Medical Definition of isoagglutinogen : an antigenic substance capable of provoking formation of or reacting with an isoagglutinin. What is isohemagglutination?
i·so·he·mag·glu·ti·na·tion Isohemagglutinins are antibodies against blood group antigens, usually of the IgM isotype. People with type O blood will have isohemagglutinin titers against both type A and B blood groups but those with type AB blood have neither. See also: isoagglutination.

How do you pronounce Isoagglutinogen?

  1. Phonetic spelling of isoagglutinogen. isoag-glu-tino-gen. isoag-glu-tino-gen. ī′sō-ăg′lōō-tĭn′ə-jən. iso-ag-glu-tino-gen.
  2. Meanings for isoagglutinogen. an antigen capable of causing the production of (or reacting with) an isoagglutinin.
  3. Synonyms for isoagglutinogen. agglutinogen.

What is the rarest blood type?
type AB In the U.S., the blood type AB, Rh negative is considered the rarest, while O positive is most common.

What is the best blood type and why?

Types O negative and O positive are best suited to donate red blood cells. O negative is the universal blood type, meaning that anyone can receive your blood. And O- and O+ blood are both extra special when it comes to traumas where there is no time for blood typing. What is the oldest blood type?

Blood type A is the most ancient, and it existed before the human species evolved from its hominid ancestors. Type B is thought to have originated some 3.5 million years ago, from a genetic mutation that modified one of the sugars that sit on the surface of red blood cells.

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