A hypertonic solution has increased solute, and a net movement of water outside causing the cell to shrink. A hypotonic solution has decreased solute concentration, and a net movement of water inside the cell, causing swelling or breakage. What is being hypotonic?
1 : having deficient tone or tension hypotonic children. 2 : having a lower osmotic pressure than a surrounding medium or a fluid under comparison hypotonic organisms.

What is a hypertonic solution?

Hypertonic solution: A solution that contains more dissolved particles (such as salt and other electrolytes) than is found in normal cells and blood. For example, hypertonic solutions are used for soaking wounds. What is hypotonic in a cell?
In biology, a hypotonic solution is a solution wherein a cell exposed to it will eventually swell as the water molecules tend to enter the cell by passive transport. Compare: hypertonic solution, isotonic solution.

What is hypertonic in chemistry?

A hypertonic solution is a particular type of solution that has a greater concentration of solutes on the outside of a cell when compared with the inside of a cell. What is Isplasmolysis?

Plasmolysis is the shrinking of protoplasm away from the cell wall of a plant or bacterium. The protoplasmic shrinking is often due to water loss via exosmosis, thereby resulting in gaps between the cell wall and the plasma membrane.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Is hypotonic bad?

A cell whose cytosol is an extremely hypotonic solution compared to its environment will shrivel up, and is said to be plasmolyzed. This is almost always a bad state for cells, which need water for many chemical reactions. In the opposite situation, the environment can be a hypotonic solution compared to the cell.

What is hypertonic example?

A hypertonic solution is one which has a higher solute concentration than another solution. An example of a hypertonic solution is the interior of a red blood cell compared with the solute concentration of fresh water.

Does hypotonic shrink or swell?

A hypotonic solution causes a cell to swell, whereas a hypertonic solution causes a cell to shrink.

Is distilled water isotonic?

NaCl is isotonic to the red blood cell at a concentration of 154 mM. This corresponds with NaCl 0.9%. … Distilled water on the other hand is hypotonic to red blood cells.

What are the 3 types of solution?

Why is a solution hypotonic?

Hypotonic solution: A solution that contains fewer dissolved particles (such as salt and other electrolytes) than is found in normal cells and blood. Hypotonic solutions are commonly used to give fluids intravenously to hospitalized patients in order to treat or avoid dehydration.

Why do we use hypertonic solutions?

Hypertonic solutions, used to help reestablish equilibrium in electrolyte and acid-base imbalances, include electrolyte replacement solutions and parenteral nutrition solutions.

Why does urea cause hemolysis?

The consequence of this is that the effective osmotic pressure of a urea solution is lower than that of NaCl of the same osmolarity, and, as a result, the osmotic gradient across the cell membrane is increased, and water moves into the red blood cells via osmosis, causing the cell membrane to rupture and the cell to …

What is meant by osmotic?

(oz-MAH-tik) Having to do with osmosis (the passage of a liquid through a membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one). This causes the more concentrated solution to become diluted, and makes the concentrations in both solutions more equal.

What is isotonic in biology?

Isotonic solution: A solution that has the same salt concentration as cells and blood.

What are the 3 types of solution according to concentration?

Unsaturated: the solution contains solute, but less than its equilibrium point. Saturated: the solution contains just enough solute to reach its equilibrium point. … Explanation:

What is a type of solution?

The solutions are of two forms, depending on whether the solvent is water or not. Aqueous solution – When a solute is dissolved in water the solution is called an aqueous solution. … Non-aqueous solution – When a solute is dissolved in a solvent other than water, it is called a non-aqueous solution.

What are hypertonic hypotonic and Class 12?

When a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, the fluid from the plant cell comes out and cell shrinks, this phenomenon is called plasmolysis. (ii) Hypotonic solution A solution is called hypotonic if its osmotic pressure is lower than that of the solution from which it is separated by a semipermeable membrane.

What is the cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane. It is mainly composed of water, salts, and proteins. … All of the organelles in eukaryotic cells, such as the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, are located in the cytoplasm.

What is cell sap?

Cell sap is a fluid found in the vacuoles (small cavities) of the living cell; it contains variable amounts of food and waste materials, inorganic salts, and nitrogenous compounds. … Phloem, or sieve-tube, sap is the fluid carrying sugar from leaves to other parts of the plant in the summer. See also cohesion hypothesis.

What is Deplasmolysis 9?

Deplasmolysis: It means when the cell is placed in water or in the hypotonic solution, then the water molecules enter inside the cell and protoplasm of the cell returns to its initial state with normal turgor.. So, the correct option is option A. process of returning a plasmolysed cell into its initial stage.

What is isotonic urine?

Laboratory values in isotonic dehydration Urine volume will be decreased with low fractional sodium excretion and increased specific gravity. Isotonic dehydration can result in elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes and a decreased glomerular filtration rate.

What causes hypertonic?

The most common causes of hypertonic dehydration are diarrhea, high fever, and vomiting. These can lead to dehydration and a salt-fluid imbalance.

What is hypertonic urine?

Hypertonic solution is that solution in which water moves out by osmosis. So hypertonic urine is that urine in which water moves out from the urine. Since water moves out of the urine, so urine is concentrated and is called hypertonic urine.

What is hypertonic in simple words?

Hypertonic means that the environment outside of the cell has a higher concentration of solutes than the cell itself. That will attract water molecules from the cell leading to the shrinking of the cell.

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