Aglaonema Care: 5 Rules to Know

  1. Proper care for aglaonema starts with its proper placement. …
  2. Place your plant far from doors, air vents and windows in order to ensure it won’t suffer from drafts.
  3. Fertilize the species at least 2 times per month. …
  4. Water the plant when the top 2 inches of the soil start getting dry.

Does aglaonema need sunlight?
The Aglaonema is a mainstay of favorite houseplant lists everywhere! … Commonly called the “Chinese Evergreen”, this plant is native to the tropical forest floors of Asia, and so appreciates a spot where it can receive indirect light as direct sunlight can scorch its leaves.

How do you care for an aglaonema Maria plant?

Using lukewarm water, keeping the soil moist but not soggy is the right way to go.

  1. Light. Aglaonema thrive in most light levels. …
  2. Humidity. Chinese Evergreens can tolerate lower humidity than some other plants, yet it will still appreciate your efforts to improve surrounding humidity levels by misting regularly. …
  3. Toxicity.

How often should you water aglaonema?
Watering. I water mine when dry. That tends to be every 7-9 days in the warmer months & every 2-3 weeks when winter comes around. The watering schedule will vary for you depending on your home environment, type of soil mix, and pot size.

How do you make aglaonema grow faster?

Trimming a Chinese evergreen can help encourage faster growth, create a bushy houseplant, and remove dead foliage. However, nearly all species of Aglaonema plants have naturally dense growth, so pruning is rarely necessary. Where do you put aglaonema?

By nature, Aglaonemas do best in well-lit locations such as a window sill with eastern light exposure. Bright, but indirect sunlight is optimal. Be careful not to put your Cutlass Aglaonema in full sun, as the leaves will burn.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How do you keep aglaonema leaves shiny?

The best way to ensure the glossy red foliage looks stunning is to wipe it clean with a moist soft cloth once in 5-7 days. This will keep the dust off the leaves, making the plant look eye-catching always with deep hues!

Why do aglaonema leaves turn yellow?

The most common cause of yellowing leaves among Aglaonemas is improper soil moisture–in particular, overwatering. Only water your Aglaonema when the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry. … Alternating between bone dry and wet soil from ill-timed waterings can create stress and cause your Aglaonema to yellow.

Is aglaonema lucky plant?

Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreen, is considered as the as Lucky Plant as per Feng Shui and considered a bringer of fortune. Its longevity, ease of growth and striking appearance are thought beneficial to the well being and financial success of the residents who grow it.

Is aglaonema an air purifier?

Aglaonema, commonly called Chinese Evergreen have been grown as luck-bringing ornamental plants in Asia for centuries. Best air purifier, Aglaonema plant is shown to clean out formaldehyde and benzene from the air in your home and more.

Is aglaonema an indoor plant?

What is indirect sunlight?

What Is Indirect Sunlight? Indirect light is sunlight that either passes through a medium—a window shade or the leaves of a tree—or reflects off another surface before reaching a plant. Most indoor settings only provide indirect light.

Can aglaonema be planted outside?

Grown for their highly ornamental foliage, these tropical plants are made for low light. In most areas, they are grown strictly indoors. In the Tropical South, aglaonemas can be used outdoors in shady plantings. …

What is bright indirect light?

Bright Indirect light is when the sun’s rays don’t travel directly from the sun to your plant but, instead, bounce off something first. Plants in bright, indirect light will cast blurry, indistinct shadows. Bright indirect light is approximately 800-2000 foot candles.

How do you grow aglaonema indoors?

You can plant them in shaded parts of the garden too, provided you live in a warm frost-free climate.

  1. Full Sun. Indoors in a low to well lit position, away from direct sunlight. …
  2. Water. Aglaonema prefer only slightly moist soil and can be allowed to almost dry out in between waterings.
  3. Soil. …
  4. Suitable for all climatic zones.

Can you grow aglaonema in water?

Aglaonema is very easy to propagate in water or in soil via stem cuttings. You’ll get the best results with propagation done during the warm growing season.

Can you propagate aglaonema from a leaf?

To propagate from cuttings, seek for new shoots with minimum five leaves. Alternatively, you may choose an old plant stem to cut. Whatever you pick, make sure to use a sanitized cutter to ensure plant health. Once you have collected cuttings, plant them in a soil or coco-peat mix.

How tall does aglaonema grow?

one to three feet tall The long, narrow leaves can reach up to two feet long, and the plants themselves typically grow one to three feet tall and equally as wide. The plants aren’t conspicuous bloomers, but they can produce flowers that resemble a peace lily (made up of a spathe and spadix).

How many types of aglaonema are there?

There are between 21-24 species of aglaonema, although the exact number varies depending on which botanical registry you are looking at. However, there are hundreds of different aglaonema varieties in a diversity of leaf colorations. The variations are myriad and all lovely!

How often should I water pothos?

A pothos plant likes to have its soil dry out completely between waterings. If left in continually damp soil, the plant’s roots will rot. Black spots on the leaves (or the sudden collapse of the plant) indicate that the soil has been kept too wet. The plant will indicate when it needs water.

Can you use baby wipes to clean plant leaves?

Baby wipes can be used to clean the leaves of both natural and artificial plants. It’s easy to clean indoor plants with wipes. … Use a baby wipe to wipe off all dirt from the switch.

Can you put olive oil on plant leaves?

Olive oil blocks the pores present on the leaves by creating a thin layer on the surface. As a result, your plant will not be able to absorb sunlight and take oxygen until the coating is wiped or removed. Therefore, think twice before applying olive oil to your plant’s leaves.

What can I spray on plant leaves to make them shine?


  1. 2 cups of water.
  2. 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar.
  3. 2 drops of castile/dish soap (we’re fond of Dr. Bronner’s)
  4. 2 drops coconut oil (optional: if you really want that glossy look)

How do you save an overwatered aglaonema?

Rescue Techniques for Wilting Plants

  1. Move your plant to a shady area even if it is a full-sun plant. …
  2. Check your pot for proper drainage and, if possible, create additional air space around the roots. …
  3. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not let it get too dry. …
  4. Treat with a fungicide.

Should you cut yellow leaves?

Generally, it’s safe to remove a few yellowed leaves from your plant. Removing yellow leaves keeps your plant looking healthy and your garden looking green. Removing yellow leaves can also reduce the risk of disease, which can develop more quickly on decaying leaves rather than healthy ones.

How do you save a dying aglaonema?

I’d suggest taking off the dead leaves, unpotting, scrubbing soil off what’s left of the roots and putting the stems in water. If it’s not too late they will rehydrate and root in the water. A dscription of the condition of stems and pics would help.

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