If you describe something or someone as jejune, you are criticizing them for being very simple and unsophisticated. [formal, disapproval] … jejune generalizations. Synonyms: simple, silly, juvenile, naive More Synonyms of jejune. Is jejune a French word?
(a.) Void of interest; barren; meager; dry; as, a jejune narrative. (a.) Lacking matter; empty; void of substance. … Jejune Meaning in French.

English French
jejune ennuyeux

What does Infantility mean?

1 : of or relating to infants or infancy. 2 : suitable to or characteristic of an infant especially : very immature infantile humor. What does it mean when a person is pedantic?
Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.

What does Venile mean?

1. Easily excused or forgiven; pardonable: a venial offense. 2. Roman Catholic Church Minor, therefore warranting only temporal punishment. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin veniālis, from Latin venia, forgiveness; see wen- in Indo-European roots.] How do you use jejune in a sentence?

Jejune in a Sentence

  1. The billionaire couple refused to eat the jejune dish of chicken wings and tater tots.
  2. Although Evan behaved in a jejune manner at the dinner party, he actually teaches international customs at a school for diplomats.
  3. I am very jejune and refuse to eat anything I cannot spell.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does Desultorily mean?

1 : marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose a dragged-out ordeal of … desultory shopping— Herman Wouk. 2 : not connected with the main subject desultory comments.

What is a callow fellow?

adj. 1 lacking experience of life; immature.

What is the opposite of mendacity?

mendacity. Antonyms: veracity, truthfulness, frankness, candor, ingenuousness. Synonyms: falsehood, lying, untruthfulness, deception, prevarication, duplicity.

What is the opposite of minatory?

Antonyms: unalarming. Synonyms: grim, inauspicious, sullen, minacious, baneful, lowering, black, baleful, dark, sinister, heavy, dour, ominous, menacing, ill, forbidding, threatening.

What means modish?

Is infantile derogatory?

1.1 derogatory Childish. ‘It’s a terrible, infantile longing for really childish flavours.

What is a Pillock the insult?

Definition – a very stupid or foolish person. Pillock (which has also on occasion been spelled pilloch, pillok, and pillick) is one of the hundreds of euphemisms for the male sexual organ in the English language.

Why do babies get infantile spasms?

Infantile spasms (also called West syndrome) can be caused by problems with the way the brain developed in the womb, infections, brain injury, or abnormal blood vessels in the brain (such as an arteriovenous malformations). Infantile spasms also can happen in babies with some types of metabolic and genetic disorders.

What does it mean to be obtuse?

2a : lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect : insensitive, stupid He is too obtuse to take a hint. b : difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression It is also, unfortunately, ill-written, and at times obtuse and often trivial.—

Can pedantic be a compliment?

So, pedantic isn’t a compliment anymore because it really means these people are close-minded, they’re “overly concerned with minute details or formalisms.” And, when you’re “overly concerned” with the little stuff … it’s hard to see the big beautiful picture.

What does Pridantic mean?

ostentatious in one’s learning. overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

What is jejune English?

: the section of the small intestine that comprises the first two fifths beyond the duodenum and that is larger, thicker-walled, and more vascular and has more circular folds than the ileum.

What is a mercenary person?

: one that serves merely for wages especially : a soldier hired into foreign service mercenaries who guaranteed the success of the rebellion — B. F. Reilly. mercenary. adjective. Definition of mercenary (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : serving merely for pay or sordid advantage : venal also : greedy.

Is venality a word?

the condition or quality of being venal; openness to bribery or corruption.

How do you use loquacious?

Loquacious in a Sentence

  1. After drinking four beers, my normally quiet wife becomes quite loquacious.
  2. While Jared was shy and reserved, his twin brother Michael was outgoing and loquacious.
  3. Because Harold did not want to engage in conversation with his loquacious coworker, he often hid in his office.

How do you use lugubrious in a sentence?

Lugubrious sentence example This lugubrious work of art was set up in white marble after his death in St Paul’s cathedral, where it may still be seen. Very near his end he had the lugubrious curiosity to cause the coffins of his embalmed ancestors to be opened at the Escorial.

How do you use kinetic in a sentence?

Kinetic in a Sentence

  1. Kinetic learners are students who learn better when they are allowed to be active.
  2. In order to be useful, potential energy must be changed into kinetic energy.
  3. A simple definition of kinetic energy is power in movement or motion.

What is the meaning of indefatigably?

: incapable of being fatigued : untiring an indefatigable worker.

What does unsustainably mean?

: not capable of being prolonged or continued : not sustainable unsustainable agricultural practices unsustainable growth.

What does Chastest mean?

adj. 1. not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal. 2. abstaining from sexual intercourse, esp that which is unlawful or immoral.

What does Calliw mean?

: lacking adult sophistication : immature callow youth callow newcomers.

What is Callowness mean?

See synonyms for: callow / callowness on Thesaurus.com. adjective. immature or inexperienced: a callow youth. (of a young bird) featherless; unfledged. noun.

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