Postmodern values emphasize self-expression instead of deference to authority and are tol- erant of other groups and even regard exotic things and cultural diversity as stimulating and interesting, not threatening.

Which of the following statements describes a major contradiction faced by developed democracies in their attempt to maintain the welfare state?

Which of the following describes a major contradiction faced by developed democracies in their attempts to maintain the welfare state? The problem could be mitigated by accepting more immigrants, but that creates a new problem because citizens are largely unwilling to extend benefits to immigrants.

What is the chief advantage that a categorization using developed communist post communist and developing might have over the three worlds model?

3. What is the chief advantage that a categorization using developed, communist/postcommunist, and developing might have over the three worlds model? … It incorporates the Human Development Index into categorization.

Which of the following features define a country as being a developed democracy?

Which of the following features defines a country as being a developed democracy? It is an institutionalized democracy with high levels of economic development. … The welfare state is becoming more expensive for developed democracies, creating many economic challenges.

Which of the following is commonly cited as the most important example of integration?

Which of the following is commonly cited as the most important example of integration? The formation of the European Union.

Are two of the most fundamental components of political economy?

The most fundamental components of political economy are markets and property.

Who has the best welfare system?

France remains the country most committed to social benefits, with almost a third of French GDP spent on social services by the government in 2019. Scandinavian countries appear high up on the ranking, with Denmark, Sweden and Norway all spending more than 25%.

What are the benefits of the welfare system?

A social welfare system offers assistance to individuals and families in need, with such programs as health care assistance, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. Lesser known parts of a social welfare system include disaster relief and educational assistance.

Why do welfare states differ?

Across states within the US, there is a striking correlation between welfare generosity and the proportion of Blanc population. … This result holds even taking into account the different level of income of different states, that may affect their ability to provide welfare for the poor.

What is the chief advantage that a categorization using developed communist postcommunist and developing might have over the three worlds model quizlet?

What is the chief advantage that a categorization using developed, communist/postcommunist, and developing might have over the three worlds model? … It incorporates the Human Development Index into categorization. b. It allows for the possibility that a country might transform and take on a new designation.

Which of the following can be said about the effects of imperialism on gender roles?

Which of the following can be said about the effects of imperialism on gender roles? It is difficult to generalize about the effects on gender roles, but in many countries imperialism likely made gender roles more fixed.

Which of the following statements about bicameralism is accurate group of answer choices?

Chapter 5: POLS

Question Answer
Which of the following statements about bicameralism is accurate? Bicameral system were often retained in modern times to restrict the power of popularly elected lower houses of the legislature
In a parliamentary system, the prime minister serves as: head of government

What are 4 common features of democracy?

He describes democracy as a system of government with four key elements: i) A system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; ii) Active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; iii) Protection of the human rights of all citizens; and iv) A rule of law in …

What are the three features of democracy?

1) Democracy assures equality in every spheres of life like political, social and economic. 2) It upholds basic individual rights and liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression etc. 3) Accommodates all sorts of social diversities and divisions.

What are the qualities of democracy?

Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly, association and speech, inclusiveness and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.

What is the primary cause of urbanization quizlet?

Urbanization is the process by which an increasingly larger portion of the world’s population lives in urban areas. What was the primary cause of urbanization? The primary cause was the industrial revolution which increased agricultural productivity. … A city is defined as a population aggregate of at least 2,500 people.

What is the best definition for data quizlet?

What is the definition of data? Raw facts, or facts that have not yet been processed to reveal their meaning to the end user.

What is the relationship between civil society and nondemocratic regimes?

a. Civil society always promotes democracy and opposes nondemocratic rule.

What are the components of political economy?

Some of the characteristics or themes of a political economy include the distribution of wealth, how goods and services are produced, who owns property and other resources, who profits from production, supply and demand, and how public policy and government interaction impact society.

What are the important features of political change?

Political Change Defined Political change is a normal function of internal and external politics. Rulers will be voted out, retire, or die while in power, and the new leader will make changes.

What are the 3 major theories of economics?

Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian, and Marxian. By Richard D.

What are the three types of welfare states?

In this book he distinguishes three types of welfare states, namely liberal, social democratic and the conservative welfare states. Each of the welfare state types has its own characteristics (Esping-Andersen 1990).

Which state has the best welfare system?

Main Findings

Rank (1 = Most Dependent) State State Residents’ Dependency
1 New Mexico 1
2 Alaska 4
3 Mississippi 7
4 Kentucky 5

Which state has the highest welfare benefits?

Here are the 10 states with the most welfare recipients: New Mexico (21,368 per 100k) West Virginia (17,388 per 100k) Louisiana (17,388 per 100k) … Welfare Recipients By State 2021.

State New Mexico
Food Stamps Recipients (2019) 449,792
Recipients Per 100K (2019) 21,368
Food Stamps Recipients (2018) 454,244
Recipients Per 100K (2018) 21,579

What are the advantages and disadvantages of generous social welfare programs?

Top 10 Welfare Pros & Cons – Summary List

Welfare Pros Welfare Cons
May help to prevent old-age poverty Symptoms are cured, not the causes of poverty
Welfare can increase overall life expectancy Requires some level of administrative work
Humans should feel obliged to help people Lower motivation to work

What are examples of welfare?

Welfare is the state of good health, happiness and comfort or financial assistance from the government. An example of welfare is having food and lodging during a time of severe hardship. An example of welfare is a food stamp. Welfare work.

What are the disadvantages of welfare?

Here Are the Cons of Welfare

What is concept of welfare state?

A welfare state is a state that is committed to providing basic economic security for its citizens by protecting them from market risks associated with old age, unemployment, accidents, and sickness.

What are the functions of welfare state?

The primary functions of a welfare state are : i) To afford equality of opportunity; ii) To afford basic standards of living; in keeping with human dignity to all; Whatever their station in life and the social system, and within a democratic framework and within a world at peace.

What are the welfare state models?

[Google Scholar]) divides welfare states into three groups: the liberal regime, the conservative regime, and the social democratic regime. The welfare state model expresses the level and intensity at which the state acts in the protection and promotion of the well-being of its citizens.