Actinomycosis is usually caused by the bacterium called Actinomyces israelii. This is a common organism found in the nose and throat. It normally does not cause disease. Because of the bacteria’s normal location in the nose and throat, actinomycosis most commonly affects the face and neck.

Is Actinomyces israelii gram negative?

Actinomyces israelii is an anaerobic gram-positive bacterium that is found in the mouth, lungs, and GI tract.

What disease is caused by Actinomyces israelii?

Actinomycosis is a chronic localized or hematogenous anaerobic infection caused by Actinomyces israelii and other species of Actinomyces. Findings are a local abscess with multiple draining sinuses, a tuberculosis-like pneumonitis, and low-grade systemic symptoms.

How is Actinomyces israelii treated?

In most cases of actinomycosis, antimicrobial therapy is the only treatment required, although surgery can be adjunctive in selected cases. Penicillin G is the drug of choice for treating infections caused by actinomycetes. Parenteral antibiotics are administered initially via PICC line, with transition to oral agents.

Can Actinomyces be cured?

Antibiotics are the primary treatment for actinomycosis. High doses of penicillin are usually necessary to cure the infection. If you’re allergic to penicillin, your doctor can give you other antibiotics, such as: tetracycline.

Is actinomycosis serious?

Actinomycosis is a rare type of bacterial infection. It can be very serious but can usually be cured with antibiotics.

How is Actinomyces transmitted?

It is presumed that Actinomyces can be transmitted from person-to-person via direct contact as part of the normal oral flora 7.

Which region is most commonly affected in actinomycosis?

Abdominal actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative infection caused by Actinomyces species. The ileo-cecal region is most commonly affected, while the left side of the colon is more rarely involved.

Is actinomycosis and Actinomycetoma same?

Actinomycosis is to be differentiated from actinomycetoma, which is a chronic infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, usually involving the foot (see mycetoma). Actinomycetoma is caused by different species of Actinomyces that are found in soil and plant material in tropical regions.

What is the best antibiotic for Actinomyces?

Preferred regimens — We generally suggest high-dose penicillin for actinomycosis [1-3]. Reasonable alternatives include ceftriaxone and amoxicillin.

What kills Actinomyces?

Long-term, high-dose penicillin is the mainstay of actinomycosis treatment to completely eliminate the organism and prevent recurrence.

How long does it take Actinomyces to grow?

Growth of Actinomyces is slow; it appears within at least 5 days and may take up to 15–20 days. Thus, incubation of at least 10 days is required before conclusion of a negative culture. Most Actinomyces spp. are facultative anaerobes, but some relevant species (such as A.

How long does it take for Actinomycosis to heal?

It may last from 8 weeks to over 12 months. In some cases, a surgeon may drain an abscess or remove an infected part. After this, the person may need a 3-month course of antibiotics to resolve the problem.

Can actinomycosis be fatal?

Local actinomycosis in head and neck lesions can be an intractable and sometimes fatal disease. Initial treatment is extremely important. Insufficient dose or intermittent dosage of antibiotics may not be able to control an Actinomyces infection in a patient in an immunocompromised state.

Is Actinomyces a bacteria or fungi?

Actinomycetes are a group of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the order Actinomycetales. These organisms are phylogenetically diverse but morphologically similar, exhibiting characteristic filamentous branching structures which then fragment into bacillary or coccoid forms (1) (Figure 1).

Is actinomycosis common?

Cervicofacial actinomycosis is the most common type of the infection, comprising 50-70% of reported cases. This infection typically occurs following oral surgery or in patients with poor dental hygiene.

What are the symptoms of Mycetoma?

What are the symptoms of mycetoma?

Which is male to female ratio of incidence in actinomycosis?

Cervicofacial actinomycosis is more likely to affect males than females, with an incidence ratio of 3:1.

How do I know if I have actinomycetes colony?

Actinomycetes form colonies that are leathery and many produce pigments and they have earthy smell. If you look under the microscope you will easily see the spores and you will easily recognize the corkscreww shape of streptomyces. In the litterature many culture media are descibed for isolation of actinomycetes.

How Mycetoma can be diagnosed?

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of mycetoma is based on clinical presentation and identification of the causative organisms which can be detected by directly examining the grains that are discharged by the sinuses. The samples can be obtained from any open discharging sinus by Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) or surgical biopsy.

What are the characteristics of actinomycetes?

4.4. 2 Actinomycetes

Size 1–2 μm diameter
Morphology Filamentous lengths of cocci
Gram stain Gram positive
Respiration Mostly aerobic, can be anaerobic

What are the causes of mycetoma?

Mycetoma is a disease caused by certain types of bacteria and fungi found in soil and water. These bacteria and fungi may enter the body through a break in the skin, often on a person’s foot.

How do you prevent mycetoma?

Mycetoma is not a notifiable disease (a disease required by law to be reported) and no surveillance systems exist. There no preventable or control programmes for mycetoma yet. Preventing infection is difficult, but people living in or travelling to endemic areas should be advised not to walk barefooted.

Can actinomycosis cause PID?

This incidence increases sharply in patients being evaluated for symptomatic pelvic infection. Conversely, in women with IUDs in place and Actinomyces demonstrable in cervical smears, PID is up to 4 times as common as in those who have negative smears.