A line of a map or chart connecting points of equal moisture content in a coal bed. A line drawn through points of equal humidity on a given surface; an isopleth of humidity; the humidity measures used may be the relative humidity or the actual moisture content (specific humidity or mixing ratio). What is Isohume geography?
(Physical Geography) a line on a map or chart joining points of equal height or depth.

What is the meaning of Isoneph?

: a line on a map connecting points that have the same average percentage of cloudiness. What is a Isodrosotherm?
Isodrosotherms are lines of equal dew point temperatures. Dew Points tell us how much moisture is near the surface. Isotherms and isodrosotherms are usually shown on weather maps in intervals of 5 or 10 degrees.

What is an Isohyet map?

: a line on a map or chart connecting areas of equal rainfall. What are Isohyets and isobars?

Isobars are lines on a map showing places of equal pressure. Isotherms are lines on a map showing places of equal temperature. … Isohyets are lines on a map showing places of equal rainfall.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is an index Isobath?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart that connects all points having the same depth below a water surface (as of an ocean, sea, or lake) 2 : a line similar to an isobath indicating depth below the earth’s surface of an aquifer or other geological horizon.

What is isodose?

: of or relating to points or zones in a medium that receive equal doses of radiation.

What is an Isobront?

: a line on a chart marking the simultaneous development of a thunderstorm at different points on the earth’s surface.

What is an isogon?

A polygon with all angles equal, so that all regular polygons are isogons but not vice versa.

What is Isoheight?

What does Isophene mean?

1 : a line on a map or chart connecting places within a region at which a particular biological phenomenon (as the flowering of a given plant) occurs at one time. 2 : phenocontour.

What is isochrone and isohyet?

As nouns the difference between isohyet and isochrone is that isohyet is a line of equal or constant rainfall on a graph or chart, such as a weather map while isochrone is an isoline on a map or chart connecting points that have the same value of a quantity that has dimension time.

What does closely spaced Isohyets mean *?

An isohyet is a form of map contour line displaying precipitation. … If contour lines are found close to each other, then the magnitude of the gradient increases, implying the variation will be elevated.

What is the Thiessen polygon method?

A method of assigning areal significance to point rainfall values. These bisectors form a series of polygons, each polygon containing one station. … The value of precipitation measured at a station is assigned to the whole area covered by the enclosing polygon.

What are Isohyets in chemistry?

An isohyet is also known as isohyetal line, and it is a line on a map which connects points that have the same amounts of precipitation in a given period or for a particular storm. Isohyets represent equal rainfall.

What do Isohyets measure?

The isohyetal method is used to estimate the mean precipitation across an area by drawing lines of equal precipitation. … Isohyets are contours of equal precipitation analogous to contour lines on a topographic map.

What do Isohels measure?

Isohel. A line representing points receiving equal amounts of sunshine.

What is Isohaline in social?

Isohaline is an ‘imaginary line’ on a map that connects all points of the ocean with same salinity. Explanation: Iso means ‘same’ and haline means ‘salinity’.

What is Isobath in oceanography?

[′i·sə‚bath] (oceanography) A contour line connecting points of equal water depths on a chart. Also known as depth contour; depth curve; fathom curve.

What are the factors on which contour lines are based?

The contour interval depends upon the general topography of the terrain. In flat ground, contours at small intervals are surveyed to depict the general slope of the ground whereas high hills can only be depicted with contours at larger contour interval.

What is isodose distribution?

In order to represent volumetric or planar variations in absorbed dose, distributions are depicted by means of isodose curves, which are lines passing through points of equal dose. The curves are usually drawn at regular intervals of absorbed dose and may be expressed as a percentage of the dose at a reference point.

What is isodose curve?

An isodose curve (or contour) is a line of constant absorbed dose. The line is in a plane and, for single radi- ation beams, its value is usually related by a simple percentage value (e.g., 90 percent, 80 percent, etc.) to the peak absorbed dose (or the surface absorbed dose, for x rays below 400 kV) on the beam axis.

What is penumbra in radiotherapy?

Penumbra. The rapid decrease at the edges of the radiation beam is called the penumbra region. Usually defined as the space between the 80% and 20% isodose lines.

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