The anterior ethmoidal artery, is a branch of the ophthalmic artery in the orbit. It exits the orbit through the anterior ethmoidal foramen. The posterior ethmoidal artery is posterior to it.

Where do Ethmoidal arteries come from?

The anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries arise from the ophthalmic artery in the medial third of the orbit (see Fig. 2-13A, B) and range in diameter between 0.5 and 1 mm in diameter.

What does the posterior ethmoidal artery supply?

The posterior ethmoidal artery is a branch of the ophthalmic artery. It supplies the posterior ethmoidal sinuses, dura and nasal cavity.

What does anterior ethmoidal nerve innervate?

The anterior ethmoidal nerve is a nerve which provides sensory branches to the nasal cavity. … The branches it gives rise to are called the internal and external nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal nerve, and the external branch ultimately innervates skin on the lateral sides of the nose.

How do you detect anterior ethmoidal artery?

The anterior ethmoidal artery (AEA) is a branch of the ophthalmic artery. In endoscopic sinus surgery, it is usually identified in its location as it crosses the fovea ethmoidalis from posterolateral to anteriomedial, posterior to the bulla ethmoidalis, between the second and third lamellae (Fig. 1).

Where do the ethmoid sinuses drain?

Ethmoid Sinuses The anterior ethmoids drain into the ethmoid infundibulum, in the middle meatus. The posterior ethmoid sinuses drain into the sphenoethmoidal recess located in the superior meatus.

Where does Supraorbital artery come from?

The supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries arise from the internal carotid artery via the ophthalmic artery. The supraorbital and supratrochlear cutaneous nerves are derived from the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V1).

Where does the ophthalmic artery come from?

In man the ophthalmic artery arises within the skull from the internal carotid artery, and travels to the orbit with the optic nerve via the optic foramen. In the orbit it runs close to the optic nerve giving off the long and short posterior ciliary arteries that pierce the sclera and supply the choroid.

What is Kiesselbach’s area?

The Kiesselbach plexus is a vascular network formed by five arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the nasal septum, which refers to the wall separating the right and left sides of the nose. … This area is also commonly known as the Little’s area, Kiesselbach’s area, or Kiesselbach’s triangle.

What do the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries supply?

The smaller of the two, the posterior ethmoidal artery, supplies the dura in the region of planum sphenoidale. The anterior ethmoidal artery gives origin to the falcine artery and supplies the dura of the medial and inferior portions of the anterior cranial fossa.

What is posterior ethmoid artery?

The posterior ethmoidal artery is a branch of the ophthalmic artery. It supplies the posterior ethmoidal sinuses, dura and nasal cavity.

What passes through posterior ethmoidal foramen?

The posterior ethmoidal foramen is a small opening in the ethmoid bone. It transmits the posterior ethmoidal artery, vein and nerve which supplies the posterior ethmoidal and sphenoid sinuses. The distance between the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina is 12 to 15 mm.

Which nerve becomes the anterior ethmoid nerve?

nasociliary nerve The anterior ethmoidal nerve is an extraconal branch of the nasociliary nerve, a branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Some authors describe it as either the terminal branch or a direct continuation of the nasociliary nerve.

What is the etiology of anterior ethmoidal neuralgia?

This uncommon condition occurs as a result of the middle turbinate pressing on the nasal septum so irritating the nerve as it enters the roof of the nose. Pain is felt at the roof of the nose and radiates to the forehead.

What is an anterior ethmoid neurovascular complex?

The anterior ethmoidal nerve is a terminal branch of the nasociliary nerve. It branches near the medial wall of the orbit and travels through the anterior ethmoidal foramen to reach the anterior cranial fossa. It then moves forward and passes through the cribriform plate to enter the nasal cavity.

What is Cribriform plate?

The cribriform plate is a transverse plate, pierced by many small cribriform foramina, that forms the anteroventral wall of the cranial cavity. From: The Dissection of Vertebrates (Second Edition), 2011.

