Having a low reproductive rate, a strong predator in new habitat and a great tolerance to a wide range of conditions help introduced species become invasive.

What is most likely to happen to the degree of competition between these two species if their food became scarce?

What is MOST LIKELY to happen to the degree of competition between the tow species if their food becomes scarce? The number of species is likely to increase. … This interaction enables the remora to feed on scraps of food that remains from a larger organism’s mean. Typically the larger organism is unaffected and unaware.

What is the name that is given to the symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit?

Symbiotic relationship can be defined as the interaction among organisms of different species in an environment. Organism can have various interactions such as mutualism (both are benefited), competition (both lose), while in parasitism and predation one species is benefited and other is harmed.

Why are invasive species dangerous to the environment Edgenuity?

Why are invasive species dangerous to the environment? They threaten biodiversity. A factory is emitting large amounts of CFCs into the atmosphere.

What would most likely happen to the legume population of rhizobia suddenly became extinct?

What would most likely happen to the legume population if Rhizobia suddenly became extinct? decreases.

What is the name that is given to a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit Brainly?

Mutualism – A reciprocal relationship in which two different species live in a symbiotic way where both species benefit and are dependent upon the relationship. Parasitism – A relationship between two species in which one species (the parasite) nourishes itself to the detriment of the other species (the host).

What happens to population numbers as intraspecific competition increases?

Consequences of intraspecific competition The major impact of intraspecific competition is reduced population growth rates as population density increases. When resources are infinite, intraspecific competition does not occur and populations can grow exponentially.

Which will most likely occur if two species occupy the same niche in an ecosystem?

Which will most likely occur if two species occupy the same niche in an ecosystem? … The two species will compete directly against each other for food, and one species will eventually die off.

How does competition contribute to evolution natural selection?

Intraspecific competition occurs between members of the same species. For example, two male birds of the same species might compete for mates in the same area. This type of competition is a basic factor in natural selection. It leads to the evolution of better adaptations within a species.

What is a human symbiotic relationship?

Humans live in symbioses of various intensities with a number of domesticated animals and plants. To varying degrees, these cultural symbioses are mutualistic, with both humans and the other species benefitting. … Similarly, agricultural animals live in a symbiotic mutualism with humans.

What type of symbiosis involves two species benefiting?

Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit.

What is the name that is given to a symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit commensalism mutualism parasitism predation quizlet?

Mutualism is the symbiotic relationship when both species benefit from that relationship. An example of mutualism wold be clownfish live among sea stinging tentacles and protect the anemone by chasing away predators/attackers.

Why can introducing a new species to an existing ecosystem often be a disaster?

Invasive species are harmful to our natural resources (fish, wildlife, plants and overall ecosystem health) because they disrupt natural communities and ecological processes. … The invasive species can outcompete the native species for food and habitats and sometimes even cause their extinction.

How can an increase in biodiversity lead to an increase in ecosystem stability?

Greater biodiversity in ecosystems, species, and individuals leads to greater stability. For example, species with high genetic diversity and many populations that are adapted to a wide variety of conditions are more likely to be able to weather disturbances, disease, and climate change.

Why are invasive species dangerous to the environment human impact on the environment?

Invasive species can harm both the natural resources in an ecosystem as well as threaten human use of these resources. … Invasive species are capable of causing extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats.

Which type of interaction occurs between the remora and its host organism?

parasitism. The Remora remora, or suckerfish, often attaches to larger organisms such as sharks and whales through the use of a specialized sucker. This interaction enables the remora to feed on the scraps of food that remain from the larger organism’s meal.

Which role does the cane toad play in the Hawaiian Islands?

Which type of relationship does this describe? The cane toad, or Rhinella marina, was introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in 1932 by sugar cane farmers. The farmers released the toads in their crops to help control pests that were damaging the sugar cane.

What is a symbiotic relationship in which organisms benefit?

Commensalism – symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected.

Which term refers to a change in one species that results?

Coevolution is the term that refers to a change in one species that results from a change in another species that it interacts with. Coevolution is a process of mutual evolutionary change that takes place between two or more organisms as they interact with one another.

Which of these is an Autotroph Brainly?

Answer: An autotroph is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Plants are the most familiar type of autotroph, but there are many different kinds of autotrophic organisms. Algae, which live in water and whose larger forms are known as seaweed, is autotrophic.

How does an increased population size affect the amount of competition between organisms?

Because competition is often more intense as population size increases (and/or resources diminish) – the effect of competition is often density-dependent, that is at higher population density competition increases. … Competition will eventually reduce the height of the curve and reverse the direction.

How does competition affect the population growth?

Competition for resources among members of a population (intraspecific competition) places limits on population size. … This principle states that if two species are competing for the same resource, the species with a more rapid growth rate will outcompete the other.

How does intraspecific and interspecific competition affect populations?

The inhibitory effect of each population growth affects both the population itself (intraspecific competition) and the competing species population (interspecific competition); where both population growth r1 and r2 decreases as X1 increases and vice versa.

What happens when 2 species occupy the same niche?

If two species have identical niches, those species will compete with one another. Over time, one species will be more successful than the other. … If this does not happen and enough time passes, eventually one species will out compete the other.

What can happen if two species occupy the same niche Why?

If two species were to occupy the same niche, what do you think would happen? They would compete with one another for the same food and other resources in the environment. Eventually, one species would be likely to outcompete and replace the other.

What will most likely happen if two species compete for the exact same resources in the same ecosystem at the same time?

a) The competitive exclusion principle, also called Gause’s Principle, states that when two species compete for exactly the same resources (thus, they occupy the same niche), one is likely to be more successful. As a result, one species outcompetes the other species, and eventually the second species is eliminated.

How does competition affect the number of organisms living in a habitat?

Intraspecific competition can serve as a regulator for population size. If a particular source of prey, or abiotic habitat feature is not readily available, then competition for the ones that are will be heavy. If the requirements are scarce enough, this will cause the population to remain stable, or decrease.

How can competition between species cause evolution?

In a long enough time the selection pressures caused by competition can cause evolutionary changes in resource preferences or growth strategies of organisms [19]. … When two species compete for the same limiting resource the reduction of the niche overlap may lead to evolutionary changes in both species.

How does competition affect species distribution?

Competition can be a powerful force affecting the growth, distribution, and abundance of populations in nature. … Competition likely affects species diversity. In the short run, competition should cause a reduction in the number of species living within an area, preventing very similar species from co-occurring.