1 : cut in : engraved especially : decorated with incised figures. 2 : having a margin that is deeply and sharply notched an incised leaf. What does incised mean in a medical?
An incised wound is an injury to the skin caused by a sharp cutting implement such as a knife, broken glass, or a surgeon’s scalpel.

What is meant by lacerate?

transitive verb. 1 : to tear or rend roughly : wound jaggedly. 2 : to cause sharp mental or emotional pain to : distress. lacerate. adjective. What does libelous mean?
English Language Learners Definition of libelous : containing an untrue written statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone. See the full definition for libelous in the English Language Learners Dictionary. libelous. adjective. li·​bel·​ous.

What is incised timber?

INCISING is a process in which to prepare wood for preservative treatments. Sharp steel teeth are pressed into all sides of lumber and timbers to increase the penetration of the chemical into the wood during the incising process. What is ligation medical term?

Medical Definition of ligation 1a : the surgical process of tying up an anatomical channel (as a blood vessel) b : the process of joining together chemical chains (as of DNA or protein) 2 : something that binds : ligature.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the largest watershed in America?

The Mississippi River watershed The Mississippi River watershed is the biggest watershed in the United States, draining more than three million square kilometers (one million square miles) of land.

How river terraces are formed?

When rivers flood, sediment deposits in sheets across the floodplain and build up over time. Later, during a time of river erosion, this sediment is cut into, or incised, by the river and flushed downstream. The previous floodplain is therefore abandoned and becomes a river terrace.

What is Headcut erosion?

A head cut (alternately headcut), in stream geomorphology, is an erosional feature of some intermittent and perennial streams with an abrupt vertical drop, also known as a knickpoint, in the stream bed. … As erosion of the knickpoint and the streambed continues, the head cut will migrate upstream.

How do you use the word lacerate?

having edges that are jagged from injury.

  1. The man’s face was severely lacerated in the accident.
  2. His leg was lacerated by the tiger’s claws.
  3. She was suffering from a badly lacerated hand.
  4. Its claws lacerated his thighs.
  5. Disputes on this matter lacerated their friendship.
  6. The barbed wire had lacerated her arm.

What is the synonym of cut?

What does opaqueness mean?

1 : blocking the passage of radiant energy and especially light : exhibiting opacity (see opacity sense 1) 2a : hard to understand or explain opaque prose. b : obtuse, thickheaded.

What makes a story libelous?

Libel is the publication of writing, pictures, cartoons, or any other medium that expose a person to public hatred, shame, disgrace, or ridicule, or induce an ill opinion of a person, and are not true. … In short, libel is publication of false information about a person that causes injury to that person’s reputation.

What are libelous words?

Libel Defined. … Libel is defamation by print, writing, pictures, or signs, as distinguished from slander, which is defamation by oral expressions or transitory gestures. 2. Libel is written or visual defamation; slander is oral or aural defamation.

What are libelous statements?

Libelous statements refer to words that can be seen (typically written and published), while slander occurs when a defamatory statement is spoken or otherwise audible (such as a radio broadcast).

Why are sleepers incised?

Incisions along the entire length of the sleeper create a neat yet distinctive pattern on all four sides. … This allows the preservative treatment, applied under pressure, to penetrate deeper into the structure of the timber creating a robust and uniform envelope of protection.

How do you use Postcrete mix?

How much Postcrete do you need per post?

Usually one bag of postcrete per post is enough, however you can use a two bags per post if you feel this is needed.

Why is ligation done?

Why it’s done Tubal ligation permanently prevents pregnancy, so you no longer need any type of birth control. However, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Tubal ligation may also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are removed.

What is ligation in surgery?

Tubal ligation is surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy. It has commonly been called getting your tubes tied. It is also called a female sterilization. Tubal refers to the fallopian tubes. Each month, an egg is released from an ovary and travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Ligation means to tie off.

How is ligation done?

How is a tubal ligation done? The tubes are closed using rings or clips or by cutting and tying. It is usually done by putting a tiny telescope called a laparoscope in through a small cut near the belly button and closing the tubes through another small cut near the pubic hair.

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