Where is the sphenopalatine artery located?

nasal fossa The sphenopalatine artery (SPA) serves as the major supply to the nasal fossa and enters the nasal cavity through the sphenopalatine foramen. The foramen is located on the posterior aspect of the lateral nasal wall posterior to the middle turbinate.

What is the ophthalmic artery?

Ophthalmic artery (OA) is the first intracranial branch of internal carotid artery (ICA). It arises soon after ICA emerges from cavernous sinus, follows a short intracranial course, transverses the optic canal, and enters the orbit.

How do I clear my ethmoid sinuses?


  1. decongestants to help drain the sinuses.
  2. antihistamines to reduce inflammation resulting from an allergic reaction.
  3. nasal steroids to reduce inflammation in and around the nose.
  4. saline nasal sprays, which increase moisture in the nose.
  5. pain relievers, if a person’s sinusitis is causing a lot of pain.

Can ethmoid sinusitis cause vision problems?

The posterior ethmoid sinus and optic nerve are also anatomically close. This is especially true in patients with a highly pneumatized posterior ethmoid sinus (Onodi cell). When acute inflammation of an Onodi cell occurs, it affects vision through direct compression by a mucocele or through the spread of inflammation.

How do you drain an ethmoid sinus?

3.Sphenoid/ethmoid sinus massage

  1. Place your index fingers on the bridge of your nose.
  2. Find the area between your nasal bone and the corner of the eyes.
  3. Hold a firm pressure in that spot with your fingers for about 15 seconds.
  4. Then, using your index fingers, stroke downward along the side of the bridge of your nose.

What does the supraorbital artery do?

The supraorbital artery is a branch of the ophthalmic artery in the orbit. It travels with the supraorbital nerve to provide blood to the forehead.

How deep is the supraorbital artery?

Supraorbital nerve superficial branches entered the subfrontalis plane at a mean distance of 1.29 ± 0.20 (range, 1.0-1.8) cm above the orbital rim with an average depth of 0.45 ± 0.13 (range, 0.3-0.8) cm.

Where is the supraorbital artery located?

The supraorbital artery stems from the ophthalmic artery in the superomedial aspect of the orbit. It leaves the orbit through the supraorbital groove and emerges onto the forehead.

Is ophthalmic artery an end artery?

The central retinal artery is the most important branch of the ophthalmic artery because it is a so-called end artery, meaning that it is the only artery that supplies a given tissue, with no collateral circulation.

What does anterior choroidal artery supply?

The anterior choroidal artery (AChA) is the most distal branch of the ICA, originates just after the origin of the posterior communicating artery, and courses posterolaterally to supply the anterior medial temporal lobe, the optic tract, the geniculate body, the medial globus pallidus, the medial third of the cerebral …

How many anterior ciliary arteries are there?

[2] The major arterial circle of the iris distributes branches to the iris and ciliary body. Anterior Ciliary Arteries: There are seven anterior ciliary arteries that branch from the muscular arteries and run with the extraocular muscles.

What makes up Kiesselbach’s plexus?

Little’s area (also known as Kiesselbach’s plexus) is found on the anterior nasal septum (Fig. 1) and is an anastomosis of 5 arteries: anterior ethmoidal artery, posterior ethmoidal artery, sphenopalatine artery, greater palatine artery, and the septal branch of the superior labial artery.

What is the difference between anterior and posterior epistaxis?

Most cases of epistaxis occur in the anterior part of the nose, with the bleeding usually arising from the rich arterial anastomoses of the nasal septum (Kiesselbach’s plexus). Posterior epistaxis generally arises from the posterior nasal cavity via branches of the sphenopalatine arteries.

Which artery is known as artery of epistaxis?

sphenopalatine artery The sphenopalatine artery, formerly known as the nasopalatine artery, is the terminal branch of the maxillary artery that is the main supply to the nasal cavity. It is colloquially know as the artery of epistaxis given its common involvement in cases of nose bleeds.