Camp followers contributed to the daily responsibilities of maintaining the army by performing traditionally domestic tasks. One such role was serving as washerwomen for enlisted men and officers, which was essential for hygiene and the prevention of communicable diseases among the encampments.

Did the British have camp followers?

There are no statistics on camp followers for the colonial wars, but about 20,000 women had paid positions with the American troops at some point during the American Revolution. British, Hessian, and Loyalist troops add from 3,000 to 5,000 more women to the total.

What are camp wives?

As it turns out, most Camp Followers were wives or girlfriends of soldiers. They were expected to be honest, laborious Women. … Soldiers’ wives had to prove their worth to the army. Both Continental and British army orders stipulated that they had to be of good character, and had to be productive.

Who supported her husband and improved camp morale at Valley Forge?

Martha Washington’s Martha Washington’s presence at the Continental Army’s winter encampments not only helped encouraged George Washington but also boosted the morale of the entire camp.

What is the meaning of camp follower?

1 : a civilian (such as a prostitute) who follows a military unit to attend or exploit military personnel. 2 : a disciple or follower who is not of the main body of members or adherents especially : a politician who joins the party or movement solely for personal gain.

Who were camp followers and what did they do?

Known collectively as camp followers, the forgotten revolutionaries of America’s War for Independence were the many men, women, and children who provided support, supplies, and various other services to the Continental Army throughout the course of the War.

Why did most camp followers follow the Army?

From the beginning of organized warfare until the end of the 19th century, European and American armies heavily depended on the services of camp followers. … Camp followers were both a support and drain on an army as they provided valuable services but also increased difficulties in logistics and security.

What did the daughter of liberty do?

Activities. The main task of the Daughters of Liberty was to protest the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts through aiding the Sons of Liberty in boycotts and non-importation movements prior to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

What type of work did camp followers do quizlet?

a. Followers were just women who followed them around and cleaned, did laundry, cook, served as partners. There were also nurses who just served the purpose of treating injured soldiers.

What are camp followers in the Civil War?

Camp followers were groups of civilians who followed armies and they were either wives and children of soldiers or informal army service providers who sold services, like cooking, to the army. The female relatives of the soldiers often provided the services of cooking, laundering and sewing.

What did nurses do in the Revolutionary War?

While surgeons and surgeon mates performed most of the skilled medical duties, female nurses did mostly custodial work, feeding and bathing patients, emptying chamber pots, cleaning hospital wards, and occasionally cooking, says

How did the revolutionary war change women’s status in most Native American tribes?

How did the Revolutionary war change women’s status in most Native American tribes? … Most states presumed a woman’s allegiance followed her husband’s and often plundered their land and personal goods.

Which woman helped soldiers at Valley Forge who were sick or wounded?

One such woman, named Jane Norton, who when trying to obtain her pension mentions her service caring for the sick and wounded during the encampment of 1777-1778. Polly Cooper – Young Oneida woman who came to Valley Forge and assisted the soldiers caring for the sick and dying.

What did George Washington say at Valley Forge?

As Washington described in a December 23, 1777 letter to Henry Laurens, …we have, by a field return this day made no less than 2,898 Men now in Camp unfit for duty because they are bare foot and otherwise naked

What happened at Yorktown?

Siege of Yorktown, (September 28October 19, 1781), joint Franco-American land and sea campaign that entrapped a major British army on a peninsula at Yorktown, Virginia, and forced its surrender. The siege virtually ended military operations in the American Revolution.

What does it mean to be a follower in military?

The Army defines leadership as the process of influencing others by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission. … Followership is defined as: the ability or willingness to follow a leader.

Which of the following is most true about African American participation in the American Revolution?

Which of the following is MOST true about African American participation in the American Revolution? Many African Americans found their freedom fighting for both the British and the revolutionaries.

Who was Baron von Steuben quizlet?

Friedrich Wilhelm August Heinrich Ferdinand von Steuben, also referred to as the Baron von Steuben, was a Prussian-born military officer who served as inspector general and Major General of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War.

Which of the following was the goal of British strategy for 1777?

Which of the following was the goal of British strategy for 1777? avoid decisive military losses.

Which of the following took place during the first phase 1775 76 of the Revolutionary War?

Which of the following took place during the first phase (1775-76) of the Revolutionary War? In the Battle of Bunker Hill, the British suffered heavy casualties.

What was a main obstacle that the British army faced in the Revolutionary War?

What Disadvantages Did the British Army Face in the Revolutionary War? One major disadvantage or weakness of the British army was that it was fighting in a distant land. Great Britain had to ship soldiers and supplies across the Atlantic, which was very costly, in order to fight the Revolutionary War.

Who won the battles of Trenton and Princeton?

General George Washington’s New Jersey Dec 26, 1776. After crossing the Delaware River in a treacherous storm, General George Washington’s army defeated a garrison of Hessian mercenaries at Trenton. The victory set the stage for another success at Princeton a week later and boosted the morale of the American troops.

Why does Liberty tea have this name?

and when it came to the point where they swore off king george’s tea they wanted to continue having their tea times. so they turned to their gardens and to their orchards to come up with blends compositions they could put their to their teapots and these teas were called liberty teas.

What are the 3 intolerable acts?

The four acts were (1) the Boston Port Bill, which closed Boston Harbor; (2) the Massachusetts Government Act, which replaced the elective local government with an appointive one and increased the powers of the military governor; (3) the Administration of Justice Act, which allowed British officials charged with …

Who created salutary neglect?

minister Robert Walpole Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries.

What was the fate of some African Americans who turned to the British to secure their freedom during the Revolutionary War?

What was the fate of some African Americans who turned to the British to secure their freedom during the Revolutionary War? They were transported to an uncertain fate in the West Indies, Nova Scotia, or Sierra Leone.

What was Benjamin Franklin most instrumental in?

During the American Revolution, he served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He also negotiated the 1783 Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War (1775-83).

Which of the following were examples of women’s role in the revolutionary effort?

Women often followed their husbands in the Continental Army. These women, known as camp followers, often tended to the domestic side of army organization, washing, cooking, mending clothes, and providing medical help when necessary. Sometimes they were flung into the vortex of battle.