Discomforting, inconvenient, or unsuitable. What does it mean if someone is sesquipedalian?
1 : having many syllables : long sesquipedalian terms. 2 : given to or characterized by the use of long words a sesquipedalian television commentator.

What does no incommunicado mean?

of communication : without means of communication : in a situation or state not allowing communication a prisoner held incommunicado remained incommunicado while working on her book. What does Incommodious nature mean?
Incommodious is an adjective that describes something that is uncomfortable or inconvenient, especially by being awkwardly small.

What does Ungainliness mean?

1a : lacking in smoothness or dexterity : clumsy ungainly movements. b : hard to handle : unwieldy an ungainly contraption. 2 : having an awkward appearance a large ungainly bird. What is a synonym for sesquipedalian?

sesquipedalianadjective. Pertaining to or given to the use of overly long words. Our dinner guest was so sesquipedalian that no one could understand what he said. Synonyms: long-winded, bombastic, polysyllabic, grandiloquent, florid, prolix.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word in the English dictionary?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous, while Dictionary.com says it is used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.

What is a person with good vocabulary called?

Good vocabulary: Eloquent, well-versed, well-spoken, erudite, articulate. Poor vocabulary: linguistically challenged, inarticulate.

What is a corresponding?

1a : having or participating in the same relationship (such as kind, degree, position, correspondence, or function) especially with regard to the same or like wholes (such as geometric figures or sets) corresponding parts of similar triangles.

How do you use commensurate?

(1) Six yards is commensurate with eighteen feet. (2) Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of teachers. (3) The pay should be commensurate with the work. (4) Her low salary is not commensurate with her abilities.

What is the verb of commensurate?

What is Communicado?

Communicado provides software platforms, management processes and real-time communication expertise needed by business organizations and industry partners to make convergence work for everyone. Onsite or remote, software is licensed or provided as a service.

What’s the opposite of incommunicado?

What is the opposite of incommunicado?

public accessible
friendly inhabited
joining mingling
outgoing populated
sociable socialisingUK

How do you use incommunicado in a sentence?

Incommunicado in a Sentence

  1. During our honeymoon, my husband and I will be incommunicado.
  2. The prisoner is incommunicado while he’s in solitary confinement.
  3. Until my phone charges, I will be incommunicado from my friends. …
  4. My teenagers feel as though they’re incommunicado whenever the Internet service goes down.

What is Perdurability?

Noun. 1. perdurability – the property of being extremely durable. permanence, permanency – the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration.

What does Incommodity mean?

inconvenience : a source of inconvenience : disadvantage the incommodities of a single life— Samuel Johnson.

What does Lumbersome mean?

: cumbersome a massive lumbersome grizzly — Scribner’s.

Is there a word relevancy?

“Relevancy.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/relevancy.

What Marvelled?

: to become filled with surprise, wonder, or amazed curiosity marveled at the magician’s skill. transitive verb. : to feel astonishment or perplexity at or about marveled that they had escaped.

What does the word ungraceful mean?

: lacking grace : not graceful ungraceful movements an ungraceful dancer.

What is the opposite of sesquipedalian?

long-winded, bombastic, polysyllabic, grandiloquent, florid, prolix. Antonyms: laconic, brief, monosyllabic, brachysyllabic, terse.

Whats the definition of florid?

1a : very flowery in style : ornate florid prose florid declamations also : having a florid style a florid writer. b : elaborately decorated a florid interior. c obsolete : covered with flowers. 2a : tinged with red : ruddy a florid complexion.

What is Sesquipedalian loquaciousness?

Advertisement: Sesquipedalian: A long word, or characterized by the use of long words. From the Latin roots meaning a foot-and-a-half long. Loquaciousness: That would be garrulousness, verboseness, effusiveness. … Also known as gross verbosity.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What is the opposite of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

Opposite of very good in standard or quality. atrocious. awful. execrable. lousy.

Is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in Mary Poppins returns?

But one thing audiences won’t hear, much less have meticulously spelled out for them letter by letter, is the word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” … The filmmakers of Mary Poppins Returns feel no differently — but that’s why they felt the word had to be preserved in the original film and not reprised in the sequel.

What do you call someone who pretends to be smart?

conceited. adjective. someone who is conceited behaves in a way that shows they think they are very intelligent, skillful, or attractive.

What do you call a person who uses big words to sound smart?

If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don’t really know what it was about because they can’t understand the words. Each of those long words is referred to as a sesquipedalia.

What does having a silver tongue mean?

English Language Learners Definition of silver-tongued : able to speak in a way that makes other people do or believe what you want them to do or believe.

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