In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for congeries, like: accumulation, pile, mass, bunch, collection, heap, amassment, assemblage, cumulation, gathering and collect.

What is a Congery?

congeries. n functioning as sing or pl a collection of objects or ideas; mass; heap. (C17: from Latin, from congerere to pile up, from gerere to carry)

What does Bellipotent mean?

Mighty in war Filters. (obsolete) Mighty in war. adjective.

What does Congenative mean?

(kndentl ) 1. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A congenital disease or medical condition is one that a person has had from birth, but is not inherited.

What does boiserie mean?

paneling : a panel or paneling of carved wood.

Is discrepant a word?

(usually of two or more objects, accounts, findings etc.) differing; disagreeing; inconsistent: discrepant accounts.

What is congeries in literature?

Congeries is a rhetorical term for the piling up of words or phrases. Singular and plural: congeries. … In The Garden of Eloquence (1577), Henry Peacham defines congeries as a multiplication or heaping together of many words signifying diverse things of like nature.

What is Diacope in literature?

Diacope is a rhetorical device that involves the repetition of words, separated by a small number of intervening words. It comes from the Greek word thiakhop, meaning cutting in two. The number of words in between the repeated words of a diacope can vary, but it should be few enough to produce a rhetorical effect.

What is the plot of Billy Budd?

The story of Billy Budd concerns a young merchant sailor (the title character) who is forced to serve on a naval vessel, the HMS Indomitable. There he finds a well-meaning captain but an evil-hearted master-at-arms who is determined to destroy the handsome new recruit.

Why was Billy Budd to death?

Billy Budd, also known as the handsome sailor, was on trial for killing the master-at-arms, Claggart. Everyone wished for Billy’s life to be spared, but Captain Vere chose to follow the oath he pledged to the King. Consequently, Billy was given the death penalty and hanged.

Is congenital the same as hereditary?

Congenital disorders are present from birth, and hereditary disorders are transmitted from parents to their children through the genes. There are many different types of congenital and hereditary orthopedic disorders, and in most cases, children respond very well to treatment.

What is congenital origin?

Congenital derives from the Latin genus, to beget. Something that is present at one’s begetting, during fetal development, or at birth is congenital.

What are congenital abnormalities?

Congenital anomalies comprise a wide range of abnormalities of body structure or function that are present at birth and are of prenatal origin. For efficiency and practicality, the focus is commonly on major structural anomalies.

What is non discrepant?

Noun. nondiscrepancy (usually uncountable, plural nondiscrepancies) The quality of not being discrepant; absence of discrepancy.

How do you pronounce discrepant?

Is discrepant in a sentence?

Discrepant sentence example As to the origin of the normal blue, very discrepant views have been held. Of his death we have two discrepant accounts.

What part of speech is congeries?

noun CONGERIES (noun) definition and synonyms Macmillan Dictionary.

What does lacuna mean in Latin?

pit Latin speakers modified lacus into lacuna, and used it to mean pit, cleft, or pool. English speakers borrowed the term in the 17th century. Another English word that traces its origin to lacuna is lagoon, which came to us by way of Italian and French.

What is the effect of Scesis Onomaton?

Scesis onomaton does have a tendency to call attention to itself and to be repetitive, so it is not used in formal writing as frequently as some other devices.

Why would a writer use diacope?

Diacopae or diacopes emphasize, describe, or specify. Often, diacope is used to express strong emotion or to draw attention to the repeated phrase. It works by making a phrase memorable and even rhythmic.

What is an example of diacope?

Diacope is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is repeated with a small number of intervening words. The first line of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, is an example of diacope.

What is Distincto?

Distinctio: Figure of explication in which an introductory reference to a word’s meaning is made (e.g., by x I mean, which is to say that, that is) followed by a further elaboration of that word’s meaning; explicit definition of or elaboration upon the meaning or meanings of a particular word or set of words.

Who is the protagonist in the novel Billy Budd?

John Claggart John Claggart, fictional character, the sinister master-at-arms aboard the ship Indomitable in the novel Billy Budd, Foretopman (written 188891, posthumously published 1924), the last work by Herman Melville.

What happened at the end of Billy Budd?

Condemned to be hanged from the ship’s yardarm at dawn the following morning, Budd takes care to wear his good shoes. At Budd’s final words, God bless Captain Vere!, Vere crumbles, and Billy is subsequently hoisted up and hanged on the ship’s rigging.

What is Billy Budd’s nationality?

American Billy Budd, Sailor is a novella by American writer Herman Melville, left unfinished at his death in 1891. …

Billy Budd
Opening leaf of the story portion of the Billy Budd manuscript with pencil notations
Author Herman Melville
Country United States, England
Language English