A.ferrooxidans is a chemolithoautotrophic bacteria, due to the oligotrophic nature (low dissolved organic carbon concentration) of acidic environments, and their lack of illumination for phototrophy. Even when in vadose conditions, A. ferrooxidans can survive, if the rock retains moisture and the mine is aerated.

What is the main reason for acid mine drainage quizlet?

Mine contains metal sulphide that react to form sulphuric acid solution with dissolved metals. It is very toxic to aquatic life. After mining started, the rain exposed the sulphide and caused the drainage to contaminate the water, sediments, and ground water.

What is acid mine drainage caused by?

Acid mine drainage is the formation and movement of highly acidic water rich in heavy metals. This acidic water forms through the chemical reaction of surface water (rainwater, snowmelt, pond water) and shallow subsurface water with rocks that contain sulfur-bearing minerals, resulting in sulfuric acid.

What is acid mine drainage quizlet?

Acid mine drainage. Occurs when rainwater seeping through a mine or mine wastes carries sulfuric acid to nearby streams and groundwater. Contaminates water supply and destroys some forms of aquatic life. Area strip mining. Surface mining; used when terrain is flat.

What is acid mine drainage PDF?

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is acidic water having pH of. less than 5, and also containing iron, sulfate and other metals which are formed under natural. conditions when hardrock mines containing pyrite are exposed to the atmosphere or oxidizing. environments.

How is acid mine drainage treated?

By far, the most commonly used commercial process for treating acid mine drainage is lime (CaO) precipitation in a high-density sludge (HDS) process. In this application, a slurry of lime is dispersed into a tank containing acid mine drainage and recycled sludge to increase water pH to about 9.

How does acid mine drainage affect the environment?

Environmental and Human Impacts The most immediate and serious impacts of acid mine drainage are on natural waterways. High levels of dissolved metals may kill off all of the resident fish and aquatic life. Migratory creatures not resident to mining sites are also affected.

Why is sulfuric acid common in mine runoff quizlet?

why is sulfuric acid common in mine runoff? mineral deposits often contain high sulfur levels, when exposed to oxygen and water it creates sulfuric acid which runs off in rain and groundwater.

What are tailing piles?

Tailings consist of ground rock and process effluents that are generated in a mine processing plant. … Tailings are generally stored on the surface either within retaining structures or in the form of piles (dry stacks) but can also be stored underground in mined out voids by a process commonly referred to as backfill.

What is in acid mine drainage?

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the runoff produced when water comes in contact with exposed rocks containing sulfur-bearing minerals that react with water and air to form sulfuric acid and dissolved iron. This acidic run-off dissolves heavy metals including copper, lead, and mercury which pollute ground and surface water.

What chemicals are in acid mine drainage?

Mine drainage forms from a chemical reaction between water and rocks containing sulfur-bearing minerals. The resulting waters become rich in sulfuric acid and dissolved iron. As the iron settles out of the water, it can form red, orange, or yellow sediments in the bottom of streams.

How do you identify acid mine drainage?

Acid drainage is often marked by “yellow boy,” an orange-yellow substance (visible in the photo on this page) that occurs when the pH of acidic mine-influenced water raises above pH 3 (approaching more neutral conditions), so that the previously dissolved iron precipitates out.

What is sediment pollution quizlet?

Sediment pollution. Excessive amounts of suspended soil particles that settle out and accumulate on the bottom of a body of water due to decrease in water velocity. Causes of sediment pollution. Logging, erosion, overgrazing, etc.

How does saltwater intrusion occur quizlet?

Saltwater intrusion occurs when saltwater mixes with freshwater and contaminates well water. It is common in coastal areas. This happens when too many wells are drilled an the water pressure is lowered allowing the saltwater to move into the aquifer.

Which of the following refers to the process in which rainwater moves through underground mines and tailings and carries H2SO4 into water bodies?

Environmental impact decreases because mining decreases when a mineral becomes scarce. Which of the following refers to the process in which rainwater moves through underground mines and tailings and carries H2SO4 into water bodies? Thermal mine pollution.

What is acid mine drainage in South Africa?

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the flow, or seepage, of polluted water from old mining areas. … Depending on the area, the water may contain toxic heavy metals and radioactive particles. These are dangerous for people’s health, as well as plants and animals.

How is acid rock drainage controlled?

Oxygen barriers. Oxygen barriers retard the movement of water or oxygen into areas containing acid-producing rock (Argunhan-Atalay and Yazicigil, 2018). These “water control” technologies (Ziemkiewicz and Skousen, 1998) include impervious membranes, dry seals, hydraulic mine seals, and grout curtains/walls.

What is acid mine drainage and describe its effects on organisms?

The low pH value of the discharge mine water results in the further dissolution of minerals and release of toxic metals, when it allowed getting discharge into other water bodies. This acidity and high toxic metals concentration are harmful to the vegetation, aquatic life and wild life.

What effects occur from acid mine drainage quizlet?

Acid Mine Drainage can occur? can dissolve other harmful metals & metalloids from the surrounding rock. The contamination of water and life beneath the surface can destroy the ecosystem.

Which procedure would most likely be used to mine coal on hilly terrain?

Strip mining is commonly used for mining coal seams and phosphate beds. In hilly terrain the mining of the overburden and the deposit (usually a coal seam) follows the contour around the hill and into the hillside up to the economic limits; hence it is called contour mining.

What is one property that may be used to distinguish metallic from nonmetallic minerals?

Metallic minerals have high malleability and ductility. Non-metallic minerals, lack in malleability and ductility and these minerals break down easily. Metallic minerals generally have lustre. Non-metallic minerals do not have any shine or lustre.

What is a mining dam?

A tailings dam is typically an earth-fill embankment dam used to store byproducts of mining operations after separating the ore from the gangue. … Copper, gold, uranium and other mining operations produce varied kinds of waste, much of it toxic, which pose varied challenges for long-term containment.

What is mining waste?

Mining waste is one of the largest waste streams in the EU. … Mining waste comes from extracting and processing mineral resources. It includes materials such as topsoil overburden (which are removed to gain access to mineral resources), and waste rock and tailings (after the extraction of the valuable mineral).

What is waste rock?

Waste Rock Definition. The primary and most prevalent waste generated by many mining operations is waste rock, or overburden. Waste rock, which consists of rock and target minerals in concentrations too low for economic recovery, is removed along with the ore.