1 : a medieval type of short tale in French literature that is usually in octosyllabic verse and deals with subjects of Celtic origin often connected with Arthur or the Round Table. 2 : a medieval type of lyric poem revived in the 17th century and composed in unsymmetrical couplets each sung to its own melody. Is lai a word?
No, lai is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is lai in literature?

lay, also spelled lai, in medieval French literature, a short romance, usually written in octosyllabic verse, that dealt with subjects thought to be of Celtic origin. … The term lay may refer to a medieval lyric poem. What do we call Murmura in English?
[myʀmyʀ ] masculine noun. (= son) murmur.

Is Kai a Chinese name?

Kai Surname Meaning Kai is a common last name found among Overseas Chinese communities around the world. In fact, Kai is the transliteration of several different Chinese surnames. Its meaning varies depending on how it is spelled in Chinese, and which dialect it is pronounced in. Is Rai a valid scrabble word?

Yes, rai is in the scrabble dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does lai mean in medical terms?

Long Acting Formulations. EPS=extrapyramidal symptom; LAI=long-acting injectable.

How do you pronounce Thanhha?

as in funny ha-ha-ha.

How do you pronounce Francis Lai?

Lai (pronounced “Lay”) began his musical career as an accordion player and as an accompanist to the renowned French chanteuse Edith Piaf.

How do you pronounce Lai in Vietnamese?

My Lai is not pronounced like it is your lie. Well, perhaps if you were a pirate and instead of my, you say me. So, it’s Mee Lie.

What is a lai in music?

Why did Marie de France write the Lais?

The Lays are short romances, often about women and men who suffer in love. In the prologue, Marie says that she was looking for a work in Latin or French to translate and could not find anything, so she decided to write down some lays (short narrative poems, intended to be sung) which she had heard performed.

What is octosyllabic example?

The octosyllable or octosyllabic verse is a line of verse with eight syllables. It is equivalent to tetrameter verse in trochees in languages with a stress accent. … While commonly used in couplets, typical stanzas using octosyllables are: décima, some quatrains, redondilla.

What is the English meaning of POHA?

पोहे (pohe) – Meaning in English पोहे सहसा धानापासून तयार करतात. … Poha, also known as pauwa, chira, or aval, Bajil among many other names, is flattened rice originating from the Indian subcontinent.

Is eating puffed rice good for health?

It’s a great combination of high fibre, protein and complex carbs. A healthy choice to satisfy cravings without sabotaging your diet that also gives a quick burst of energy. Puffed Rice is low in calories and enriched with extra vitamins and minerals.

What is the English word for GUD?

/gudha/ mn. gur uncountable noun. In Indian English, gur is the sweet juice of the sugar cane.

Do Japanese?

Syllable. The hiragana syllable ど (do). Its equivalent in katakana is ド (do).

Is Kai a Scottish name?

Kai is Scottish Boy name and meaning of this name is Fire..

What does Ka I mean in Hawaiian?

1. nvs., Sea, sea water; area near the sea, seaside, lowlands; tide, current in the sea; insipid, brackish, tasteless.

Is Qi a scrabble word?

Qi is defined as the vital force that is inherent in all things, according to Chinese thought. … It is a word you might be used to spelling chi, but the qi version has gained currency. Chi also denotes a letter of the Greek alphabet, so it remains valid in Scrabble.

Is Ae a word in scrabble?

Yes, ae is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Rao a scrabble word?

No, rao is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is Lai disease?

The tube leucocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay detects immunity to this putative antigen in individuals with Huntington’s disease (82%), multiple sclerosis (48%), other neurological disease (17%) and no neurological disease (16%).

What is the medical abbreviation for left?

L Medical Abbreviations – L

Abbreviation Interpretation
L left

What happened to Ha’s father?

Washington and the support of her family. In the beginning of the book, it mentions that Hà’s father, a soldier in the Vietnam war, was captured by the North Vietnamese Army when she was only a year old. In the end, Hà’s family figures out that unfortunately, her father had died while in North Vietnamese hands.

What grade level is inside out and back again?

A MUST Read For 9 And Up!

How do you pronounce ha in inside out and back again?

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