[′i·sə‚bath] (oceanography) A contour line connecting points of equal water depths on a chart. Also known as depth contour; depth curve; fathom curve. What is an Isobront?
: a line on a chart marking the simultaneous development of a thunderstorm at different points on the earth’s surface.

What is Isonephs geography?

: a line on a map connecting points that have the same average percentage of cloudiness. What is the Isobath interval?
Bathymetric charts are constructed from arrays of depth soundings by drawing a set of contour lines (or isobaths); each of which connects points of equal depth. … The difference between two adjacent contours is called the contour interval, which is 10 ft for the Figure 2-2 example.

What is Isonif?

Answer: A line on a map connecting places of equal snow depth. What is Isohaline in social?

Isohaline is an ‘imaginary line’ on a map that connects all points of the ocean with same salinity. Explanation: Iso means ‘same’ and haline means ‘salinity’.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is an index Isobath?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : an imaginary line or a line on a map or chart that connects all points having the same depth below a water surface (as of an ocean, sea, or lake) 2 : a line similar to an isobath indicating depth below the earth’s surface of an aquifer or other geological horizon.

What does Isogonal mean?

: an imaginary line or a line on a map joining points on the earth’s surface at which the magnetic declination is the same. — called also isogonal.

What is the purpose of Isohyets?

An isohyet is also known as isohyetal line, and it is a line on a map which connects points that have the same amounts of precipitation in a given period or for a particular storm. The method used in estimating average rainfall across a particular area is known as an isohyetal method.

What does Isotachs mean?

equal wind speed : a line on a map or chart connecting points of equal wind speed.

How do you spell Isohyets?

What is a neph?

Examples of neph- That principally means “a map or chart showing the distribution of types and amounts of clouds and precipitation at a given time.”

What is isodose?

: of or relating to points or zones in a medium that receive equal doses of radiation.

Who used Isodapane?

Alfred Weber Isodapane is a similar term to the geographical term isotherm. It was introduced by Alfred Weber. It means equal transportation cost, used in industrial and economic geography. It is a theoretical tool used to assist in finding the optimal location for industry.

What is Isobath What are the factors on which contour lines are based?

The contour interval depends upon the general topography of the terrain. In flat ground, contours at small intervals are surveyed to depict the general slope of the ground whereas high hills can only be depicted with contours at larger contour interval.

What is every fifth contour line called?

index contour To make topographic maps easier to read, every fifth contour line is an index contour. The index contour lines are the only ones labeled. The index contours are a darker or wider line in comparison to the regular contour lines. Elevations are marked on the index contour lines only.

What are the 5 Rules of contour lines?

Rule 1 – every point of a contour line has the same elevation. Rule 2 – contour lines separate uphill from downhill. Rule 3 – contour lines do not touch or cross each other except at a cliff. Rule 4 – every 5th contour line is darker in color.

What is Isoheight?

An isoheight or isohypse is a line of constant geopotential height on a constant pressure surface chart. Isohypse and isoheight are simply known as lines showing equal pressure on a map.

What are Isohyets and isobars?

Isobars are lines on a map showing places of equal pressure. Isotherms are lines on a map showing places of equal temperature. … Isohyets are lines on a map showing places of equal rainfall.

What is an Isarithmic map?

Use system of quantitative line symbols – show variation in elevation of surface above a given datum. Shaded Relief of Elevation. Satellite Weather Map. 850mb temperature map. In isarithmic mapping, the datum refers to a starting point for measurement, for example, mean sea level.

What is called Isohaline?

: a line or surface drawn on a map or chart to indicate connecting points of equal salinity in the ocean.

Which of the following is shown by Isohalines?

1. Horizontal distribution of salinity is shown by Isohalines which are imaginary lines connecting the areas of similar salinity. 2. Due to high temperature, areas on the equator have the highest salinity.

What causes a Halocline?

A halocline is also a layer of separation between two water masses by difference in density, but this time it is not caused by temperature. It occurs when two bodies of water come together, one with freshwater and the other with saltwater. Saltier water is denser and sinks leaving fresh water on the surface.

What is Isogonal mapping?

An isogonal mapping is a transformation. that preserves the magnitudes of local angles, but not their orientation. A few examples are illustrated above. A conformal mapping is an isogonal mapping that also preserves the orientations of local angles.

What is Isogonal transformation?

[ī¦säg·ən·əl ‚tranz·fər′mā·shən] (mathematics) A mapping of the plane into itself which leaves the magnitudes of angles between intersecting lines unchanged but may reverse their sense.

Is Agonic a word?

adjective Mathematics Now Rare. not forming an angle.

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