Inclusive OR allows both possibilities as well as either of them. So, if either A or B is True, or if both are True, then the statement value is True. Whereas Exclusive OR only allows one possibility. So if either A or B is true, then and only then is the value True. What is an example of inclusive or?
Mathwords: Inclusive or. A disjunction for which either or both statements may be true. For example, the use of the word or in A triangle can be defined as a polygon with three sides or as a polygon with three vertices is inclusive. Either or both options can be true.

What is the difference between OR and exclusive OR?

xor is only true when either $x or $y is true, but not both (as the case for or ). xor means exclusive or. That is to say, it’s or, but with the single change that if both parameters to the operation are true, the answer is false. Is or always inclusive?
Short answer: Yes.

How do you use the word inclusive?

Inclusive in a Sentence

  1. The comprehensive insurance plan is inclusive of both medical and emergency cancellation policies.
  2. Because the hotel’s policies are inclusive, they apply to all guests.
  3. The all-inclusive packages include airfare, accommodations, meals, and activities.

What does or mean in logic?

Basic logic symbols

Symbol Name Read as
∧ · & logical conjunction and
∨ + ∥ logical (inclusive) disjunction or
↮ ⊕ ⊻ ≢ exclusive disjunction xor; either … or
⊤ T 1 ■ Tautology top, truth, full clause

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Can a person be inclusive?

The word inclusive means to include others or another. When inclusivity relates to people on an interpersonal level it means: Covering or including everyone. (This is non-discrimination or in its opposite discrimination.) Open to everyone : not limited to certain people.

Does nor mean AND or OR?

nor in American English (nɔr ) conjunction. and not; or not; and not either. ▶ USAGE: Used: a) usually as the second in the correlative pair neither …

How do you say someone is inclusive?


  1. all-embracing,
  2. all-in.
  3. [chiefly British],
  4. all-inclusive,
  5. broad-gauge.
  6. (or broad-gauged),
  7. compendious,
  8. complete,

What is the meaning all-inclusive?

By Kylie Morrow | February 9th 2021. An all-inclusive vacation is a vacation that includes all the essentials in the booking price. Besides accommodation, you can expect food, drinks, activities, and entertainment to be included, without having to pay extra for it.

What is an or gateway?

What is difference between XOR and OR gate?

Another way to explain an XOR gate is as follows: The output is HIGH if the inputs are different; if the inputs are the same, the output is LOW. The XOR gate has a lesser-known cousin called the XNOR gate. An XNOR gate is an XOR gate whose output is inverted. … Electronics Logic Gates: XOR and XNOR Gates.

Input A Input B Output
1 0 1
1 1 0

Is inclusive and exclusive are same?

Exclusive? Inclusive often means to be taken in, to include. Exclusive is many times means pushing something out of some sort of group, thus creating an element of specialness because of restricted entrance. Being inclusive is typically the opposite of being exclusive.

What does inclusive or mean in math?

Including the endpoints of an interval. For example, the interval from 1 to 2, inclusive means the closed interval written [1, 2]. See also. Exclusive, interval notation.

What is inclusive disjunction?

: a complex sentence in logic that is true when either or both of its constituent propositions are true — see Truth Table.

How do you use inclusion in a sentence?

Inclusion in a Sentence

  1. Only the best players will be selected for inclusion in the hall of fame.
  2. Since the group offers guaranteed inclusion, it’ll refund the fee if my website doesn’t appear in search results.
  3. The inclusion of the harp in the orchestra will enhance future performances.

Does mean and or or in math?

In mathematics, the word “or” means “one or the other or both”. … In other words, the statement is only false if “it will rain” is false and “it will snow” is also false. When one or both parts of an “or” statement are true then the whole statement is true.

How do you use or statements?

The OR function is a logical function to test multiple conditions at the same time. OR returns either TRUE or FALSE. For example, to test A1 for either x or y, use =OR(A1=x,A1=y).

What is the difference between and and/or in math?

The key difference is with or, x only needs to satisfy one of the inequalities. With and, x needs to satisfy both.

What does inclusive mean to you?

The definition of inclusive is something that does not leave any part or group out. An example of inclusive is a school that has students of all races and backgrounds. adjective.

What is inclusive behavior?

Inclusion is … A sense of belonging;Feeling respected, valued and seen for who we. Are as individuals; A level of supportive energy and commitment from leaders, and colleagues and others so that we-individually and collectively-can do our best work.

What is an inclusive attitude?

3 adj If you describe a group or organization as inclusive, you mean that it allows all kinds of people to belong to it, rather than just one kind of person., (Antonym: exclusive) The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be.

Is it neither nor or neither or?

Either/Or, Neither/Nor Either is always paired with or, and neither is always paired with nor. If you are matching either and nor, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing it wrong. Additionally, nor is generally not used where neither is not also used.

Is it neither or either?

Remember, neither is often used when both options are not acceptable. Either tends to be used in a positive way, when one option will be chosen. If you get confused with these two words, do not worry! People that have been brought up speaking English still get these wrong.

Can I use nor after not?

Use nor before the second or farther of two alternatives when neither introduces the first. Example: Neither my mother nor I understand these directions. Pro tip: You can also use nor with a negative first clause or a sentence including not.

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