Fives met the General and Rex there, but they were followed by Fox and his Coruscant Guard troops. Fox ordered Fives to surrender but Fives took Rex’s blaster pistol and aimed at Fox, a gesture Fox felt as hostility and fired. Fives fell to the ground but before dying spoke to Rex. He died in Rex’s arms.

What did they inject Fives with?

His words convinced Shaak Ti and she requested that Fives be sent to Coruscant to undergo further tests and to plead his case to the Supreme Chancellor. While en route to Coruscant, Nala Se secretly injected Fives, barely conscious due to the stress of his impromptu surgery, with a form of mind clouding drug.

What are Fives last words?

Fives’ last words are This is the end.Forget the mission.Oh, nightmare.I’m free. Deeply dark and ironic words for an audience that knows Order 66 is still coming.

What happened to Fives and Echo?

The two were part of a team of clone troopers and Jedi sent to rescue Even Piell and Captain Tarkin from the Citadel, a feared Separatist prison. Echo was killed during the operation, leaving Fives as Domino Squad’s sole survivor.

Why did Fives go crazy?

Due to completely unforeseen events, Fives had discovered an evil conspiracy to enslave clones and turn them on their Jedi Generals. Before he could understand the larger conspiracy to overthrow the Galactic Republic, he was declared a mad man.

What did Palpatine tell Fives?

When Shaak Ti and Fives take evidence to Chancellor Palpatine, he separates Fives to talk to him alone and then pretends Fives attacks him. Palpatine uses the incident to make a case for the inhibitor chips and ensures they stay in place for his use and successfully deceives the Jedi.

What happened to Droidbait?

Droidbait, or CT-00-2010, was a clone trooper in Domino Squad during the Clone Wars. After he and his squad passed the test on Kamino, he was sent to Sergeant O’Niner’s division on the outpost on the moon of Rishi. During an attack by Separatists, he was killed by Commando Droids.

Why is 99 so old?

99 was deemed unfit for service in the Grand Army of the Republic because of his limited physical abilities and overly rapid aging and was assigned to perform janitorial duties in Kamino’s cloning facilities.

What is Rex’s clone number?

CT-7567 Description. Clone Trooper CT-7567, nicknamed Rex, was a captain of the Republic’s 501st Legion during the Clone Wars.

Could fives have prevented Order 66?

Fives. A few clone troopers gained knowledge of their sinister programming and therefore could have potentially prevented Order 66. The most notable example is ARC trooper Fives.

Why was Rex saying find him fives?

Rex tries to resist his programming. He manages to tell Ahsoka to find Fives before he opens fire. Fives was a clone that discovered the truth about the inhibitor chips placed in the brains of the clones, how they could be used to turn the clones against the Jedi, and the first hints of Palpatine’s true plans.

How did fives know about Order 66?

The first of a small number of individuals to learn about Order 66, Fives discovered the existence of the clone control chips after his friend, the Clone Trooper Tup, began attacking Jedi when his chip malfunctioned.

Did echo ever ask about fives?

How did echo survive?

Also known as CT-1409, Echo was a member of Domino Squad on Kamino before graduating and joining the fight against the Separatists. He survived a Separatist attack on the Rishi Moon listening post, was decorated for bravery, and inducted into the 501st Legion.

Who were the clones that disobeyed Order 66?

Nevertheless, clones from both canons managed to disobey Order 66 through various means.

When was fives killed?

Fives death (season 6, episode 4) General Krell had ordered him to death during the Battle of Umbara, but Fives was spared once Krell was arrested and then executed.

Was echo in the 501st?

Echo, designated CT-1409, was a clone trooper who fought during the Clone Wars. Originally identified as CT-21-0408, he belonged to the Cadet unit Domino Squad during his training days, and though he barely made it out in to the field, he became a high ranking member of the 501st Legion.

Does Echo betray the Republic?

He later expressed outrage at how the other clones could have turned on the Jedi after serving with them for years. When the Republic turned into the Galactic Empire, Echo chose not to follow orders once more and defected with the rest of his squad (save for Crosshair, who remained loyal to the Empire).

Did Palpatine hate Obi Wan?

Still, only 171 Star Wars fans believe Palpatine would be terrified by Obi-Wan. … Palpatine cunningly uses Obi-Wan as a tool, driving a wedge between him and the future Darth Vader. So even if Obi-Wan was an obstacle, he was never much of a real threat to Sheev Palpatine.

What did Palpatine do to maul?

Sidious and Dooku leave to confer with one another, as Sidious explains that he imprisoned Maul to draw out Mother Talzin, leader of the Nightsisters, so she can be destroyed as a potential threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy.

What did Palpatine do with the Zillo beast?

Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine sought to use the Zillo Beast’s indestructible hide to aid the Grand Army of the Republic. Shortly after the creature was brought to Coruscant for study, however, it broke free from its restraints and rampaged through the capital.

How did cutup get his name?

Cutup, born CT-4040, received his nickname because of his quick wit. Training Sergeant Bric pulled him aside and gave him a lecture on why he thought Domino Squad was failing, and Cutup smarting off. He called him a Cutup while he was pushing him.

Who died in Domino Squad?

The group went on to help Clone Captain Rex and Commander Cody fend off a droid attack in their inaugural mission on the Rishi moon. The battle was vicious, resulting in the tragic deaths of Cutup, Hevy and Droidbait, leaving only Echo and Fives as the remaining members of the freshly formed Domino squad.

Which clone is Droidbait?

CT-00-2010 Affiliation(s) CT-00-2010, nicknamed Droidbait, was a clone trooper who served in Domino Squad, a clone cadet squad in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, Droidbait was stationed at a Republic Military outpost on the Rishi moon where he was killed by BX-series droid commandos.

Who is the oldest clone trooper?

‘The Clone Wars’ Clone Troopers were create to make up for the lack of a proper military force in the fight against the separatist battle droids. The oldest Clone Trooper is CT-6116, who served as a Clone Medic during the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars lasted a long time but eventuallycame to an end.

Who is Omega a clone of?

Jango We learn that Omega is actually an unmodified clone created from Jango Fett’s DNA just like Boba Fett! Even her name ties into Jango Fett’s clone son, who was originally designated the code name Alpha before the bounty hunter named him. Yes, Omega is sort of Boba Fett’s sisterfrom a certain point of view.

How tall is echo from the bad batch?

Although all normal clones of Jango Fett were physically identical to the bounty hunter, Echo was slightly skinnier than his fellow former Domino Squad teammates, but still stood at the same 1.83 meters in height.

What does TK stand for in Star Wars?

So the short answer is TK = Trooper Korps. The abbreviations for the other specialties stemmed from this central Korps, so most of them retain the T. In the history of the Empire, I’m sure the TC for clones came about retroactively to distinguish a period when troopers were exclusively clones.

Who was the deadliest Clone Trooper?

8 Sev (Delta-07 Or RC-1207) Sev was the deadliest and most savage of Republic Commando’s Delta Squad and was the team’s ultimate weapon of destruction until the moment he fell on Kashyyyk.

Who was the most skilled clone?

Bred and trained on the planet Kamino, CT-7567 entered into Republic service at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. He gained respect from Jedi officers and clone troopers alike as an honorable commander, becoming known as one of the best and toughest clone troopers in the Grand Army.