In the excerpt we read for class today, Jefferson called for an American economy built on agriculture and to “let the work-shops” remain in Europe” (Jefferson, 18). He recognized the need for some domestic industry, but believed the vast land of America could be utilized by farming.

What did Alexander Hamilton believe was important for the United States?

What did Alexander Hamilton believe was important for the United States to become a great nation? The U.S. developing a strong economy.

What is the ideal economy for Alexander Hamilton quizlet?

Alexander Hamilton: What is the ideal economy? The ideal economy is based on business, manufacturing, and trade.

How did Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s views of the economy differ?

Hamilton wanted to promote manufacturing and business. Jefferson believed farmers were the most independent. He promoted agriculture and wanted to keep tariffs low. … It provided loans for the government and business and helped to stabilize the economy.

Are farmers poor in America?

Still, some farmers remain poor—exactly how many depends on how poverty is defined. One estimate puts the least well-off farm households at 14 percent of the 2.1 million American farm households, while another categorizes 5 percent of farm households as having low incomes and low wealth.

Is America an agricultural society?

The United States Agricultural Society was founded during a convention. Twelve different states in the country had agricultural societies. They decided to become one unit, creating the USAS.

Did Hamilton want a strong national government?

Best type of government: ​Hamilton was a strong supporter of a powerful central or federal government. His belief was that a governmental power should be concentrated in the hands of those few men who had the talent and intelligence to govern properly for the good of all the people.

Why did Hamilton want a strong national government?

Hamilton wanted a strong central government because he was afraid that the state governments would be (as they had been under the Articles of Confederation) too democratic. … He worried that they would force the governments to pass laws like the stay laws that would harm the country’s economy.

What kind of government did Alexander Hamilton want?

Hamilton wanted a new national government that had complete political authority. He disliked state governments and believed that they should be eliminated entirely. In fact, Hamilton believed that the perfect union would be one in which there were no states at all.

What was Jefferson’s ideal economy?

The ideal economy for Jefferson was one primarily based on agriculture, and he opposed government efforts to boost manufacturing and the growth of…

What is the ideal economy?

A nation can easily have a democratic or representative form of government and also a socialist economic system. …

Why did Jefferson not like Hamilton?

Hamilton thus saw Jefferson as sneaky and hypocritical, someone with wild ambition who was very good at masking it. And Jefferson saw Hamilton as a wildly ambitious attack dog who would hammer his way into getting what he wanted.

Why did Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton disagree?

Explanation: Hamilton believed in the establishment of a central bank(this is why he favored the creation of the Bank of North America). Jefferson strongly disagreed and did not advocate the issuing of debt which Hamilton deemed as a national blessing if not excessive .

In what ways did Hamilton and Jefferson disagree on the economy?

He thought states should charter banks that could issue money. Jefferson also believed that the Constitution did not give the national government the power to establish a bank. Hamilton disagreed on this point too.

Who is the richest farmer in the US?

The wealthiest farmer in the United States lives and farms in California. Stewart Resnick, 81, owner of The Wonderful Company and 65 percent of the nation’s pistachios, has had a distinct and sweeping effect on agriculture in the Golden State. Throughout his life, he’s rarely given interviews.

Are most farmers rich?

The fact: The average net worth of U.S. farms is over a quarter of a million dollars, and the average income of farm operators exceeds 30,000, much higher than that of most Americans problems have increased, a majority of farmer s are still relatively unburdened by debt.

Why are farmers poor?

The problem of small farmer livelihood is aggravated due to the fact that small farmers suffer from many production risks like drought, flood, lack of adequate use of inputs, poor extension leading to large yield gaps, lack of assured and adequate irrigation, crop failure and so on.

What was the South’s main crop?

In the antebellum era—that is, in the years before the Civil War—American planters in the South continued to grow Chesapeake tobacco and Carolina rice as they had in the colonial era. Cotton, however, emerged as the antebellum South’s major commercial crop, eclipsing tobacco, rice, and sugar in economic importance.

What is the difference between hunter-gatherer and agrarian societies?

A hunter-gatherer is a member of a nomadic group of people who live by hunting, fishing, and gathering wild sources of food. … Agrarian societies were able to support a larger population, and you could also make enough food so that not everyone’s job had to be creating food.

Why did Thomas Jefferson want an agricultural economy?

Jefferson encouraged agricultural societies as a means of spreading good stewardship of the land. He also vigorously supported sound conservation and agricultural education and investigation at the university level.

Why is Hamilton better than Jefferson?

Hamilton’s great aim was more efficient organization, whereas Jefferson once said I am not a friend to a very energetic government. Hamilton feared anarchy and thought in terms of order; Jefferson feared tyranny and thought in terms of freedom. The United States needed both influences.

What did Hamilton Consider the three main goals of government?

23, the three goals of government were: (1) to allow “common defense” for domestic order and national protection from outsiders; (2) to provide control of trade between states and other countries; and (3) to permit interaction with “foreign countries.” Madison said that government was necessary because mankind is …

Why did Hamilton think it’s necessary to pay off debt?

Hamilton proposed that the federal Treasury take over and pay off all the debt that states had incurred to pay for the American Revolution. The Treasury would issue bonds that rich people would buy, thereby giving the rich a tangible stake in the success of the national government.

What was the conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton?

When Hamilton introduced his bill to establish a national bank, Jefferson objected. Speaking for those who believed in states’ rights, Jefferson argued that the Constitution expressly enumerates all the powers belonging to the federal government and reserves all other powers to the states.

What type of government did Thomas Jefferson support?

Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican who thought the national government should have a limited role in citizens’ lives, was elected president in 1800. During his two terms in office (1801-1809), the U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory and Lewis and Clark explored the vast new acquisition.

What did Alexander Hamilton want?

Hamilton sought to create a stable financial foundation for the nation and increase the power of the central government. He pushed for the national government to assume state debts, which would bind creditors to the federal government.

What was Alexander Hamilton’s famous quote?

Alexander Hamilton’s most well-known quote with regards to debt is A national debt will be to us a national blessing. However, this is an unfair editing of what Hamilton actually wrote, leaving out the key part of the phrase – if it is not excessive.

What is the difference between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?

Jefferson believed that America’s success lay in its agrarian tradition. … While Hamilton distrusted popular will and believed that the federal government should wield considerable power in order steer a successful course, Jefferson placed his trust in the people as governors.

What did Hamilton say about Burr?

It came in response to a letter published in a newspaper in which Dr. Charles D. Cooper had reported that in a dinner conversation Hamilton had called Burr “a dangerous man.” In Cooper’s words, Hamilton also expressed a “more despicable opinion” of Burr. It was the loaded word despicable that drew Burr’s focus.