The main organs in the left iliac fossa are the descending colon, sigmoid colon and, in women, internal reproductive organs. An infection of the left iliac fossa must lead the clinician firstly to suspect diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon in older patients and salpingitis in women of childbearing age.

Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac region Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac region?

study questions for exam 1 ch 1-3

Question Answer
What describes a parasagitall plane? any sagittal plane except the median
Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac region? intestines
The parietal pleura would represent a serous membrane ______. lining the thoracic cavity

Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the left iliac inguinal region?

Left Iliac The left illiac region contains part of the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the right illiac fossa. It is also commonly called the left inguinal region.

Which of the following organs or structures would be found in the upper left quadrant?

The left upper quadrant is the location of the left portion of the liver, part of the stomach, the pancreas, left kidney, spleen, portions of the transverse and descending colon, and parts of the small intestine. Pain in this region is associated with malrotation of the intestine and colon.

Which body cavity is further separated into other cavities?

thoracic cavity The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic cavity by the diaphragm. The thoracic cavity is further separated into the pleural cavity which contains the lungs and the superior mediastinum which includes the pericardial (heart) cavity. The organs within the ventral body cavity are called the viscera.

Is the thoracic cavity part of the dorsal cavity?

The dorsal body cavity includes the cranial cavity, enclosed by the skull and contains the brain, and the spinal cavity, enclosed by the spine and contains the spinal cord The ventral body cavity includes the thoracic cavity, enclosed by the ribcage and contains the lungs and heart; and the abdominopelvic cavity.

What is part of the dorsal cavity?

The dorsal cavity lies close to the spine in the posterior portion of the body. The dorsal cavity contains the spinal column, central nervous system (i.e., brain and spinal cord), and meninges (i.e., tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord).

What quadrant is the abdominopelvic cavity in?

Because it is a large body cavity, it is divided into four quadrants: the Right Upper Quadrant, the Left Upper Quadrant, the Right Lower Quadrant, and the Left Lower quadrant (the directional terms refer to the model’s right and left, not the viewer’s).

Which of these is part of the dorsal cavity?

As seen in the image below, the dorsal cavity consists of two parts: the cranial cavity and the vertebral (spinal) cavity. The dorsal cavity starts with a membrane and the inside of the skull, traveling down through the spinal column as a protection for the spinal cord.

What are the body cavity?

A body cavity is a fluid-filled space inside the body that holds and protects internal organs. Human body cavities are separated by membranes and other structures. The two largest human body cavities are the ventral cavity and the dorsal cavity. These two body cavities are subdivided into smaller body cavities.

Which of these body cavities is located on the front side of the body?

ventral cavity Ventral. The ventral cavity, the interior space in the front of the body, contains many different organ systems. The organs within the ventral cavity are also called viscera. The ventral cavity has anterior and posterior portions divided by the diaphragm, a sheet of skeletal muscle found beneath the lungs.

What are the abdominal cavity?

abdominal cavity, largest hollow space of the body. … Vertically it is enclosed by the vertebral column and the abdominal and other muscles. The abdominal cavity contains the greater part of the digestive tract, the liver and pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys, and the adrenal glands located above the kidneys.

Where is thoracic cavity?

The thoracic cavity is found deep to the thoracic wall, superior to the diaphragm, and inferior to the root of the neck (thoracic aperture).

What cavity is superior to the diaphragm?

Thoracic cavity Thoracic cavity–the space occupied by the ventral internal organs superior to the diaphragm.

What cavity is the heart in?

The heart lies within the pericardial cavity, in the middle mediastinum. The pericardial cavity is similar in structure and function to the pleural cavity. The pericardium provides a friction-free surface for the heart to accommodate its sliding movements.

Which of the following cavities are separated by the diaphragm?

The diaphragm is a thin dome-shaped muscle which separates the thoracic cavity (lungs and heart) from the abdominal cavity (intestines, stomach, liver, etc.).

What body cavity is surrounded by bone?

spinal cavity The spinal cavity is the body cavity that contains the spinal cord along with the vertebral column. This cavity is fully surrounded by a bony structure (vertebral column) and protects the organs of the central nervous system.

What is the anterior body cavity?

The anterior (ventral) cavity has two main subdivisions: the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity (see Figure 4). … The diaphragm forms the floor of the thoracic cavity and separates it from the more inferior abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity is the largest cavity in the body.

What are the cavities within the skull?

The skull contains air-filled cavities called sinuses. Their functions are debatable, but may be related to lessening skull weight, contributing to voice resonance, and warming and moistening inspired air.

Is mediastinum a cavity?

The mediastinum is a division of the thoracic cavity; it contains the heart, thymus gland, portions of the esophagus and trachea, and other structures. For clinical purposes it is traditionally divided into the anterior, middle, posterior, and superior regions.

What cavity is inferior to the thoracic cavity?

The thoracic cavity contains the lungs and the heart, which is located in the mediastinum. The diaphragm forms the floor of the thoracic cavity and separates it from the more inferior abdominopelvic cavity. The abdominopelvic cavity is the largest cavity in the body.

What is a ventral surface?

Ventral: Pertaining to the front or anterior of any structure. The ventral surfaces of the body include the chest, abdomen, shins, palms, and soles. Ventral is as opposed to dorsal. From the Latin venter meaning belly.

Is ventral and anterior the same?

Directional Terms Anterior or ventral – front (example, the kneecap is located on the anterior side of the leg). Posterior or dorsal – back (example, the shoulder blades are located on the posterior side of the body).

Which are the two cavities inside the dorsal cavity?

The dorsal body cavity is located along the dorsal (posterior) surface of the human body, where it is subdivided into the cranial cavity housing the brain and the spinal cavity housing the spinal cord. The two cavities are continuous with one another.

Which regions of the abdominopelvic cavity are situated medially?

Which regions of the abdominopelvic cavity are situated medially?

Which of the following are one of the abdominopelvic quadrants?

Abdominopelvic Quadrants: Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ)

What is in each abdominal quadrant?

Major Organs in the Four Quadrants Right Upper Quadrant: Liver, stomach, gallbladder, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas, and the right adrenal gland. Left Upper Quadrant: Liver, stomach, pancreas, left kidney, spleen, and the left adrenal gland. Right Lower Quadrant: appendix, reproductive organs, right ureter.

Which cavity is divided into quadrants?

The abdominopelvic cavity The abdominopelvic cavity can be subdivided into four quadrants and nine regions.

What is the cranial cavity?

The cranial cavity, or intracranial space, is the space formed inside the skull. The brain occupies the cranial cavity, which is lined by the meninges and which contains cerebrospinal fluid to cushion blows.

Where is the dorsal surface?

Dorsal: Relating to the back or posterior of a structure. As opposed to the ventral, or front, of the structure. Some of the dorsal surfaces of the body are the back, buttocks, calves, and the knuckle side of the hand.