synonyms for immoderate

How do you use immoderate in a sentence?
Immoderate in a Sentence

  1. An immoderate amount of compliments was dished out towards the employer so that it seemed like the employee was simply trying to get a raise instead of speaking honestly.
  2. Ever since Frederick went to the casino in Las Vegas, he began an immoderate gambling hobby and can always be seen there.

What you mean by moderate?

1a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits a moderate drinker. b : calm, temperate Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in moderate language. 2a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension a family of moderate income. What is a solemn oath?
An oath is a promise. If you want to borrow your brother’s car, you may have to swear a solemn oath that you will bring it back unharmed. An oath is a solemn promise, sometimes made in front of a witness, or a vow in a court of law that you will tell the absolute truth.

What is another word for cleric?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for cleric, like: parson, priest, reverend, churchwoman, dissenter, religion, clergyman, preacher, clergy, imam and churchman. Is immoderately a word?

adj. Exceeding normal or appropriate bounds; inordinate: immoderate spending; immoderate laughter. See Synonyms at excessive.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the meaning of immoderately in English?

Meaning of immoderately in English in a way that is more than is usual or reasonable, or is too much : They see themselves as basically, even immoderately, good. My friend laughed immoderately at my predicament.

What do you mean by intemperance?

: lack of moderation especially : habitual or excessive drinking of intoxicants.

What does endeavored mean?

1 : to attempt (something, such as the fulfillment of an obligation) by exertion of effort endeavors to finish the race. 2 archaic : to strive to achieve or reach. intransitive verb. : to work with set purpose. endeavor.

What is a word for to much?

Synonyms: excessiveness, extravagance, fabulousness, overgoing, overcharge, ever so much, more than can be used, embarras de richesses (French), superfluity, inordinateness, vastness, prodigiousness, immensity, excess , overcompensation, overflowed, overcrowded, excessive.

What does languidly mean in English?

What is a moderate person?

Moderate is an ideological category which designates a rejection of radical or extreme views, especially in regard to politics and religion. A moderate is considered someone occupying any mainstream position avoiding extreme views and major social change.

What is moderate example?

The definition of moderate is something that is average, mild or within reasonable limits. … An example of moderate is a warm day that is neither hot nor cold. An example of moderate is someone in the middle of the political spectrum who is neither a strong Republican nor a strong Democrat.

Who were the moderates of India?

The Early Nationalists, also known as the Moderates, were a group of political leaders in India active between 1885 and 1907. Their emergence marked the beginning of the organised national movement in India. Some of the important moderate leaders were Pherozeshah Mehta and Dadabhai Naoroji.

What does primly mean?

Primly is defined as done in an excessively proper manner. An example of primly is walking stiffly such as in the sentence, She primly walked past everyone in her expensive new gown. adverb.

What is another word for solemnly?

Some common synonyms of solemn are earnest, grave, sedate, serious, sober, and staid. While all these words mean not light or frivolous, solemn suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity.

What does solemnly swear mean?

1 characterized or marked by seriousness or sincerity. a solemn vow. 2 characterized by pomp, ceremony, or formality. 3 serious, glum, or pompous.

What is a synonym for quarantine?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for quarantine, like: isolate, separate, segregate, seclude, put in isolation, place in quarantine, put under quarantine, ostracize, virus, interdict and detain.

What cleric means?

A religious official or member of the clergy is also known as a cleric. … Cleric comes from the Latin clericus, priest, and its Greek root klēros, inheritance or heritage. It shares these roots with clerk, a word that was originally a synonym of cleric but today more often means a person working in an office.

What is a church cleric?

Clerics regular are those bodies of men in the Church who while being essentially clerics, devoted to the exercise of the ministry in preaching, the administration of the sacraments, the education of youth, and other spiritual and corporal works of mercy, are at the same time religious in the strictest sense of the …

How do you use impertinence in a sentence?

Impertinence in a Sentence

  1. Nigel’s impertinence always irritated his teacher, who could never get him to respect her no matter what she tried.
  2. I have nothing but impertinence for a leader that hasn’t earned his position, as a mere title proves nothing.

What does Immodist mean?

: not modest specifically : not conforming to the sexual mores of a particular time or place.

What does the word disproportionate?

: having or showing a difference that is not fair, reasonable, or expected : too large or too small in relation to something. See the full definition for disproportionate in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What means Scepticism?

1 : an attitude of doubt or a disposition to incredulity either in general or toward a particular object. 2a : the doctrine that true knowledge or knowledge in a particular area is uncertain. b : the method of suspended judgment, systematic doubt, or criticism characteristic of skeptics.

What is an example of intemperance?

When someone isn’t able to temper — or moderate — his actions, he is at risk of intemperance. Your uncle shows intemperance when he yells furiously at everyone around him every time he feels angry, and your sister’s intemperance might come out in her terrible shopping habit.

What is a vanity person?

: the quality of people who have too much pride in their own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc. : the quality of being vain.

What is a catalytic event?

A trigger that causes a child to want to learn more or sparks their interest in learning.

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