adjective. that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable: an indomitable warrior. What is the synonym of indomitable?
adjective. 1’these indomitable warriors have never been subjugated by an invading force’ invincible, unconquerable, unbeatable, unassailable, impregnable, invulnerable, unsurpassable, unshakeable.

Is Indominant a word?

The adjective indomitable starts with the Latin prefix in, which means not. The second part of the word is also from the Latin word domitare, meaning to tame. So the word literally means not able to be tamed. Indomitable is often teamed with the words spirit or personality to describe someone with a can-do … How do you use indomitable in a sentence?
Indomitable sentence example

  1. Doria was a man of indomitable energy and a great admiral. …
  2. It was possible only to a leader of indomitable will. …
  3. The Marsi were a hardy mountain people, famed for their simple habits and indomitable courage.

What do you call someone who thinks they are always right?

There are many words to describe someone who always needs to be right, including indomitable, adamant, unrelenting, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, unshakeable, dictatorial. Which is the closest antonym for the word indomitable?


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the synonym of wit?

intelligence, shrewdness, astuteness, cleverness, canniness, acuteness, acuity, sharpness, sharp-wittedness, sense, good sense, common sense, wisdom, sagacity, judgement, understanding, acumen, discernment, perception, insight, percipience, perspicacity. brains, mind. informal nous, gumption, horse sense.

Is Domitable a word?

Able to be tamed or bent to one’s will; tamable, subduable.

What is an example of indomitable spirit?

Not easily discouraged, defeated, or subdued; unyielding; unconquerable. The definition of indomitable is something that can’t be beaten. An example of indomitable is a cancer survivor who goes on to run a marathon. Incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable.

What does it mean to have an indomitable will?

indomitable in American English (ɪnˈdɑmɪtəbəl) adjective. that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable.

Why indomitable spirit is important?

What do you mean by Avid?

Full Definition of avid 1 : characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic avid readers/fans an avid golfer. 2 : desirous to the point of greed : urgently eager : greedy avid for publicity/success.

What does non subdued mean?

Non-subdued flag means that it is full-colored. For example, red, white and blue for the US. A subdued flag would be non-full colored.

What silty means?

1. silty – full of silt; silty soil loose – not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; loose gravel

How do you use the word indulgent?

Indulgent in a Sentence

  1. My indulgent parents give me everything I want.
  2. Whenever my sister comes around, she brags about all the expensive gifts her indulgent husband buys for her.
  3. The studio refused to give in to the actor’s indulgent desire to direct his own biography.

How do you use rudimentary in a sentence?

not fully developed in mature animals.

  1. He has only a rudimentary knowledge of the subject.
  2. His understanding of the language is very rudimentary.
  3. They were given only rudimentary training in the job.
  4. Gradually, I acquired a rudimentary knowledge of music.
  5. Some breeds of dog have only rudimentary tails.

How do you use loquacious in a sentence?

Loquacious sentence example

  1. He had neither the patience nor the tact for managing loquacious parliamentary pedants. …
  2. His favorite occupation when not playing boston, a card game he was very fond of, was that of listener, especially when he succeeded in setting two loquacious talkers at one another.

What do you call a person who never admits they are wrong?

The definition of infallible is someone or something that is always perfect and right, without any errors or mistakes.

What do you call someone who only does things to benefit themselves?

Someone who is selfish cares only about themselves and doesn’t consider others. … The opposite of selfish is self-sacrificing, which means, giving everything to others and sacrificing your own needs.

What is it called when someone won’t change their mind?

When a person is inexorable, they’re stubborn. … An inexorable person is hard-headed and cannot be convinced to change their mind, no matter what.

Is abominable an adjective?

Abominable is an adjective that should be used only when something is exceptionally bad or threatening, like a gigantic furry snowman who is terrorizing a village. Abominable is so absolutely awful that it causes physical revulsion.

Which word would be the best synonym for empathy?


What is the opposite apathy?

By definition, empathy is the opposite of apathy. Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another” — within + feeling or inside + suffering. Apathy is defined as “a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern” — not + feeling or without + suffering.

Was at his wits end?

Completely puzzled and perplexed, not knowing what to do. For example, I’ve tried every possible source without success, and now I’m at my wit’s end. This idiom, which uses wit in the sense of “mental faculties,” appeared in Piers Ploughman (c. 1377).

What are your wits?

(sometimes singular) the ability to reason and act, esp quickly (esp in the phrase have one’s wits about one) (sometimes singular) right mind, sanity (esp in the phrase out of one’s wits) at one’s wits’ end at a loss to know how to proceed. five wits obsolete the five senses or mental faculties.

What does bored out of my wits mean?

Extremely bored to the point of distraction, frustration, or irritation.

What is the meaning of indefatigably?

: incapable of being fatigued : untiring an indefatigable worker.

What does domineering person mean?

: inclined to exercise arbitrary and overbearing control over others.

What is the means of domicile?

Your domicile is the place where you maintain a permanent home. Your country of domicile means the country you permanently reside in. Your intent to remain in this place indefinitely makes it your domicile and makes you the place’s domiciliary.

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