How to Harvest Japanese Eggplants. Prepare to harvest Japanese eggplants around 70 to 80 days after transplanting, or when they’re about the size of a finger (for the Little Finger variety) or a hot dog (for the Ichiban variety), and the skin is glossy and wrinkle-free. When should I harvest my eggplant?
Eggplants can take varying lengths of time to mature (can’t we all), but, depending on variety, between 10 – 14 weeks is the norm. These guys are ready to roll when they are big enough to use, are firm, and the skin is glossy.

How big do Ichiban eggplants get?

Ichiban’ eggplant is typical of all eggplants in growing well in warm weather, but it produces large numbers of 10-inch-long, dark-purple fruits in 50 to 60 days, unlike standard varieties that can take 70 days or longer. Should I peel Ichiban eggplant?
The Japanese eggplant and the smaller varieties are not as bitter, so their skin doesn’t need to be peeled and the extra salt preparation is not necessary. Sliced eggplant can turn brown quickly, so cook it soon or sprinkle lemon juice on it to keep the colour.

How big should a Japanese eggplant be before picking?

Pick your eggplants before while they’re still young for the best flavor and texture. They should only be from 3 to 6 inches long, which is young enough for the sweetest flavor. When you pick your eggplants, leave the stem connected, so the flesh doesn’t turn brown from exposure to the air. How big should eggplant be before picking?

Eggplant should be harvested when they are one-third to two-thirds full mature size. But size can be confusing. There are many eggplant varieties, and they produce fruit of many different sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How many eggplants do you get from one plant?

The standard eggplant produces egg-shaped, glossy, purple-black fruit. ‘Black Beauty’ is the traditional eggplant size. One plant produces 4 to 6 large rounded fruit.

Will eggplant ripen after picking?

You can ripen eggplants after harvesting, but results vary, depending on the problem. Ripen them on the counter at room temperature. It helps to put the eggplants in a paper bag where they should ripen within a few days.

How do I know when my Ichiban eggplant is ripe?

Harvesting: Pick when skin is glossy; dull fruit indicates over-ripeness. Both under-and over-ripe fruit tastes bitter. Pick white eggplants before skin turns yellow. Use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut eggplants, keeping a short stub of stem attached.

How do you prune Ichiban eggplant?

Is Ichiban eggplant perennial?

What should you not plant next to eggplant?

Eggplant – A good companion for amaranth, beans, marigolds, peas, peppers, spinach, and thyme. Do not plant eggplants near fennel.

How often should eggplant be watered?

Watering. Eggplant also needs consistent water, at least 1 inch per week. It is better to give one thorough soaking than several frequent, short waterings, because frequent watering promotes shallow roots.

How do you trim Japanese eggplant?

Does Japanese eggplant need to be salted?

Salting will help draw out some — but not all — of the bitter juices. Long, thin Japanese eggplants are rarely bitter. Salting also helps collapse the eggplant’s spongy texture, so it won’t soak up as much oil when fried or sauteed. This helps it cook up silky rather than soggy.

How do you take care of a potted eggplant?

Plant one eggplant per container, 2-gallon minimum. Fill the container with a high quality potting soil that will drain quickly. Add a balanced, slow-release fertilizer at planting and then every few weeks during the season, especially when plants start to bloom. Water deeply and consistently, but don’t overwater.

Why are my eggplants not growing?

Lack of sunlight causes stunted growth in eggplants. They need full sun, all day long. If your garden doesn’t provide full sun, consider planting eggplant in containers that you can move into sunny areas.

Why are my Japanese eggplants yellow?

Light colored eggplants are prone to yellowing when they’re approaching an over-ripe state. … Another common cause of yellowing of eggplants is sunburn, which happens when leaves are damaged or removed, exposing the skin of tender, young fruits to excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Should you stake Japanese eggplant?

Eggplants are bushy plants with large leaves borne on woody stems. … Ideally, you want to stake eggplant when it is small — at seedling stage when it has a few leaves or at transplanting time. Staking requires a support that is 3/8 to 1 inch (9.5 to 25 mm.) thick and 4-6 feet long (1-1.8 m.).

Do eggplants like full sun?

As a basic rule of thumb, vegetables grown for their fruit or roots—such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, squash, potatoes, or carrots—require full sun, which is defined as a garden location that receives at least six hours of direct sun each day. … Keep in mind, though, that no vegetable can thrive in deep, dense shade.

How long do eggplant plants live?

If you wait too long to harvest, the skin may become dull and tough, and there may be abundant seeds. The eggplant plants live through one season. After harvesting the final fruits, the plant dies, and it’s time to plant new one’s next season.

Can you eat unripe eggplant?

The thing is, eggplant won’t ripen off the vine, so there’s nothing to be done if it’s underripe. … And before it’s picked, eggplant can be ripe enough to eat before it’s fully grown.

Do eggplants keep producing?

Although eggplants will keep growing and flowering, they are more productive if cut back and allowed to regrow during late summer. Cut plants to about 6 to 8 inches in early August, cut at a crotch, fertilize and allow them to regrow. Fertilize and keep soils moist to force them to regrow.

What is the best fertilizer for eggplant?

A balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) is often recommended for eggplant. Feeding too much nitrogen at this point can result in large, leafy plants that fail to produce fruit.

Do I need to plant two eggplants?

The answer is that the eggplant is self-pollinating due to its “perfect” or “complete” flowers. Perfect flowers contain both anthers (which produce pollen) and pistils (which receive the pollen). … You can even say “There, there, good flower,” but it’s not really necessary.

What can I do with under ripe eggplant?

If you use it in a vegetable stew, chewiness won’t kill the whole dish. Or you could cut it in half, rub olive oil on it and roast it in the oven. If it softens, use it in baba ganoush or in ratatouille. If it doesn’t, feed it to the chickens.

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