Fast growing shrubby perennial that is most useful in container or foundation plantings and patio use. Clusters of light blue flowers appear in warm months. Nice large scale, flowering groundcover. Does plumbago need full sun?
Plumbago shrubs need plenty of room. … Because of its pest and disease resistance, how to care for plumbago is pretty basic. It blooms best in full sun but will tolerate some shade if you are willing to sacrifice some of the bloom. As with most plants, it prefers fertile, well-drained soil, but again, it isn’t fussy.

How do you grow plumbago Imperial Blue?

Provide Plumbago with a well-drained acid soil in a full to partial sun location for best results. This free blooming plant also attracts butterflies. Avoid using lime around this plant. In the northern portions of its range like zone 8B and 9 provide a deep mulch during winter. Will blue plumbago grow in shade?
Grow plumbago in full sun or light shade. It can tolerate fairly dense shade, but doesn’t bloom well — if at all — without the sun. Water plumbago during extended dry spells; it’s quite drought tolerant. That said, this flowering shrub will grow fastest and bloom best if it’s watered regularly through the season.

How quickly does plumbago grow?

Cape Plumbago grows to a height of 3.0m, with a spread of 1.5m. It is fast growing, taking six months to one year to reach its mature size. Its flowers bloom from May to October. Requirements: Grows in full sun. Should plumbago be pruned?

Prune Plumbagos regularly to maintain shape and form, and to prevent them from outgrowing their planting area. Plumbagos produce flowers on new wood and thus respond well to judicious pruning. Although they tolerate heavy pruning, cutting too frequently can adversely affect growth.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is Blue plumbago invasive?

It has pretty blue flowers, blooms profusely and is non-invasive. … So this flower is essentially useless as a provider of nectar for butterflies. In its native S. Africa it is known to attract butterflies and to act as a larval food plant.

Is Plumbago a climber?

Plumbago auriculata ‘Dark Blue,’ is a versatile, showy plant in the garden landscape. It is equally attractive as a shrub when mounding on the ground as when planted in a container, or climbing a trellis. … It makes an excellent ground cover plant and can grow as a climber up a trellis.

What is plumbago used for?

The plant has been used traditionally to treat a range of ailments, including headaches and wounds. However, plumbago may cause skin irritation and blistering in some people. Do not use plumbago for medicinal purposes without the supervision of a doctor.

Will plumbago survive a freeze?

Frost kills the top growth on plumbago plants, but within its hardiness zones the roots generally survive through the winter. If frost kills a plumbago shrub, wait until late winter or spring before pruning the dead plant material. After the last frost, prune plumbago back to the healthy growth.

Does plumbago attract bees?

How big is Imperial Blue plumbago?

6-8 feet tall Plumbago auriculata ‘Imperial Blue’ (Blue Cape Plumbago) – An upright climbing evergreen shrub that reaches 6-8 feet tall with long whip like branches that arch outward holding 2 inch long oblong yellow green leaves that darken with age.

Is plumbago an annual or perennial?

This perennial shrub blooms all year and only ceases flowering during winters that are extremely cold within its growing range of USDA hardiness zones 8 through 11. In USDA zone 8, where freezes and frosts are more likely, blue plumbago dies to the ground, but resprouts when the weather warms in spring.

Does plumbago need a lot of water?

Watering plumbago Plumbago, apart from watering after planting, will need a lot of water when the weather is hot, especially if grown in a pot. Water regularly, but not too much, from May to September, for older plants growing in the ground. Reduce the watering in winter.

Does plumbago grow from cuttings?

Plumbago propagates easily from seeds, cuttings and offset divisions, which all perform best when started in summer. However, specific plumbago cultivars such as Royal Cape (Plumbago auriculata ‘Royal Cape’) must be propagated vegetatively to ensure the resulting plants possess the same characteristics as the parent.

How do I stop plumbago from spreading?

Plumbago isn’t classed as an invasive plant. Although it spreads quickly through its rhizome roots and suckers, it is easy to prune. To stop plumbago from spreading too much, prune the plant hard in late winter or early spring.

How do you care for Imperial Blue plumbago?

Imperial Blue plumbago will tolerate dry conditions with ease but performs best when watered regularly. Provide deep, infrequent waterings rather than frequent light waterings since deep watering encourages deeper root growth, which will help the plant survive periods of heat and dryness.

How do I get rid of plumbago?

Yates Zero Glyphosate 490 g/l can be used to control Plumbago when used at 8 ml/L. As the weather warms up the new shoots will emerge and these can be sprayed. Glyphosate is systemic and will translocate throughout the plant. You may need to apply a second appication in a couple of months time if more shoots emerge.

Are plumbago roots invasive?

Plumbago is the most invasive plant I have dealt with. I have a steep hill in Southern California where the previous owner had planted honeysuckle and oleander.

Should I deadhead my plumbago?

Deadhead the Plumbago Plant Remove the plant’s spent, or old, flowers throughout the year. … Position each cut 1/4 inch above the second to fourth leaf located below the spent flower cluster. Discard the removed, spent flowers on a compost pile or in a trash bin.

How far apart do you plant Plumbago?

PLANTING SPACING If planting in garden space 15 to 18 inches apart. PLANT HEIGHT AND WIDTH These grow about 6 to 8 inches tall and 18 – 24 inches wide. WATER Water upon planting and just average during summer.

Should plumbago be cut back in winter?

Prune plumbago more heavily during the winter once the plant stops blooming and becomes dormant. Cut back any old, tall, woody or diseased stems at the lateral joints and dispose of them. The plant will regrow during the following spring.

Is plumbago the same as phlox?

The great plants of high summer are phlox and plumbago. They love the heat. They are probably from the same genus as the flowers resemble each other and they come out at exactly the same time. … In the side garden is the bright blue ground cover plumbago.

What was originally called plumbago?

The generic name, derived from the Latin words plumbum (lead) and agere (to resemble), was first used by Pliny the Elder (23-79) for a plant known as μολύβδαινα (molybdaina) to Pedanius Dioscorides (ca. 40-90).

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