What is another word for con job?

con game bait-and-switch
bunko con
confidence game confidence trick
flimflam grift
hustle Ponzi

What is the meaning of cons?

con Add to list Share. … The word con has many meanings, none of them good. An argument has pros and cons, and the cons are always the downside. An ex-con is someone who spent time in jail as a convict, and a con artist is someone who scams people out of their money.

Is con short for something?

A slang abbreviation for confidence, as in con man or con game. To con someone is to deceive or take advantage of a person through FRAUD or trickery after winning the person’s confidence. Con is also used as a slang abbreviation for convict, as in ex-con to mean someone previously incarcerated.

What does glibly mean?

: speaking or spoken carelessly and often insincerely a glib answer. Other Words from glib. glibly adverb.

What is neurochemical con job?

Love is a Neurochemical Con Job Theoretical concepts are those that our mind can create but do not physically present themselves in the real world. … Love has been heavily rationalized, from religion to chemicals to even illness, to the point ideologies exist in our society as ‘absolute’ or ‘normal’.

What is the synonym of supplement?

supplement, supplementationnoun. a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency) Synonyms: add-on, appurtenance, postscript, subjunction, accessory, addendum, subjoining, supplementation. accessory, appurtenance, supplement, add-onverb.

What is a con job mean?

noun Informal. an act or instance of duping or swindling. an act or instance of lying or talking glibly to convince others or get one’s way.

What is a con artist?

: a person who tricks other people in order to get their money The couple lost their savings to a con artist who told them he was an investment broker.

What is con and pro?

A pros and cons list is a quick and easy decision-making tool. Pros are arguments FOR taking a particular path. Cons are arguments AGAINST.

What is a con in British law?

To con someone is to deceive or take advantage of a person through Fraud or trickery after winning the person’s confidence.

What do you call someone who cons people?

A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud.

Does con mean negative?

The definition of a con is a disadvantage, a negative reason or a scam designed to trick or defraud someone.

What is Odiously?

: arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance : hateful an odious crime a false and odious comparison.

What is Scintillant?

Definitions of scintillant. adjective. having brief brilliant points or flashes of light. scintillant mica synonyms: aglitter, coruscant, fulgid, glinting, glistering, glittering, glittery, scintillating, sparkly bright.

What is Bleaking?

1 : exposed and barren and often windswept a bleak landscape bleak soils. 2 : cold, raw a bleak November evening. 3a : lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness : grim a bleak prison documentary. b : not hopeful or encouraging : depressing a bleak prognosis a bleak outlook the future looks bleak.

Is Serotonin a neurochemical?

Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that plays a regulatory role in mood, sleep, appetite, body temperature regulation, and other processes. Histamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter that is involved in arousal, pain, body temperature regulation, and appetite.

What qualifies as a supplement?

A dietary supplement is a product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement the diet. The dietary ingredients in these products may include: vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars, and metabolites.

What does supplements do to your body?

Vitamins and minerals are essential to helping your body develop and function as it should. While most people get all of what’s recommended by eating healthy, others need a little extra nutrient boost. That’s where supplements come in providing you with the support your body needs to stay healthy.

What is another word for very skinny?

Some common synonyms of skinny are gaunt, lanky, lank, lean, rawboned, scrawny, and spare. While all these words mean thin because of an absence of excess flesh, scrawny and skinny imply an extreme leanness that suggests deficient strength and vitality.

What is the long con?

A ‘long con’ or ‘big con’ refers to a more complex, planned con, whereby ‘the mark’ is sent to get more money or used to get more money than is just on his person.

What are words that start with con?

Words starting with con

What is a duping?

: one that is easily deceived or cheated : fool. dupe. verb (1) duped; duping.

Is con-artist illegal?

Is being a con artist illegal? Yes, con artists are breaking the law when they scam and defraud a person. However, they’re rarely brought to justice as victims tend to feel foolish and don’t report the crime.

Who is the biggest con-artist?

Here are 20 of the most notorious con artists over the whole course of human history listed in no particular order:

What is the biggest con in history?

In a nod to her, we present 5 of the biggest cons in US financial history, in rough chronological order:

Is cons a disadvantage or advantage?

The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.

What are some examples of cons?

Examples of Cons:

Are pros better than cons?

Meaning there are more pros (good things or advantages) than cons (bad things or disadvantages). It means the advantages of something make it worth it, despite the disadvantages. For example, the pros (advantages) of going to the party are: seeing your friends, having fun, eating good food, etc.