses Act of 1733 raised the tax on molasses that was imported by American colonies from anywhere other than Great Britain. The purpose of the Molasses Act was to make more money for Great Britain by controlling trade among its colonies.

How did the colonists respond to the Molasses Act?

The American colonists protested the act, claiming that the British West Indies alone could not produce enough molasses to meet the colonies’ needs. … The American colonists feared that the act’s effect would be to increase the price of rum manufactured in New England, thus disrupting the region’s exporting capacity.

Is molasses illegal?

However, rather than acceding to the demands to prohibit the colonies from trading with the non-British islands, Parliament passed the prohibitively high tax on the colonies for the import of molasses from these islands. … Molasses Act.

Commencement 24 June 1733 (in part) 25 December 1733 (entire act)
Status: Repealed

How many years in effect was the Molasses Act?

five years Estimates indicate that New England distilled considerably more rum than could have been produced with legally imported molasses, so rum production in New England could only survive by circumventing the act. The act continued in force for five years and was renewed five times.

How was the Molasses Act repealed?

He set to reduce the tax rate from 6d to 2d per gallon of molasses. The purpose was make traders pay the lower tax instead of smuggling and enforce its collection with the 1763 Hovering Act. The following year the Molasses Act was replaced by the Sugar Act setting the tax at 3d.

What did the Iron Act do?

Iron Act, (1750), in U.S. colonial history, one of the British Trade and Navigation acts; it was intended to stem the development of colonial manufacturing in competition with home industry by restricting the growth of the American iron industry to the supply of raw metals.

Why did British officials rarely carry out the Molasses Act?

Why do you think that British officials rarely carried out the Molasses Act? The Molasses Act was probably hard to keep up with. There were a lot of people smuggling items, and not enough British people to be able to control them.

Is molasses made from sugarcane?

Bottom line: Molasses is a product of the sugar-making process, and it comes from sugar cane or sugar beets.

Why did the Sugar Act anger the colonists?

The first act was The Sugar Act passed in 1764. The act placed a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies. … This act prompted New England colonists to boycott British imports and led to the need for colonists to become more self-sufficient and rely less on British goods.

Why did the colonists boycott the Sugar Act?

the idea that Parliament had absolutely no right to levy taxes upon them. This is actually the first time in American history that the phrase “no taxation without representation” is seen. In response to the Sugar, Act colonists formed an organized boycott of luxury goods imported from Great Britain.

What would a British sugar plantation owners think of the Molasses Act?

What would a British sugar plantation owner think of this law? the British plantation owner would be mad, because they would have to give Britain part of their profits.

What does it mean to run molasses?

US, informal. : very slow or slowly I used to be a fast runner, but now I’m slow as molasses.

How long has molasses been around?

Even more than most traditional foods, molasses has a history — a definitely checkered past. During the 1600s, traders started carrying slaves from Africa to the Caribbean, where the human cargo was sold for barrels of molasses.

Why was molasses important to the 13 American colonies?

Molasses was a major trading product in the Americas, being produced by enslaved Africans on sugar plantations on European colonies. The good was a major import for the British North American colonies, which used molasses to produce rum, especially distilleries in New England.

What did the Quartering Act require the colonists?

The act did require colonial governments to provide and pay for feeding and sheltering any troops stationed in their colony. If enough barracks were not made available, then soldiers could be housed in inns, stables, outbuildings, uninhabited houses, or private homes that sold wine or alcohol.

Who created salutary neglect?

minister Robert Walpole Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries.

How did the colonist react to the Sugar Act?

American colonists responded to the Sugar Act and the Currency Act with protest. In Massachusetts, participants in a town meeting cried out against taxation without proper representation in Parliament, and suggested some form of united protest throughout the colonies.