the back, as of the body. the back or outer surface of an organ, part, etc.

What is a dorsum in medical terms?

Medical Definition of dorsum 1 : the upper surface of an appendage or part. 2 : back sense 1a especially : the entire dorsal surface of an animal. More from Merriam-Webster on dorsum.

What is the dorsum on a human?

1. the back; the posterior surface of the human body in the anatomical position. 2. the aspect of an anatomical structure or part corresponding in position to the back.

What is foot dorsum?

The dorsum of foot is the area facing upwards while standing.

What is nose dorsum?

The nasal dorsum is also called the bridge of the nose. It has considerable influence over the aesthetics of the nose and the entire face. It is called bridge because it connects the tip of the nose to the face. As shown in the section on nose anatomy, the upper half of the dorsum is made of the nasal bones.

What is dorsum hand?

The dorsum of hand (opisthenar area, dorsal area) is the corresponding area on the posterior part of the hand.

Is dorsum plural or singular?

Second-declension noun (neuter). … Inflection.

Case Singular Plural
Vocative dorsum dorsa

What is a Antebrachial?

[TA] the area of the upper limb between elbow and hand. Synonym(s): forearm region, regio antebrachialis.

What does femoral refer to?

: of or relating to the femur or thigh.

What does Ventrally mean?

1 : of or relating to the belly : abdominal. 2a : being or located near, on, or toward the lower surface of an animal (as a quadruped) opposite the back or dorsal surface. b : being or located near, on, or toward the front or anterior part of the human body.

What is rostral anatomy?

1 : of or relating to a rostrum. 2 : situated toward the oral or nasal region: such as. a of a part of the spinal cord : superior sense 6a. b of a part of the brain : anterior, ventral.

What are the 4 anatomical planes?

Anatomical planes in a human:

What is dorsum pedis?

The dorsalis pedis artery (dorsal artery of foot), is a blood vessel of the lower limb that carries oxygenated blood to the dorsal surface of the foot. It arises at the anterior aspect of the ankle joint and is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery.

What is the function of dorsum?

The top surface, or dorsum, contains numerous projections of the mucous membrane called papillae. They contain taste buds, which are sensitive to chemical constituents of food, and serous glands that secrete some of the fluid in saliva, a substance that moistens the oral cavity and helps lubricate food particles.

What Innervates the dorsum of the foot?

Dorsum skin is supplied by the terminal branches of tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve. Branches of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN) supplies major portion of the dorsum of the foot and toes except the areas supplied by the deep peroneal nerve (DPN) and sural nerve (SN).

Is the dorsum bone?

The dorsum sellae is part of the sphenoid bone in the skull. Together with the basilar part of the occipital bone it forms the clivus. …

Dorsum sellae
TA2 594
FMA 54718
Anatomical terms of bone

What is ala nasi?

The alae nasi are the lateral portions of the nose or the wings of the nostrils, which partly encircle the nostrils (nares). … In an underdeveloped ala the continuity of the tissue encircling the nostril is undisturbed while in a cleft it is disrupted.

What is a Supratip?

Supratip deformity is defined as fullness or convexity located immediately cephalad to the nasal tip and may occur as both a primary and secondary deformity. As previously mentioned, supratip prominence may occur de novo or as the result of technical misadventures and inadequate surgical planning.

What is the palm side of the wrist called?

The front, or palm-side, of the hand is referred to as the palmar side. The back of the hand is called the dorsal side. There are 27 bones within the wrist and hand. The wrist itself contains eight small bones, called carpals.

What is the skin on your palm called?

The skin of the palmar surface of the hand is unique, with characteristics for special function. The palmar skin is thick and glabrous and not as pliable as the dorsal skin. It is strongly attached to the underlying fascia by numerous vertical fibers. These features enhance skin stability for proper grasping function.

What is the bottom of your palm called?

The palm comprises the underside of the human hand. Also known as the broad palm or metacarpus, it consists of the area between the five phalanges (finger bones) and the carpus (wrist joint).

What is a Olecranal?

(-lkr-nn) The large process on the upper end of the ulna that projects behind the elbow joint and forms the point of the elbow.

What does dorsum right hand mean?

the back of the hand; surface of hand opposite the palm.

What is Coxal?

The coxal bone (hip bone, pelvic bone) is a large, flattened, irregularly shaped bone, constricted in the center and expanded above and below. It meets its fellow on the opposite side in the middle line in front, and together they form the sides and anterior wall of the pelvic cavity.

What is antecubital?

: of or relating to the inner or front surface of the forearm the antecubital area.

What’s another name for Antebrachial?

The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (or lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm) (branch of musculocutaneous nerve, also sometimes spelled antebrachial) passes behind the cephalic vein, and divides, opposite the elbow-joint, into a volar and a dorsal branch.

What is the antecubital in anatomy?

The cubital fossa is an area of transition between the anatomical arm and the forearm. It is located in a depression on the anterior surface of the elbow joint. It is also called the antecubital fossa because it lies anteriorly to the elbow (Latin cubitus) when in standard anatomical position.

What is the weakest bone in human body?

Clavicle Clavicle: Clavicle, or collar bone, is the body’s softest and weakest bone. It is easy to break since it is a thin bone that runs horizontally between your breastbone and shoulder blade.

What’s the hardest bone in the body?

Femur – Sometimes call the thigh bone, the femur is the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body. It extends from the hip to the knee. The entire weight of the body is supported by the femur when a person is standing or walking.

What is the most painful bone to break?

Here’s a look at some of the bones that hurt the most to break: