without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic: a lackadaisical attempt. lazy; indolent: a lackadaisical fellow. What does Laxadaisy mean?
archaic. —used to express sorrow or regret.

Is lackadaisical positive or negative?

Lackadaisical is never a compliment. Someone who is lackadaisical is relaxed and easygoing, but that person is also probably careless and disengaged. This term has a negative connotation. Why do people say lackadaisical?
The expression was gradually weakened, shifting from expressions of anguish to resigned despair, to languid indifference. The end result is the modern form “lackadaisical,” which conveys a lack of enthusiasm—a casual, perfunctory way of doing things.

What does it mean overindulge?

: to indulge (someone, or something) too much: such as. a transitive : to be too permissive with (someone) They overindulged their grandchildren. : to allow (oneself or another person) to have or do something to excess For years he had overindulged himself in food, drink, and finally worry.— What is lackadaisical approach?

A person with a lackadaisical attitude shows no enthusiasm and puts forth a half-hearted effort. But it’s more of a dreamy, laid back approach rather than sheer laziness.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does LAXY mean?

1a : disinclined to activity or exertion : not energetic or vigorous The lazy child tried to avoid household chores. b : encouraging inactivity or indolence a lazy summer day. 2 : moving slowly : sluggish a lazy river. 3 : droopy, lax a rabbit with lazy ears.

What is a precocious person?

unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development: a precocious child. prematurely developed, as the mind, faculties, etc. of or relating to premature development.

What do you call a person who lacks energy?

The word lethargy describes inactivity or a lack of energy. … Other lethargic nouns include torpor, sluggishness, and languor.

Which is suitable word for lacking energy and enthusiasm?

lackadaisical Frequently Asked Questions About lackadaisical Some common synonyms of lackadaisical are languid, languorous, listless, and spiritless. While all these words mean lacking energy or enthusiasm, lackadaisical implies a carefree indifference marked by half-hearted efforts.

What is a word for not motivated?

What is connotative language?

According to literarydevices.com, “Connotation refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly. Connotative words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their literal meanings, or denotations.

Is Lax short for lackadaisical?

As adjectives the difference between lax and lackadaisical is that lax is lenient and allowing for deviation; not strict while lackadaisical is showing no interest or enthusiasm.

What is an example of denotation?

Denotation means the literal definition of a word. To give an example, the denotation for blue is the color blue. For example: The girl was blue. You mean the girl was quite literally the color blue.

Why do people pronounce lackadaisical wrong?

Some people use the pronunciation (lăk′sə), as though the word were spelled lacksadaisical or laxadaisical. The confusion is probably semantic—someone who is lackadaisical could be said to have a lax attitude. In our 2014 survey, the Usage Panel overwhelmingly preferred the traditional pronunciation.

What is a laconic person?

Laconic is an adjective that describes a style of speaking or writing that uses only a few words, often to express complex thoughts and ideas. … There’s a friend of yours who doesn’t talk very much, and when he does, he says maybe three words and then becomes quiet again. You could describe that friend as laconic.

How do you use lackadaisical in a sentence?

Lackadaisical in a Sentence

  1. After the surgery, I was lackadaisical for several days.
  2. I hope the medicine is not causing you to be sleepy and lackadaisical.
  3. If I receive lackadaisical service in a restaurant, I generally will not return to that establishment.

What is an overindulgent person?

/ˌəʊ.vər.ɪnˈdʌl.dʒənt/ allowing someone to have more of something enjoyable than is good for them: In part, the researchers pointed to overindulgent adults for raising children to believe they are special no matter what they do.

How do I stop overindulging?

How to Avoid Overindulgence Over the Festive Season

  1. Make healthier choices and eat lots of vegetables. …
  2. Portion Control. …
  3. Drink plenty of water. …
  4. Keep Yourself Busy. …
  5. Exercise. …
  6. Rest the digestive tract. …
  7. Avoid buying snacks, sweets, and fast foods. …
  8. Never go hungry to the party.

What does it mean to go on binges?

If you go on a binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money. [informal] She went on occasional drinking binges. Synonyms: bout, session [informal], spell, fling More Synonyms of binge.

Is overindulge a word?

verb (used with or without object), o·ver·in·dulged, o·ver·in·dulg·ing. to indulge to excess: to overindulge one’s fondness for candy.

What is the noun form of lackadaisical?

lackadaisicalness. The state or quality of being lackadaisical.

What does cavalierly mean?

1 : marked by or given to offhand and often disdainful (see disdain entry 1) dismissal of important matters a cavalier attitude toward money has a cavalier disregard for the rights of others. 2 : debonair.

What is a female curmudgeon called?

To solve this analogy you need to determine which of these words might be used to describe a female curmudgeon. The correct answer is termagant which means a mean-spirited or angry woman.

What are lazy words?

Lazy words are filler words. They act similar to verbal pauses in speech. As an example, I fell prey to “just” in graduate school. I probably still do, but I gained a heightened awareness during a weekly writing workshop.

What is lazy noun?

noun. /ˈleɪzinəs/ /ˈleɪzinəs/ [uncountable] (disapproving) ​the fact of being unwilling to work or be active.

What do you call a person who uses big words incorrectly?

The word you’re looking for is acyrologia. The person who uses such words could probably be called an acyrolog, although that’s a bit of a neologism. If the words being confused are similar sounding, you’re dealing with a subcategory of acyrologia called a malapropism or (less frequently) a dogberryism.

What does it mean if something is pretentious?

a : making usually unjustified or excessive claims (as of value or standing) the pretentious fraud who assumes a love of culture that is alien to him— Richard Watts. b : expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature pretentious language pretentious houses.

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