verb (used without object), ky·oo·dled, ky·oo·dling. to bark or yelp noisily or foolishly; yap. What does Duputed mean?
verb (used with object), de·put·ed, de·put·ing. to appoint as one’s substitute, representative, or agent. to assign (authority, a function, etc.) to a deputy.

What is the difference between depute and deputy?

Deputy is one empowered to act for another. Depute is the historical form of deputy and is still used in the Scottish legal system. What is the sentence of deputed?
Examples of depute in a Sentence Several officers were deputed to guard the building.I’ve been deputed to meet them at the airport. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘depute.

Is Tutoree a word?

a person who is being tutored; the pupil of a tutor. What is the meaning of Nalle?

—Note: Nalle (a Finnish word meaning bear) is often a Finnish nickname for persons with the given name Björn (a Swedish word meaning bear).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What do we call keel in English?

/kīla/ nf. nail countable noun. A nail is a thin piece of metal with one pointed end and one flat end.

What does Deputy mean in government?

1a : a person appointed as a substitute with power to act. b : a second in command or assistant who usually takes charge when his or her superior is absent. 2 : a member of the lower house of some legislative assemblies. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About deputy.

What is a sheriff in the UK?

In England, Northern Ireland, or Wales, a sheriff (or high sheriff) is a ceremonial county or city official. … In addition to these policing and correction services, a sheriff is often responsible for enforcing civil law within the jurisdiction. In Canada, sheriffs exist in most provinces.

Is deputy a title?

Deputy Director is a job title used in many organizations around the world for a deputy for a director, and may refer to: Deputy Director, a general rank below director within Her Majesty’s Civil Service; see Grading schemes.

Has deputed meaning?

What is meant by depute location?

reassign, transfer – transfer somebody to a different position or location of work. delegate, depute – transfer power to someone.

How do you say deputed?

What are Tutees?

: one who is being tutored.

What are people who are tutored called?

tutee in American English (tuːˈti, tjuː-) noun. a person who is being tutored; the pupil of a tutor.

What is a Tutee student?

Noun. 1. tutee – learns from a tutor. assimilator, learner, scholar – someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs.

What is the meaning of impotently?

1a : not potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless. b : unable to engage in sexual intercourse because of inability to have and maintain an erection broadly : sterile. 2 obsolete : incapable of self-restraint : ungovernable.

What does keel mean in writing?

1 : to fall in or as if in a faint —usually used with over keeled over from exhaustion. 2 of a boat or ship : to heel or lean precariously.

How do you use keel in a sentence?

Keel in a Sentence

  1. Feeling like it might keel at any minute, the kayaker tried to steady himself with his oar.
  2. While standing up on the paddleboard, the novice paddler began to keel over and eventually overturned.
  3. The ship lurched and tottered, feeling like it might keel over into the sea.

Does keen mean smart?

Keen commonly means eager, interested, or enthusiastic. This sense of the word is often followed by about or on and the particular interest, as in He’s very keen on music. More generally, keen means sharp, intense, or strong. … A keen intellect is one that’s sharp in the sense of being mentally strong.

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